Re: Handling unpresented files with NSDocument

2016-08-03 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2016 Aug 03, at 07:56, wrote: > > can CoreData solve this? If you are using Core Data for other reasons, then you should consider using BSManagedDocument, and you should read the discussion of saving and copying “additional content”, (which would be your audio fi

App shows no windows; Developer ID lacks "entitlements"?

2016-08-09 Thread Jerome Krinock
One of my macOS Cocoa apps has maybe 1000 or more users. Since December 2015, three would-be users on macOS 10.11 have reported to me that my app will not open any windows. When they click File > New Document, nothing happens. All three of these people are power users who have a lot of stuff,

Re: App shows no windows; Developer ID lacks "entitlements"?

2016-08-09 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2016 Aug 09, at 11:31, Quincey Morris > wrote: > > Could it be that these people have GateKeeper disabled completely? Not sure > why that would lead to your odd behavior, but it might at least be a common > factor. That’s a good idea. I’ll ask them. > Regarding Sparkle, you do have th

Bug in 10.12 drawing glyph from labelFont or systemFont with bezier path

2016-08-11 Thread Jerome Krinock
If you create a font using -labelFontOfSize: or -systemFontOfSize:, then send it a -glyphWithName message, then pass the resulting glyph and the font to -[NSBezierPath appendBezierPathWithGlyph:font:], the resulting bezier path draws several horizontal bars instead of the expected character glyp

Re: Bug in 10.12 drawing glyph from labelFont or systemFont with bezier path

2016-08-15 Thread Jerome Krinock
I have a resolution to this subject which I posted here last week. My reported Apple Bug 27813593 works as expected and is not a bug. In earlier versions of macOS, in the System and Label fonts, the glyphs I was using had names, but in 10.12 they do not have names, and that is OK because glyph

Re: observeValueForKeyPath:... called too often in macOS 12

2016-10-17 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2016 Oct 14, at 23:08, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote: > > My app (macOS 12) observes a value in NSUserDefaults. Starting with macOS 12 > observeValueForKeyPath:… is called at the start of the program, although > nothing has changed yet. When the value actually changes, it is called twice.

Re: observeValueForKeyPath:... called too often in macOS 12

2016-10-18 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2016 Oct 18, at 19:32, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote: > > >> On 19 Oct 2016, at 02:00,Jerome Krinock : >> >>> On 2016 Oct 14, at 23:08, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote: >> >>> Also: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew or NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld just &

Re: programmatically tell when spotlight/mds is indexing

2017-03-18 Thread Jerome Krinock
To generalize your question, you want to reverse-engineer some other app to reveal some status information. I’ve had to do this a couple times. Watch in Activity Monitor and see if there is any transient process which coincides with the activity you are interested in. If you find one, there ma

Re: Help Indexing

2017-04-13 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Apr 13, at 16:46, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote: > > Hi, I am trying to create an Apple Help book … help buttons on the interface > trying to access specific pages using anchors, and these are not working. > > I generated an index using the "hiutil" command, and when I reran that and >

Re: Help Indexing

2017-04-17 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Apr 14, at 18:17, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote: > > In my Help Book, my working anchors use `id` instead of `name`. I forgot why. Example: 2.3.1  Testing Syncing in Smarky >NSLog(@"help: '%@'", what); >NSString *locBookName = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKe

Re: Help Indexing

2017-04-18 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Apr 18, at 01:22, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote: > > I switched them to “id"… > > I tried clearing the cache… > > … still no good. Sorry, I forgot to mention that Apple Help can be frustrating. I would try to determine if the .helpindex file which was produced by hiutil and copied to

Re: Help Indexing

2017-04-27 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Apr 24, at 18:29, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote: > > At this point, since it is really only one of these anchors to a page of help > anyway, I am thinking I will rework to name the files what I was previously > calling the anchors and just open the online help in a web browser, maybe an

Re: NSDocument autosavesInPlace and additional menu items

2017-05-04 Thread Jerome Krinock
On 2017 May 03, at 15:43, Quincey Morris wrote: > > If you can’t figure it out, there may be some IB magic in the File menu that > your XIB doesn’t have because it’s too old. Or maybe your predecessor implemented -menuNeedsUpdate:. I’ve been able to hack the document-based File menu by loopi

Re: NSDocument autosavesInPlace and additional menu items

2017-05-04 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 May 04, at 16:12, Eyal Redler wrote: > > If all fails I will probably do something along these lines. Can you explain > what you mean by "Or maybe your predecessor implemented -menuNeedsUpdate:"? > I'm not sure I follow… I'd assumed that since you were working on an “old app” and di

Re: How to validate Core Data attributes ? (example in official doc doesn't work)

2017-06-14 Thread Jerome Krinock
I’ve stuck it out with Core Data through several projects, but I *never* use Core Data’s validation because it usually raises exceptions as objects are being constructed, presenting inscrutable errors to the user. So I can’t explain why your validate is not getting called. But if you did fix i

Re: Release mode bindings crash and release pools

2017-06-16 Thread Jerome Krinock
Quincey is correct that closing of windows in macOS is a complicated, tricky process which may have edge case bugs. Also, although you mentioned invoking -bind: (also known as “manual” binding), you have not mentioned -unbind:. In complicated window controllers, I implement a -tearDownOnce meth

Re: Release mode bindings crash and release pools

2017-06-16 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Jun 16, at 10:35, Quincey Morris > wrote: > > it takes additional custom code (like in the joystick example) to implement > the other direction. At least, that’s what I’ve been saying for years, though > I don’t think I’ve ever found a developer who believes me. I believe you. I t

Re: help! (book)

2017-06-27 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Jun 26, at 08:36, J.E. Schotsman wrote: > > Hello, > > I still cannot get my help book anchors to work programmatically (using > NSHelpManager.shared().openHelpAnchor). For some reason, in my apps, I use the method which also passes the help book name, and it works for me, in Objec

NSDocument willPresentError(_:) in Swift 4 : Override not called

2017-06-29 Thread Jerome Krinock
I’m putting together a tiny demo project which subclasses NSDocument. It has two targets, identical Cocoa macOS apps except one is in Objective-C and the other in Swift. In the Objective-C target, I override -[NSDocument willPresentError:] like this: - (NSError*)willPresentError:(NSError *)er

Re: NSDocument willPresentError(_:) in Swift 4 : Override not called

2017-06-30 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Jun 29, at 23:37, Quincey Morris > wrote: > > You would get an error trying to declare the override if it did not have the > correct method signature. Yes, of course. To be honest, most of the time, I don't really *write* Swift. I throw some characters onto the screen and click “

Leak in NSDocument Edge Case

2017-06-30 Thread Jerome Krinock
It looks to me that, in the edge case where user clicks File : Duplicate and then enters a file path/name that already exists in the filesystem, so that Cocoa prompts to "Replace" or "Cancel", the new NSDocument object gets four (4) unbalanced retains, and therefore leaks. This is reproducible

Re: Leak in NSDocument Edge Case

2017-07-24 Thread Jerome Krinock
I filed a bug on this today: 33502122. > On 2017 Jun 30, at 14:53, Jerome Krinock wrote: > > It looks to me that, in the edge case where user clicks File : Duplicate and > then enters a file path/name that already exists in the filesystem, so that > Cocoa prompts to "Repla

Re: Stopping on a system call and determining open files?

2017-12-03 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Dec 1, at 21:54, Rick Mann wrote: > > Certificate Key (CK) The stack trace in your first post indicates that CK is more likely CommerceKit. For example: > On 2017 Dec 1, at 21:15, Rick Mann wrote: > > 5 CommerceKit 0x7fff5a62d858 -[CKStoreDAAPLibrary > _writePersistedSto

Re: Carbon -> Cocoa

2018-08-17 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2018 Aug 17, at 10:43, Andreas Falkenhahn wrote: > > On 17.08.2018 at 19:37 Casey McDermott wrote: > >> Of course, the C++ business logic doesn't need any changes. The concern is, >> how long will it last? > > Well, I'd guess that C++ is pretty future-proof. Swift is itself written in

Re: instantiating nib objects conditionally

2019-06-22 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
On 2019 Jun 19, at 21:35, Kurt Bigler via Cocoa-dev wrote: > I would like to be able to traverse the top-level object list in a macOS nib > without instantiating the objects. But I'd like to be able to get at the > attributes of each top-level item to decide whether to instantiate it, and >

Apple Notary Service returning false "Could not find the RequestUUID"

2019-11-02 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
I think this list still has a lot of Mac developers. Recently, and particularly today, Apple Notary Service has been returning false errors code 1519 “could not find the RequestUUID” responses to notification info requests which in fact contain good Request UUIDs. One short answer is to ignore

Re: Apple Notary Service returning false "Could not find the RequestUUID"

2019-11-02 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
On 2019 Nov 02, at 15:12, Jack Brindle wrote: > The Notarization system consists of two parts - the front end that our > scripts communicate with to request takes and get info, and a back-end that > actually does the notarization work. When we get that error, it is the > back-end that is down.

Re: Apple Notary Service returning false "Could not find the RequestUUID"

2019-11-02 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
On 2019 Nov 02, at 18:53, Jerome Krinock wrote: > I shall try to let it run overnight. Not needed. It finally “found” my Request UUID after 5 hours and 6 minutes, then produced “Success”, as usual, two minutes later. God help us. ___ Cocoa-

Re: Catalina scroll view issues

2019-12-29 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
Since installing macOS 10.15, I see blocks of empty text view lines or table view rows often when scrolling through many apps, including file browser windows in Path Finder ( and, for heaven’s sake, even in BBEdit. Conclusion: This is not “our” faults. Thank you, Eyal for submitti

Re: Catalina scroll view issues

2019-12-31 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
On 2019 Dec 31, at 00:34, Eyal Redler wrote: > I, for one, wasn't able to reproduce it on the 5 machines I was able to put > my hands on. Although I have not seen a *reproducible* case either, I have seen that it is much more likely to occur in text views with hundreds of lines or rows, so you

Re: Customizing the Notarization Workflow fails

2020-04-25 Thread Jerome Krinock via Cocoa-dev
After similar frustration with Xcode’s notarization, I scripted notarization using command-line tools, integrating it into my existing build/archive/codesign/ship script. This post explains how to script the notarization, and in the last answer someone open-sourced their script: https://stack