t a memory leak, and mentions
NSKeyedUnarchiver. The "retain" message in the initWithCoder makes me
Is this code leaking? Should I add an autorelease to the retain in
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@li
Doing the autorelease thing gave me an EXC_BAD_ACCESS too. And theData
is released in the dealloc method of MyObject.
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s situation?
I know this must be a very basic question, but I don't even know what
terms I should google to find out about it.
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For the archives: Joar's suggestion did the trick. Now it's all
working just the way I want.
Thanks to all those who thought about it.
On 2009-09-13, at 15:08 , Joar Wingfors wrote:
@class Bar; // <- Forward declaration of the Bar class
@interface F
, but I'd like to find an easier way if there is
one. At the least, I need to learn more about how these resizing
properties are supposed to work.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
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I've just been using NSXMLParser for the first time. Can Excel files
be saved in XML format? If so, would NSXMLParser be a possible
solution here?
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e scenes here. Is the
string actually being displayed as a subview of the text view?
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ich has been working just fine so far.
But now I'm reading through the "URL Loading System" docs, and
wondering if I should be using all the NSURLRequest stuff instead.
It's more complicated, so are there any advantages it wou
I'm using this code to read an array from a plist:
NSArray *data = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:[NSHomeDirectory()
The docs say this method returns nil when the file doesn't exist
(precisely: "Returns nil if the file can’t be op
27;s worth
I looked in the directory itself before running the code, and the
plist files weren't there at all.
If someone else gets the same result, perhaps they could file a bug: I
lack sufficient self-esteem to file on
On 2009-10-13, at 12:12 , I. Savant wrote:
Let me see if I understand what you're saying: You are expecting
there to be *no* PLIST files (and so, you expect to get nil) but are
getting an empty array?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-de
So it looks like arrayWithContentsOfFile: is returning an empty array
when file.plist doesn't exist.
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Hmm... I ran a similar code snippet in another project, and nil is
returned, as the docs say.
So the file must be created somewhere else. I'll find out where.
I'm glad the docs aren't wrong.
Cocoa-dev mailing
in it, and couldn't
reproduce the result either: nil was returned, just as the docs say it
should be.
So my self-esteem takes another hit; but that's better than losing
faith in scripture.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@
Appear: method, so I know it's being
Why won't this work?
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I'm doing this instead:
[self.updateButton setTitle:dateDisplay
and it works. But I'd still like to know why the other code didn't.
On 2009-10-27, at 12:43 , DKJ wrote:
I'm having a ridiculous amount of trouble changing the
visible during the download. Can someone point me towards a simple
PS: I've started reading the "Concurrency Programming Guide", but
that's going to take awhile. And for all I know at present, th
On 2009-10-29, at 0:30 , DKJ wrote:
- (IBAction)updateButton:(id)sender
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible
= YES;
[downloadIndicator startAnimating];
[[DataManager sharedDataManager] updateDataFiles];
[downloadIndicator stopAnimating
On 2009-10-29, at 7:05 , Alastair Houghton wrote:
You need to rewrite your code so that the download is asynchronous.
Would doing the NSOperationQueue thing with my updateDataFiles method
be OK? The docs (Appendix A of "Threading Programming Guide") lists
NSString as being thread-safe.
hold off the parsing
until the flag is set.
So how to start the parsing? The following seems rather amateurish:
while( !downloadFinished )
[self amuseTheUser];
[self startParsing];
I suspect there's a better way.
read's point of view, file2 is
being downloaded asynchronously too.
Am I on the right track here? If so, it sure would simplify
downloading all those files.
P.S. It's time for my semi-anual global "Thank You" to all those list
members who've responded to my queri
All of the files have to be downloaded before the app can do anything.
I get the connectionDidFinishLoading delegate method of my one and
only NSURLConnection to call a downloadFinished method at the end of
the synchronous downloads, so the app knows everything is in place and
can start pro
than 5 seconds, even with a completely synchronous download.
On 2009-10-31, at 19:01 , Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 6:50 PM, DKJ wrote:
I was worried that having a download connection for each file would
make it
more complicated for the app to know when they were all fin
On 2009-10-31, at 19:22 , Roland King wrote:
You can trivially use one delegate to manage both these downloads,
have them happen at the same time and only call downloadFinished
when both of them have finished, or if you have more than 2, all 3,
or 4 or 127 of them.
What would be the best
On 2009-10-31, at 19:34 , Roland King wrote:
. And why are you now talking about 4 NSURLConnections when you say
you have 2 files?
The 2-file example was a simplified case I posted when I was asking
whether the method would work. I actually have half-a-dozen or so data
files to download.
e method. But I don't see how to get it to do what I want.
Any ideas?
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egate method. But I don't see how to get it to do what I want.
Any ideas?
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sitioning the cursor in a UITextField? Perhaps
by manipulating a UITouch object?
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This may be the solution: a UITextView instead of UITextField, with
this in the delegate:
- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)textView
replacementText:(NSString *)text
if( [text isEqualToString:@"C"] )
NSString *newString = [textView.te
t do
it. And I can't seem to find any docs that list these codes.
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On 27-Jun-09, at 16:26 , DKJ wrote:
I'm using this method:
to let users put special symbols into a UITextView.
I detect the Return key by checking whether the input string is
equal to @"\n". But how would I detect the back-d
Event doesn't
have any info about keypresses.
I hope I'm missing something.
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y"? How would
one be added "indirectly"?
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Is this the right way to do it?
- (void)viewDidLoad
id myObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
- (void)viewDidUnload
[myObject release];
myObject = nil;
- (void)dealloc
[myObject release];
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lis
is still a Cocoa question.)
In the template code for viewDidLoad, it provides [super viewDidLoad].
But there is no corresponding [super viewDidUnload] in the template
code for viewDidUnload. Should it be there anyway?
Cocoa-dev mailing l
tions; but they will probably prevent
a lot more questions later on.
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. Then whenever I want to do something with
the variable, I do things like this:
NSInteger otherVar = [self.count integerValue];
self.count = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:0];
Have I finally got it right?
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t haven't found one yet.
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regardless; however, I'm very wary of
using it if neither the compiler nor the docs mention it.
What should I do with UIApplication in these circumstances?
(exit(0) seems a bit extreme.)
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
In this specific instance, I'm getting an intermittent infinite loop
in the simulator that I can't seem to reproduce. Definitely a design
flaw. So the termination was to be for debuggering purposes only.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa
On 6-Jul-09, at 11:48 , DKJ wrote:
I'm getting an intermittent infinite loop in the simulator that I
can't seem to reproduce.
Both on the simulator and the device, the problem unfolds like this:
The app goes into its loop and begins filling up all available memory
with somethin
On 6-Jul-09, at 13:35 , David Duncan wrote:
Are you building with the 2.2.1 SDK and running on the iPhone OS 3
simulator? Perhaps the other way around? Either way, it is not a
supported configuration (the simulator OS must always match the SDK
No, I'm using the 3.0 SDK.
he Base SDK setting in the Architectures
window of the project info panel, a second Architectures section opens
beneath it. (I guess this should really now go to the Xcode list.)
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
If you're in Victoria BC or its environs, and would like to join an
informal group of fellow sufferers, please contact me off-list.
(iPhone OS developers are also welcome, of course.)
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.appl
ddObject:[[[myClass alloc] init] autorelease]];
return self;
But this produces an NSInvalidArgumentException, with the message:
[NSMutableArray addObject:]: method only defined for abstract
I suspect I'm missing something simp
g is saved: didIt = 0.
I must be missing a step somewhere. I've been looking at "Archives and
Serializations Programming Guide for Cocoa", and finding it rather
bewildering. A nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
NSKeyedArchiver is now doing exactly
what I wanted to get done.
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I've got a UIView object that uses an NSDictionary. The UIView is
instantiated from a nib, so I initialise the dictionary in
awakeFromNib, since the initWithFrame: method is never called. Is it
appropriate to release this dictionary in the UIView dealloc method?
NSValues, using valueWithPointer:?
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does store the CGMutablePathRefs quite nicely,
although the compiler complains about it.
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ithout its
previous instantiation being released. But I'd sleep better having an
expert opinion.
On 18-Jul-09, at 7:59 , DKJ wrote:
I've got a UIView object that uses an NSDictionary. The UIView is
instantiated from a nib, so I initialise the dictionary in
awakeFromNib, sin
s for some blank buttons and insert them into the
toolbar items array?
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ing pressed? If so,
how do I restore the previous view? If not, how should I do it?
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;t call reloadData in the
tableview controller's commitEditingStyle or moveRowAtIndexPath
methods. (I tried doing it anyway, and got into trouble.)
Is there any way I can get the table to update as soon as the user
presses the Done button? Or even better, as soon as the row deletion
I've managed to create files with properties (1) and (2), but I'm
stuck at (3).
I've downloaded the Audacity application, but the best I can get from
it seems to be 12,000 Hertz. Other programmes I've tried (demo
versions mostly) won't let me set an absolute frequency.
equency. But as far as I can tell, any
sound that I want to produce has to use an audio file of some sort.
Have I missed something simple? If so, please point me to the right
place in the docs.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.
I'm having trouble with a subclass of NSView.
In the code below, the variable str is an NSString set to a constant
string when the view is initialised. During initialisation the NSPoint
variable click is set to 0,0.
When the view first displays, str is drawn correctly in the lower-left
On 9 Oct, 2008, at 13:27, Andy Lee wrote:
Are you retaining str when the view is initialized?
No, since it was set as:
str = @"x";
But your question made the penny drop: it was dict that needed
retaining. All works well
I've made an NSDictionary where the values are strings. Is there a
difference between setting a value as [NSNull null] and setting it as
@""? (I've been using the former.)
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple
I'd like to have something like this in my class:
@property(readonly) *NSArray myArray;
But I don't want any of the individual objects in the array to be
modified, so I'd like to return a copy of the array. Is there a way of
getting @synthesise to ensure this? Or do I need to write m
oops... of course that should have been:
@property(readonly) NSArray *myArray;
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On 12 Oct, 2008, at 08:56, Roland King wrote:
If however you don't want the caller to modify the properties of the
objects *in* the array, then unless those objects are immutable,
returning a copy of the array won't help you anyway. Remember an
array of objects is just an array of pointers t
Clicked: method found" compiler
warning. But is it the best way to do it?
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t could be causing this? Has it something to do with code completion?
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ldn't get both to display. So I'm still at a
loss. Can someone point me towards other documentation that might get
through the fog?
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where I expected it. But when I replace "bounds" with "frame", I get
That's the first puzzle. Maybe if I can understand what's happening
here, the other puzzles will be resolved too!
On 18 Oct, 2008, at 22:06, Jamie Hardt wrote:
Do make
The penny has finally dropped. Thanks to all for your help.
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Since mutable arrays and dictionaries expand as required when new
objects are added, when should one use -initWithCapacity: methods?
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I have a custom view in a window, set as an instance of MyView, and
connected to my controller as an IBOutlet theView. When I do this in
the controller's awakeFromNib method:
[theView lockFocus];
I get this error:
*** Assertion failure in -[MyView lockFocus], /SourceCache/AppKit/
On 20 Oct, 2008, at 08:59, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
Out of curiosity, why are you locking focus on a view in -
I'm just practising with views and animations.
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On 20 Oct, 2008, at 09:15, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
you do all your drawing in -drawRect:, and call -setNeedsDisplay: &
friends when you need to refresh part of the view.
Is this a good way of going about it? I subclassed NSView and defined
the properties border_colour, fill_colour, and pic. The
On 20 Oct, 2008, at 16:32, Graham Cox wrote:
What would you expect it to do?
Suppose I wanted it to draw lines in response to user input. Would I
put NSBezierPath methods in drawRect: and expose the relevant
properties in the subclass?
I'd like to put an image stored in a JPEG file onto a CALayer. It
seems that I do this by assigning a CGImageRef to its contents
property. But how do I get a CGImageRef from a file? Do I make an
NSData object from the file and do something with that?
On 21 Oct, 2008, at 08:51, Alex Heinz wrote:
then draw the NSImage to the CALayer
This is the bit I'm not sure how to do. I see a CALayer contents
property, but I can't assign an NSImage to that.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple
OK, I tried this:
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:fname];
CGImageSourceRef source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)url,
CGImageRef image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(source, 0, NULL);
theView.layer.contents = image;
Me again. I've been using this code:
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:fname];
CGImageSourceRef source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)url,
CGImageRef image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(source, 0, NULL);
Is there a quick way to get a CGContextRef for a CALayer? I don't see
anything obvious in the documentation for the CALayer class.
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I've got myView and myController objects in my nib file. myView is an
IBOutlet of myController. I put this in the initWithFrame: method of
CALayer *rootLayer = [CALayer layer];
[self setLayer:rootLayer];
[self setWantsLayer:YES];
But when I read myView's wants
That did the trick! Thanks.
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Is there some straightforward way of wrapping a CGPoint so I can put
it in an NSArray? I don't want to use a C array because I want to have
fast enumeration available. Or should I just write a simple NSPoint -
CGPoint conversion method?
I've just found NSPointFromCGPoint() etc,.
On 22 Oct, 2008, at 18:49, DKJ wrote:
Is there some straightforward way of wrapping a CGPoint so I can put
it in an NSArray? I don't want to use a C array because I want to
have fast enumeration available. Or should I just writ
On 23 Oct, 2008, at 11:26, Finlay Dobbie wrote:
I'm surprised nobody else has picked up on this - how is enumerating
an NSArray going to be faster than enumerating a C array?
I was referring to this:
for( TheClass *obj in TheArray ) {}
as fast enumeration.
Is there an easy way to provide a realistic shadow for a (non-
circular) layer rotating round the z-axis? (I know layer.rotateShadow
= YES is too much to hope for.)
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mean one that I can just copy from somewhere.) If not I'll
try to figure it out myself; but I don't want to re-invent the wheel.
On 24 Oct, 2008, at 18:11, douglas welton wrote:
On Oct 24, 2008, at 6:50 PM, DKJ wrote:
Is there an easy way to provide a realistic shadow fo
il when doing
3. Are sublayers retained when added to a superlayer? I'm assuming so,
since they're kept in an array. But then they should be released by
removeFromSuperView, so that shouldn't cause a leak.
Misprint in my last message:
[[MyCALayer alloc] init];
should be:
id mylayer = [[MyCALayer alloc] init];
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Thanks to everyone for the replies. I have one (hopefully last)
question (on this topic):
On 26 Oct, 2008, at 09:23, Clark Cox wrote:
As long as MyCALayer's dealloc is properly implemented (to release
foregroundColor, or set it to nil), you should never need to
explicitly do so in code that us
On 26 Oct, 2008, at 12:09, Clark S. Cox III wrote:
You must do both, otherwise you will leak.
I understand why I have to release the temp object, but why does it
leak if I don't set foregroundColor to nil as well?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Coco
I'm still puzzled. When I put this:
self.foregroundColor = nil;
in my layer's dealloc method, I get this error:
attempting to modify layer that is being finalized
But if I don't put that line in dealloc, Instruments doesn't detect
any leaks.
In the documentation, the foregr
briefly in the main view.
theView does have animation layers. Would this make a difference?
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On 28 Oct, 2008, at 06:54, I. Savant wrote:
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 9:23 AM, DKJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm having no luck getting a subview to display. In the
awakeFromNib of the
controller I have this:
helpView = [[MyView alloc] init];
NSView's designate
On 28 Oct, 2008, at 07:49, I. Savant wrote:
logging the view's frame each time it's drawn
This produces a strange result. The width of the subview's frame
increases by stages to that of the superview, but its height stays
constant at 14.0. All with nothing happening on the screen.
On 28 Oct, 2008, at 08:14, I. Savant wrote:
Do away with the animation logic for now. See if it
behaves as expected by setting the frames directly (without calls to
the view's -animator).
The subview appears for an instant, with its origin is in the centre
of the superview, filling the upper-
On 28 Oct, 2008, at 08:31, I. Savant wrote:
I'd turn off
all layers and make sure it's working normally without them.
Alas, after having the Help button method hide theView's CALayer,
there's still no sign of my NSTextView subclass.
Maybe I should just make my help info into a PDF file, a
On 28 Oct, 2008, at 08:55, DKJ wrote:
Maybe I should just make my help info into a PDF file, and display
that on a CATextLayer.
Oops, it's the contents property of a CALayer I was thinking of here.
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Coco
When I was but a newbie,
I heard a wise man say,
"When using CALayers,
Put NSViews away."
Yet I set a CALayer,
Then added NSView;
Now many hours later,
I wail, "T'is true, t'is true!"
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do no
When I did this:
myLayer.frame.size.width = rootLayer.frame.size.width;
I got an "illegal lvalue" error. But when I do this:
CGRect r = help.frame;
r.size.width = rootLayer.frame.size.width;
the compiler says nothing. Why can I use layer.frame.size on the right
of =,
It just clicked... no need for replies!
On 28 Oct, 2008, at 16:44, DKJ wrote:
When I did this:
myLayer.frame.size.width = rootLayer.frame.size.width;
I got an "illegal lvalue" error. But when I do this:
CGRect r = help.frame;
I'm probably missing something simple, but I don't understand why this
return (i == -1 ? [NSNull null] : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]);
(where i is an NSInteger) produces this warning:
"comparison of distinct Objective-C types lacks a cast"
(The return type of the met
Are there any other members of this list who live in Victoria, BC?
If so, and you'd be interested in starting some kind of informal
group, please contact me off-list.
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