I'm trying create a UITableView like the one Apple uses for composing
an email in its mail app. As far as I know, it is a UITableView with
UITextView for the mailmessage. There has been written a lot about
this topic yet, but I haven't found the solution for my problem. I
managed to only
Won't CSCopyMachineName do the job?
Op 12-jun-2009, om 8:24 heeft Gerriet M. Denkmann het volgende
On 11 Jun 2009, at 18:55, Graham Cox wrote:
On 12/06/2009, at 2:08 AM, Arun wrote:
Hi All,
Is there any API in cocoa which can be used to fetch computer name
which is
do you also use it across several classes?
Op 12-jun-2009, om 12:36 heeft Chunk 1978 het volgende geschreven:
maybe this coffee hasn't kicked in yet and undoubtedly there is a
simple solution, but i'm trying unsuccessfully to refactor some code,
and i'd like to set the following as a static or
you can use some methods of NSString, but I doubt wether NSString
performs well with really big string.
I once tried to work with the Unix tool 'grep' for searching
something in the iTunes Library xml file. That was amazingly fast!
You can use it in cocoa with NSPipe etc.
Op 13-jun-2009, o
In my app, I use several colors many times. I'd like to define them
in a separate file or class.
Is there another way to do this than:
#define kNiceBlueColor [NSColor colorWithRed: 20 green: 20 blue: 240
I would like a more obj-c style, like
you might:
* change the buttons programmatically every time.
* drag 2 UIBarButtonItems in your InterfaceBuilder file, set the
connections and the captions in IB. Then in XCode, you can change the
buttons by using
NSArray * topLevelObjs = nil;
topLevelObjs = [[NSbundle mainBndle] loadNibNam
Thanks everyone, I'll try your tips.
I almost don't dare to compare, but it's a lot more difficult than in
REALBasic to declare a global color. But on the other side... who cares?
Op 6-aug-2009, om 17:27 heeft Sean McBride het volgende geschreven:
On 8/6/09 8:38 PM, Graham Cox said: