-[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSDictionaryController)

2010-04-26 Thread Jack Repenning
any other Tiger testers, troubled or not, so perhaps this is an SL->Tiger versionitis issue? But not-so-very-long-ago builds, from this same configuration, work for this tester, so that seems ruled out. Is Tiger simply not expected to grok Snow Leopard NSDCs? -==- Jack Repenning jack

Re: -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (NSDictionaryController)

2010-04-26 Thread Jack Repenning
tions would legitimately reach this confused state, and I certainly couldn't deny doing them. -==- Jack Repenning jackrepenn...@tigris.org Domain Administrator http://www.tigris.org ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com) Pleas

Wrong placement with -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:screen:]

2010-02-06 Thread Jack Repenning
example, if I create the window at (928, 887), it appears where I expect it, as nearly as I can tell by eye-balling the coordinates, but the reported [hiddenWindow frame].origin is (928, 55) in absolute terms. There's a band of 20 pixels or so with this completely disconnected behavior

Re: Wrong placement with -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:screen:]

2010-02-08 Thread Jack Repenning
rect, > for some definition of 'close to'. "For some definition of 'close to'" sure sounds like it might be the behavior I'm seeing, but I'm unfamiliar with "the so-called 'standard' and 'user' states." Can you hint me a bi

Windows on main thread always only sometimes?

2009-07-02 Thread Jack Repenning
t out first, but unfortunately every message in the archives matches "thread," due to the navigation links! If so, sorry.) -==- Jack Repenning jackrepenn...@tigris.org Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" __

Re: Problem with NSDecimalNumber truncating zeros

2009-07-06 Thread Jack Repenning
On Jul 6, 2009, at 1:35 PM, Eric Hermanson wrote: Because of the functionality I am trying to achieve, I need to know the difference between 22 and 22.00, Perhaps -[NSDecimalNumberBehaviors scale] will help? -==- Jack Repenning jackrepenn...@tigris.org Project Owner SCPlugin http

Re: cross-development Problems

2008-05-14 Thread Jack Repenning
ou know it's in Carbon.framework, check again your arrangements for making that framework available. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Coc

Re: Password entry dialog

2008-05-15 Thread Jack Repenning
On May 14, 2008, at 5:12 PM, Ron Aldrich wrote: Is there a public API for password entry dialogs? Or should I just roll my own? Perhaps NSSecureTextField would be what you want. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion fo

Re: How to handle bad certificate error in NSURLDownload?

2008-05-19 Thread Jack Repenning
e. Does NSURLDownload end up using OpenSSL to certify? In which case, it would run afoul of the problem that OS X OpenSSL ships with no CA chain. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for t

Re: Newbie Question re Allocation & Initialization

2008-05-19 Thread Jack Repenning
object already exists, it doesn't need to be alloc'ed (allocated as sufficient blank memory to hold the object) or init'ed (fixed up to actually be such an object). -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion

Re: connections and the nib lifecycle

2008-05-21 Thread Jack Repenning
window is loaded and bound). I think there's a change in behavior between Tiger and Leopard, but I think the change is within the undefined territory of the dox (and therefore legal, even if significantly troublesome to us programmers). -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Proj

Re: Cocoa Training....

2008-05-21 Thread Jack Repenning
On May 21, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote: so in the worst case trying the book can get more costly than not trying it :-/ OTOH, I really need one at home and one at work -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion fo

Re: ANN: Step by step introduction to programming with Cocoa

2008-05-21 Thread Jack Repenning
pying/copyWithZone: (that is, http://tinyurl.com/67r3nm) You must mean something different. Perhaps a public discussion area, sort of like MySQL does? For example, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/select.html -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin

Re: Still trying to refactor a category as a class

2008-06-13 Thread Jack Repenning
f you merely need a *different* controller, of a class you create which is a subclass of AppController. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Cocoa-d

Re: interface builder 3 question

2008-03-18 Thread Jack Repenning
f this "stay in sync" thing, I wouldn't feel so timorous. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835.8090 raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461 a

Re: interface builder 3 question

2008-03-18 Thread Jack Repenning
nd concision; thanks! -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835.8090 raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461 aim: jackrepenni

Re: Simple messages problem

2008-03-20 Thread Jack Repenning
on" (as you say, the spelling change is quite enough to make that distinction clear), but rather of the "justification" you're thinking of, compared to any other "justification" that anyone might ever define in any class that exists now or at any time in the futur

Re: Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-23 Thread Jack Repenning
's off by default, and earlier Macs don't have it. You'll probably have to learn the old way, "retain and release," which is unique to Objective-C. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 o

Re: Intercepting retain/release of object

2008-03-23 Thread Jack Repenning
ell you things that make sense (unlike retainCount), but if you have to do that, your code's too complicated -- you'll have to do it again and again, every time you make changes. Save yourself the trouble. Simplify. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc.

Re: Intercepting retain/release of object

2008-03-24 Thread Jack Repenning
releases are balanced within the class. Some objects explicitly provide a "close" method, or something of the sort, something that their users are responsible to call when they're done with the object, and the final autorelease goes there. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer

Re: Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-24 Thread Jack Repenning
management (whence you have to learn to trust a simple system for something that has always meant life-or-death, sweaty palms, and late night aggravation). -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.22

Re: Garbage collection - was Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-25 Thread Jack Repenning
tipage memory-management doc, but that's a bit more than "a *very* simple set of rules." -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835.8090 raindance: +1 877.326.23

Re: Garbage collection - was Beginner with Cocoa

2008-03-25 Thread Jack Repenning
age, I hereby provide the URL: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/Articles/mmPractical.html#/ /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004447 I'll even go one step further, and provide a "tiny" URL that won't get trashed by mail and archivers: http://tinyurl.com/3

Making a window fit its contents?

2008-03-30 Thread Jack Repenning
in the NSTextField, but not on the surrounding NSWindow or NSView. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835.8090 raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461 aim: jackrepenning

Re: Making a window fit its contents?

2008-04-02 Thread Jack Repenning
http://sheepsystems.com/sourceCode That is so unbeLIEVably cool! Works perfectly, only took about five minutes to grok and use. -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835

NSCondition easter-egg hunt

2008-04-03 Thread Jack Repenning
suspend at this point somehow, but how? <<<<<<<<<< Tmain: post prompt sheet, collect input, close sheet, load answers somewhere shared Tmain: wake up Tworker (and go on about your business) Tworker: wake up, grab the values, and go on about your business

Re: want to keep a main window still, not close

2008-04-08 Thread Jack Repenning
(BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)window as return NO; Well, you might have some more complicated determination that merely returning NO, but you get the idea. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the re

Re: NSString stringWithFormat woes

2008-04-08 Thread Jack Repenning
uot;%s-%i-%i-%f", asciiString, (int)firstDouble, (int)secondDouble, thirdDouble]; -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Coc

Making IB set maximum height but not width?

2008-04-09 Thread Jack Repenning
Is there a way to get Interface Builder to set a maximum height on a window, but not limit the width? I know some work-arounds, such as setting a max on both but making the max width huge, or enforcing it in the code, but is it doable as stated? -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: @dynamic and Programmatic Access to Setters

2008-04-17 Thread Jack Repenning
ly promises that someone else will; it's sorta like "@class", meaning "pretend you saw the definitions; trust me!" If you don't ever actually provide the definitions, then they never actually exist, and that of course turns ugly once you start trying to use them (

Re: @dynamic and Programmatic Access to Setters

2008-04-17 Thread Jack Repenning
he fact that you've set, saved, and seen again the tip name seems much more interesting. But I think you have no certainty that it was saved in the place you think it was? -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tig

Re: Subclassing

2008-04-18 Thread Jack Repenning
it. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com) Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments t

Re: horizontal sizeToFit of NSTextView or NSTextField

2008-04-19 Thread Jack Repenning
On Apr 19, 2008, at 8:31 AM, Manfred Schwind wrote: Now I want to be able to calculate the optimal width of the view so that the entire text is visible. This worked wonders for me: http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/message/cocoa/2008/3/31/202752 -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED

NSScrollView "autoscroll" while adding data?

2008-04-20 Thread Jack Repenning
do I? Because I went lookin' for the pieces to do that, and came up dry there as well! -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Cocoa-dev mai

Re: horizontal sizeToFit of NSTextView or NSTextField

2008-04-21 Thread Jack Repenning
ode _does_ work for a multi-line height, and does allow for correct wrapping, font changes in mid fly, multibyte characters, and all the rest. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion

Need a native guide through "Cannot remove an observer" woods

2008-04-25 Thread Jack Repenning
in our product for a long time, this is probably the first time on any stage that an SVNInfoUI and its associated SVNWCEntry have ever actually been dealloc'ed, so nearly any surprising thing might be true of them. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scp

Re: Need a native guide through "Cannot remove an observer" woods

2008-04-28 Thread Jack Repenning
observers there may be that change is happening? Why would redundant notification be a problem (other than perhaps performance, or possibly some obscure double-entry kind of response to the change, like adding up each value placed into an integer field)? -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Something like "validation," only not?

2008-04-28 Thread Jack Repenning
anging the display font. Is the "change the appearance" case buried somewhere in Validation, and where should I dig that I apparently missed? Or, if this is not "Validation," what is it and where do I read more? -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCP

Re: Cannot remove an observer ... because it is not registered as an observer.

2008-05-05 Thread Jack Repenning
n observer for... I also recently had a case of this message caused because my property, which was otherwise perfectly KVO-compliant, *also* had "willChange / didChange" stuff, so it was being excessively change-notified. Removing those (because the automatic notifications were suf

Re: Passing argument with different width due to prototype: warning

2008-05-13 Thread Jack Repenning
short)1234]; -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com) Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to t

Development workflows for signed code?

2008-12-09 Thread Jack Repenning
files, so that "codesign -v" no longer likes the bundle, it still seems to work. Is "codesign -v" the only (Leopard) thing that cares about all this? -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of O

Re: Development workflows for signed code?

2008-12-09 Thread Jack Repenning
tch my eye. -==- Jack Repenning [EMAIL PROTECTED] Project Owner SCPlugin http://scplugin.tigris.org "Subversion for the rest of OS X" ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com) Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments

controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Jack Repenning
t http://scplugin.tigris.org/svn/scplugin/trunk/ . The players are actually: "Controller": SCUIDaemonController+SubversionSupport "UI": several, but most illustratively NewGenericUI -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite

Re: controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Jack Repenning
On Feb 22, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Keith Duncan wrote: This would be a problem should the code base ever be compiled with GC support. Interesting point, that retain/release supports a lifecycle model (free-floating, self-managed object) that can't be supported by GC -==- Jack Repe

Re: controllers, delegates, retain, release ...

2008-02-22 Thread Jack Repenning
nts, this may be a long time -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600 Brisbane, California 94005 office: +1 650.228.2562 mobile: +1 408.835.8090 raindance: +1 877.326.2337, x844.7461 aim: j

disowning a bundle?

2008-02-23 Thread Jack Repenning
ted while key value observers are still registered with it." And often, following this, I get a BAD_ACCESS crash, which I assume is happening 'cause one of those observers tries to observe the now-deallocated object. So I want to deregister them, too (or perhaps "they" ar

Re: disowning a bundle?

2008-02-24 Thread Jack Repenning
On Feb 23, 2008, at 6:44 PM, Hamish Allan wrote: On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 2:25 AM, Jack Repenning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: In my -(id)initWithContext:, I [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"SCCommitUI" owner:self]. Among other things, this retains me a few times inside the bundle.

Re: disowning a bundle?

2008-02-25 Thread Jack Repenning
ep getting these answers that don't seem to match the reality of the code I'm looking at. Should it be loadNibbing from the (permanent, singleton) Controller rather than the (ephemeral, multiple) View? -==- Jack Repenning Chief Technology Officer CollabNet, Inc. 8000 Marina