Hi All,
Not a Cocoa problem as such, but not sure if there's a better list for
On Snow Leopard (using gcc 4.2), I'm getting a 'double free' error in
the guts of the C++ std::getline. The 'free' in question is being
performed by std::string::reserve. This happens any time I run
On 17/09/2009, at 2:42 AM, Jason Foreman wrote:
On Sep 16, 2009, at 5:41 AM, Aron Nopanen wrote:
On Snow Leopard (using gcc 4.2), I'm getting a 'double free' error
in the guts of the C++ std::getline. The 'free' in question is
being performed by std::string::reserve
I've noticed some odd behavior with NSNumberFormatterPercentStyle in
NSNumberFormatter (on Leopard 10.5.3). Attempting to translate an
invalid string to a number causes subsequent number-to-string
conversions to give invalid results. 'Invalid results' can be more
accurately defined
On 19/06/2008, at 7:21 AM, Nathan wrote:
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 4:41 AM, Michael Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wow, I'm another one just starting the same challenge...how many of
newbies are there working through Hillegaas at the moment?
/me raises hand.
I'm currently stuck on chal
Click the 'info' button on the main NIB window, and set the deployment
target appropriately?
On 22/06/2008, at 12:11 PM, Alex Wait wrote:
Is there any way to "quiet" Interface Builder about my using an Array
Controller and button styles not avaiable on all OS X versions?
It's extremely a
Your post sounds like a statement of fact more than a question, but I
assume you're wondering why you can't draw multiple ovals?
The view will be redrawn at various points, outside of your control,
and your drawRect: routine must re-draw all previously-drawn ovals
each time. This mean
This is a known bug which has been raised with Apple.
I think a workaround is to use the 10.0 compatibility mode, as
illustrated in the book...
On 20/07/2008, at 12:13 PM, Todd Heberlein wrote:
Hi all,
(Using Xcode 3.1)
I was working through Hillegass's latest book and chapter 8 has
I think the parens around the argument to stringWithFormat: are
causing the compiler to interpret the comma as a C comma operator,
which means the result of the first expression (your format string) is
ignored, and the result of the second expression ([array count]) is
treated as the result