Hi lists, I'm cross posting because this was already discussed in both
lists, sorry for that.
I'm looking the the Debug & Profile libraries that have been discussed
here http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2008/Mar/msg01098.html
and http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2
Hi Ben,
Can you be kind enough to explain how Apple frameworks do that ? (multiple
processes, single machine, one SQLite database)
I'm thinking of CalendarStore, AddressBook framework. Can you describe what is
the general idea behind those Apple frameworks?
Objective Decision Team
Hi !
I'm having strange crashes in my threaded core data application. Happy
WWDC is in few days!
Core Data multithreading basic rule is to avoid passing managed
objects across threads, and pass objectIDs instead.
To "synchronize" 2 mocs from 2 different threads (sharing the same
psc), I
Thanks for the explanation, I like when you have to bend the rules ;)
Objective Decision Team
On 29 mai 09, at 23:25, Ben Trumbull wrote:
On May 29, 2009, at 2:49 AM, Aurélien Hugelé wrote:
Core Data multithreading basic rule is to avoid passing managed
objects across
Are you sure you are not instantiating/creating/opening a connection
each time? are you really reusing the same connection?
Objective Decision Team
On 2 juil. 09, at 21:29, Kevin Brock wrote:
We've got an application that uses some NSConnection objects to call
between binaries
I think mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: does not work as most
people expect:
I have a mainthread and a subthread. My subthread updates a managed object
(change one of the property value) and save.
In the mainthread, I use [mainThreadContext
objects are definitely refreshed,
so why does NSRefreshedObjects key is not in the didSaveNotification ?
Objective Decision Team
Le 20 déc. 2010 à 06:49, Aurélien Hugelé a écrit :
> Hi!
> I think mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: does not work as most
> people
:49 PM, Aurélien Hugelé wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: does not work as most
>> people expect:
>> I have a mainthread and a subthread. My subthread updates a managed object
>> (change one of the property
Always use the async API.
For networking, there are *tons* of reasons to avoid your own threading (ie,
CPU -> battery consumption) when Apple does all that for your using their Async
API (and only one global thread to manage the network)
Look at the free WWDC videos from 2010, this is very well e
a solution?
Ben Einstein
On Mar 25, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Aurélien Hugelé wrote:
I encountered this very same problem with DO since Leopard.
I noticed that a large part of the DO backend has been rewritten
in Leopard.
If you know how to fix/reproduce the problem, I'll be glad to know.
See "DO problems" posted just few days ago.
Objective Decision Team
On 29 mai 08, at 00:39, Western Botanicals wrote:
Cocoa Experts,
Thank you for your time. I am having a problem with DOs.
I am working on this time clock system to track the timecards of
employees. The followi
I too find NSCalendarDate tremendously useful. The fact that it is
used (not to say necessary) in Sync Services let me believe it won't
be deprecated. I hope Apple won't ask 3rd party developer dto rewrite
their code using Sync Services ...
Objective Decision Team
On 18 août
I encountered this very same problem with DO since Leopard.
I noticed that a large part of the DO backend has been rewritten in
If you know how to fix/reproduce the problem, I'll be glad to know.
I suggest trying your program on a Tiger/Tiger configuration.. I'm
pretty sure it will
Hi list !
I have a subthread that sends to my main thread some objectIDs (of
objects it inserted in the same store (same PSC))
I have 2 MOCs, one per thread, sharing the same PSC (following advices
from the doc...)
In the main thread, using objectWithID: repeatedly on each objectID
sent b
It seems I was using temporary objectIDs, not permanent ones... It was
a nightmare with 10.4 because there was no way to get permanent
objectIDs... now we can, and I've been overlooking that problem ;)
Objective Decision Team
On 20 mai 09, at 12:03, Aurélien H
12:03, Aurélien Hugelé wrote:
Hi list !
I have a subthread that sends to my main thread some objectIDs (of
objects it inserted in the same store (same PSC))
I have 2 MOCs, one per thread, sharing the same PSC (following
advices from the doc...)
In the main thread, using objectWithID: repeatedly on
That's very clear, thanks for the explanation!
Objective Decision Team
On 20 mai 09, at 21:15, Ben Trumbull wrote:
In the main thread, using objectWithID: repeatedly on each objectID
sent by the subthread returns the object that was inserted in the
background thread. This is exac
Hi list!
In the documentation it is clearly stated that we should not trigger
change notifications in the *didSave* method of NSmanagedObject.
The willSave method is not very well described. In particular, can we
use setValue:forKey: (or trigger change notifications) inside it?
I usually d
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