Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-27 Thread Dennis Lorson
Hi, I have a Core Data (single-doc) application in which I have a medium- complex object graph. In this application, a main entity (Image) forms the master part (they are displayed in a list), and this entity has several properties. I use an array controller to manage the Image selection, an

Re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-28 Thread Dennis Lorson
On 28 Mar 2008, at 20:24, Ben Trumbull wrote: The problem I'm having arises when selecting all images at once (Command+A), if they are fairly large in number (in my store: ~2000). This takes an enormous time that is definitely > O(n). Command-A should be instantaneous, even for selections 1

Re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-29 Thread Dennis Lorson
On 29 Mar 2008, at 06:08, Ben Trumbull wrote: On Mar 28, 2008, at 7:38 PM, Dennis Lorson wrote: On 28 Mar 2008, at 20:24, Ben Trumbull wrote: The problem I'm having arises when selecting all images at once (Command+A), if they are fairly large in number (in my store: ~2000).

Re: Core Data faulting and bindings: recursive KVO notifications?

2008-03-29 Thread Dennis Lorson
On 29 Mar 2008, at 06:29, Ron Lue-Sang wrote: There's also the controller attribute "Always Use Multi Value Marker" which will keep the controller from even looking at the property values of the selected objects as long as more than one object is selected in the controller. Of course, th