Sincerely, I am coding under windows with Win32/Qt/Corba/Lua and others for a
living, I use MSDN every day, I read their example very often.
Well Qt has a very usable API and a good documentation and good examples and we
have access to the sources...
But on the Win32/Microsoft front, I don
>I admit, there are lots of people who don't mind dangerous
>programming environments. Some people even thrive on them. But me?
>I've had enough of the danger. I've lived my life on the edge long
>enough, and I'm ready for a nice, quiet language when it's available.
Stay with the M$ way
>denial of anything. Lowering the barriers to entry doesn't necessarily
>serve them or their consumers better, it serves new developers who see
>the iPhone as an opportunity but, obviously, there is no shortage of
>people wanting to take advantage of that opportunity, so I'm not sure
Something like this is standard :
- (id)init
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
cityArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"New York"
return self;
would wor
>with an empty NSArray (not very useful, since you can't add items to
>an NSArray). Then, you leak that allocated memory by setting cityArray
>to an autoreleased NSArray
In fact it is not leaking, it is just creating an object for nothing, it will
be released by the autorelease pool, than no
Le 21/05/08 à 19:03, "Clark Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Gérard Iglesias
>>>with an empty NSArray (not very useful, since you can't add items to
>>>an NSArray). Then, you leak
Le 23/05/08 à 15:26, "Ilan Volow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>IMHO Objective-C 2.0 looks like Apple's attempt to make Objective-C
>competitive with existing scripting languages, given the addition of
>the dot syntax for accessors and garbage collection changes.
No scripting languages, maybe