You need to build QuickLite against the 10.4 SDK too.
-Original Message-
Sent: vendredi 7 novembre 2008 09:52
Subject: Link error: _open$UNIX2003
I have developed a database base
You should derive your classes from NSObject, not from Object.
You normally don't have to #include .
Where did you find such an example?
The alloc method basically does a calloc of the appropriate instance size.
The init method of NSObject does nothing.
It's good practive to always call an init me
e la part de Michael de Haan
Date: mar. 11/11/2008 19:32
Objet : Re: RE : a newbie question
On Nov 11, 2008, at 9:21 AM, Etienne Guérard wrote:
> You should derive your classes from NSObject, not from Object.
> You normally don't have to #include .
You should use the highlighting provided by the focus ring.
-[NSView setFocusRinType:]
Message d'origine
I have a custom NSView subclass that contains, among other things, an
NSTableView and need to know when focus changes happen so I can
highlight the the view correctly. I
Did you take a look at IconServices GetIconRef() function using one of the
generic Finder icons constant?
Message d'origine
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Iceberg-Dev
Date: mar. 11/11/2008 17:36
Objet : How are we supposed to retrieve the generi
It might be that your application doesn't use NSApplicationMain() as the
program starting point.
This function is responsible for initializing stuff and loading the main
bundle's main nib file as specified in the Info.plist file.
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EM
NSApplicationMain basically does the following:
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"NSMainNibFile"] owner:NSApp];
[NSApp run];
-Original Message-
>It might be that your application doesn't use NSAp
Did you mean a cast to (CFDataRef) ?
-Original Message-
CFDataRef faxMsgData = (NSData *)[[self.faxHistoryItemDict
objectForKey:@"msg"] dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
I get the same warning with/without the (NSData *) cast.
You might want to do it this way:
- (void)createDirectoryRecursivelyAtPath:(NSString *)path
//check if the dir just above exists...
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL isDir;
NSString *directoryAbove = [path stringByDeletingLastPathCo
Try the following instead:
3: I call from another controller with the following:
NSApplication* app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[self application:app /* or NSApp */ openFileWithoutUI: totalFile];
-Original Message-
3: I call from another controller with the following:
As you pointed out, you have two kinds of relationship in IB: outlets and
>From a single object, you designate either an outlet object or a target object.
For the target case, you have to specify the associated action selector.
Usually though, you don't draw both kinds of connection from
The __CFXNotificationSendToServer symbol in the call stack means that you have
an NSNotification somewhere in your code that cause some plist serialization.
This is were I would look for trashed objects.
Some of your code function might not appear in a call stack for optimization
Also tr
See for
a discussion and a solution to this problem.
-Original Message-
While it is not my intention to support previous versions of Mac OS,
I'd like my users be informed politely that the latest OS version is
Did you look at -[NSScreen visibleFrame]?
"The returned rectangle is always based on the current user-interface settings
and does not include the area currently occupied by the dock and menu bar.
Because it is based on the current user -interface settings, the returned
rectangle can change betw
Did you read the documentation reference for NSWindow?
Posted whenever a portion of an NSWindow object's frame moves onto or off of a
Posted whenever the display profile for the screen containing the window
I started an AP use NSTask in my project ,when I loaded this AP,
thread count will be increased ,after sending apple event to AP ,
and AP will exit, but thread count can't decrease. If I used this
method load AP more times, thread count will increased, but there
was no problem on tiger, ju
I would use Shark to isolate the counterperformant part of your
On Dec 9, 2008, at 12:11 AM, Brad Justice wrote:
My application spawns a POSIX background thread that polls for
certain hardware changes. I have found that according to Activity
Monitor and BigTop it is consum
t 12:44 AM, Etienne Guérard wrote:
I started an AP use NSTask in my project ,when I loaded this AP,
thread count will be increased ,after sending apple event to AP ,
and AP will exit, but thread count can't decrease. If I used this
method load AP more times, thread count will increased, but
:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:arg1,nil]];
[theTask waitUntilExit];
when step "NSTask* theTask = [NSTask
launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:excuPath arguments:[NSArray
arrayWithObjects:arg1,nil]]; " end, a thread will added until main
thread exit.
Best Regards,
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