Hi, All,
Unfortunately NSButton click is called when button is pressed, but not
when it is released. Therefore any timeconsumming process, executed on
the button click, will keep the button pressed. To avoid it I've
decided to use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: message. This
Hi, All,
I have a time-consuming procedure, and I'd like to show its progress.
I can't use multi-threading for some technical reason.
I'm looking for a way to update a progress indicator from this procedure,
As far as I understand my task is to cause message loop processing.
And my question is
On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 at 20:23:40 -0800 Quincey Morris wrote:
You might want to choose a different run loop mode, if you have
special requirements. NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode is sufficient to
allow keystrokes and mouse clicks to be processed, so that you can
have a UI (say, Esc key or button
Hi, All,
I have a project where a progress of NSTask is indicated through this
if ([self popup] != nil)
anObj = [self popup];
anObj = self;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:anObj
On 24.03.2010, at 12:48, Ken Thomases wrote:
You need to invoke -readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes: and pass an
array of modes which includes NSModalPanelRunLoopMode (or
NSRunLoopCommonModes, which includes NSModalPanelRunLoopMode by
Many thanks! Really I should look at that me
Hi, All,
Is there any notification or NSWindow delegate method, called
immediately after the modal window is shown on screen? It looks like
windowDidExposed doesn't come to a modal window. Is there any solution?
Cocoa-dev mailing list
On 26.03.2010, at 23:10, Fritz Anderson wrote:
On 26 Mar 2010, at 11:12 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote:
Is there any notification or NSWindow delegate method, called
immediately after the modal window is shown on screen? It looks
like windowDidExposed doesn't come to a modal windo
On 27.03.2010, at 12:48, Ken Thomases wrote:
I'm not really sure what you're asking for. A modal window being
shown on screen is not something that happens spontaneously _to_
your application, it's something that your application does. So,
whatever you want to do after the window is shown
On 27.03.2010, at 1:59 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:
I can't see how this is either correct or incorrect
from the point of view of OOP philosophy.
OOP involves encapsulation, separation of concerns,
polymorphism, etc.
"separation of concerns" is just the case.
I would say it's the other way around
On 27.03.2010, at 16:57, Ken Thomases wrote:
"separation of concerns" is just the case.
Except the timing does not impact on separation of concerns.
I'm not about timing. I'm just about code separation. Initialization
is a part of dialogue, so its window controller is the right place,
On 27.03.2010, at 19:39, Joanna Carter wrote:
Every window is "managed" by a Controller and it is from this
Controller that you can run any process you want, as well as
creating and showing a window.
This is correct of course, and this was just what I tried to reach
for. But I had to cal
On 27.03.2010, at 20:36, Ken Thomases wrote:
The app controller should just send a message to the window
controller asking it to do the whole thing. Then, the window
controller can create the window, initiate the process, and invoke -
runModalForWindow:, in whichever order it prefers.
On 30.03.2010, at 2:27, Lee Ann Rucker wrote:
Well, if you're using runModalForWindow: and relying on it to show
the window, it goes away before the method returns, so there is no
point in the code after show and before hide.
I understand it of course. I told about the window controller cl
Hi, All,
For some reason I need to do a job which NSWindow usually does, when
it redraws itself (AFAIU) - I need to find all its views, which have z-
order higher than my view, then get their bounding rectangles, unite
them, subtract from the window content view bounding rectangle and
On Friday, April 16, 2010 at 2:40 PM Norbert M. Doerner wrote:
NSView *rootView;
NSArray *mySubViews
rootView = [theWindow contentView];
mySubViews = [rootView subviews];
Thanks, it looks like I've found it. The only question is why Cocoa has no
Z-order term? I've read in the doc that it is i
Hi, All,
Am trying to debug an app, which crashes in 10.4 when I build it with
10.5 SDK and 10.4 deployment target, but works OK when is built with
10.4 SDK and 10.4 deployment target. All builds are performed in 10.5
I'm getting these lines in crash log:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libSystem.B.
On 18.04.2010, at 1:30, Jens Alfke wrote:
On Apr 17, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote:
*** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x209fa0 of class NSCFString
autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
Set a breakpoint at _NSAutoreleaseNoPool and start the app. That
On 18.04.2010, at 1:29, Jonathan Hess wrote:
On Apr 16, 2010, at 10:47 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:37 AM, Corbin Dunn
You can't control it in IB (short of removing the view and adding
it back in). But in code, you can just call -
On 18.04.2010, at 1:59, Ken Thomases wrote:
Run > Manage Breakpoints > Add Symbolic Breakpoint. Type the name
of the function to break on.
In general, you should familiarize yourself with the Xcode Debugging
Hi, All,
Here is a piece of code where I'm trying to customize the password
input box.
Nevertheless I can see nothing but generic icon and default prompt text.
The rights are assigned and my helper tool is working correctly.
The problem is just in the interface customization.
Could anybody tel
Hi, All,
I have a need to read some data from a local socket, which serves for
IPC. And data may come very quickly, so (AFAIU) inner socket buffer
might overflow, so a portion of data might be lost. I don't see a way
how to define an inner system buffer size, so the only I can is to do
On 09.11.2011, at 0:50, Scott Ribe wrote:
On Nov 8, 2011, at 9:54 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote:
I have a need to read some data from a local socket, which serves
for IPC. And data may come very quickly, so (AFAIU) inner socket
buffer might overflow, so a portion of data might be lost
On 09.11.2011, at 19:25, Scott Ribe wrote:
I'm not arguing the OP isn't seeing data lost, just that it cannot
be happening the way he thinks it is if he's using any normal
networking calls.
Thanks to everybody for your useful comments!
My local socket is opened in the client process just a
Hi, Everyone,
In my Cocoa app, I use file saving by drag&drop into Finder window
(Desktop is one particular case). I'm trying to do it just as docs
tell me: I use namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination message to
create a list of files being saved (one file at least) then I create
and w
Hi, All,
I'm rather new in Cocoa development, so I have some misunderstanding after
API manuals reading. In particular I have a popup panel, opened by a button
click in the main window:
- (IBAction) btnClick:(id)sender {
[popupPanel showWindow];
I'd like to launch some process (no matter
27;d like to show an alert box after popup panel closure. How
to intercept the window closure event? I have no idea.
Best regards,
- Original Message -
From: "Graham Cox"
To: "Alexander Bokovikov"
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 6:13 PM
Hi, All,
Perhaps my question is stupid, but this is my first Cocoa project, so
I'll try to ask. I've noticed that my main window controller (usually
named AppController) is never freed. I don't know where it is
allocated, but suppose it happens somewhere within NSApplication. All
other wi
Hi, All,
Does anybody know how could I define default help window width?
I've created a navigation menu, which is too wide for default window,
so horizontal scrollbar appears.
Or should I adjust my help design to the existing help window default
Hi, All,
Browsing the console log I've found that my app raises an exception,
when it is launched in Mac OS X 10.4. I built it in 10.5 with 10.4 as
a target setting. I didn't see any problems there. The exception is
caused by unsupported selector calling [NSString boolValue]. I've
On 22.01.2010, at 20:50, Keary Suska wrote:
I would put my money on bindings. It shouldn't be too difficult to
isolate the issue with the debugger.
I've created a category and set a breakpoint within this method. Call
stack leads me to NSApplication applicationWillFinishLaunching method,
On 24.01.2010, at 1:12, Kyle Sluder wrote:
You should turn on zombies and run your app in the debugger on 10.4.
Could you please describe it more particularly, as it's not clear for
me what should I do exactly. Should I transfer all my sources into
10.4 OS? Or should I use Terminal to run
On 24.01.2010, at 14:08, vincent habchi wrote:
Under XCode, you select 'run with performance tool' -> 'zombies'.
This will launch your app with the 'zombie instrument' attached,
that will signal you if you app tries to message a released entity.
I'm sorry, but I don't see "zombies" item wit
On 25.01.2010, at 19:14, James Montgomerie wrote:
I think you're on a wild goose chase here - the most likely
explanation to me is that something somewhere is deliberately
calling -[NSString boolValue] (and it may not be 'your' code - I
wouldn't put it out of the realms of possibility that
I've written a subclass of NSView, which draws a NSImage, as the
background. All is working, but the only problem is in different
behavior on different Macs / OS versions. Here is the drawing code:
@interface BGSkinView : NSView {
NSImage *bg;
BOOL isLeo, isSnowLeo;
itVersionNumber is
incremented by an integer amount for 10.x releases and by a fractional
amount for 10.x.x releases.
On Feb 15, 2010, at 1:26 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote:
I've written a subclass of NSView, which draws a NSImage, as the
background. All is working, but the only pr
Hi, All,
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I don't see an evident answer...
I need the subj, but don't see appropriate NSWindow method... Am I missing
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Cocoa-dev mai
On 25.02.2010, at 15:17, Ariel Feinerman wrote:
there is of the matter is that -setAspectRatio: sets the window`s
aspect ratio, but when window has been loaded from nib and not
resized yet, its size is taken from "content size" that was written
in IB with it own aspect. Then when window ha
On Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 5:57 PM Ariel Feinerman wrote:
You calculate view`s aspect from it size, but I mean content frame (not
window frame) from constant aspect, for example 4/3, then set size.
I don't understand what is the problem. Isn't "my" 422/674 ratio not a
constant? What is
Hi, All,
Perhaps it's my misunderstanding, but I can't activate window title
when I apply
[mainWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]
to main app window in the "performDragOperation" drag&drop handler.
The content is dropped into the window, and window goes to the top of
screen, but its title
On 28.02.2010, at 17:48, jonat...@mugginsoft.com wrote:
Try scheduling it for the next iteration of the run loop.
[mainWindow performSelector:@selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:)
withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
I tried it too as well as
performSelectorOnMainThread:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(i
On 28.02.2010, at 17:48, jonat...@mugginsoft.com wrote:
Try scheduling it for the next iteration of the run loop.
[mainWindow performSelector:@selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:)
withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
It looks like I've understood why it is not working. Here is the
message descript
On 28.02.2010, at 17:48, jonat...@mugginsoft.com wrote:
Try scheduling it for the next iteration of the run loop.
[mainWindow performSelector:@selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:)
withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
Really the problem was not in the scheduling but just in the scope of
the message
On 28.02.2010, at 22:38, Andreas Mayer wrote:
Hm. You don't?
Just dragging should not switch the focus to another application.
What do you have in mind? Is it incorrect to create such behavior? My
app is a player. Dropping file into it I'd expect its activation. Am I
wrong? Without activ
Hi, All,
I'm sorry for an offtopic, so I'm writing just to close the thread.
On 02.03.2010, at 7:37, Andy Lee wrote:
If I feel my app should come forward in both cases I do think it
should be okay to implement it that way, but there *is* precedent
for not activating the app.
I'd even say,
Hi, All,
I'm trying to create a NSView descendent which could draw a custom
bitmap background and which could contain other subviews (like labels
and buttons) . The problem that all goes perfectly unless controls
will change their state or any another event will cause my view
Hi, All.
I have a table view in the "main" window, where it works fine. And
have yet another very similar table view in a popup modal panel. where
it fails immediately after panel is closed. Debugger shows subj, as
the failure point. In both cases dataSource for table view is assigned
On Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 10:11 PM Fritz Anderson wrote:
1. You don't say what "fail" means. A crash?
What error code? What stack trace?
EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Assembler call stack view shows line next to the subj call.
OS X 10.5.8 Never tried it in 10.6.X
2. This is all moot, because, as the
On Thursday, March 11, 2010 at 10:29 PM Corbin Dunn wrote:
Break on objc_exception_throw.
Could you explain it? What does it mean?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comme
On 11.03.2010, at 23:25, Corbin Dunn wrote:
I've done what was told there. No difference. I just get
EXC_BAD_ACCESS in XCode status line and debugger's call stack list
- [NSTableVie
Hi, All,
Maybe it's a dummy question, but I can't find a way to share some ObjC
classes with several XCode projects. I've created a set of Cocoa classes (.h
and .m files) What I'd like to get is the ability to write something like
I don't want to distribute these classes, as
Thank you, Jesse, but just a couple of points to clarify:
Static library linking with ObjC class, most likely could be done
successfully by only adding -ObjC and -all_load to the "Other Linker
Flags" in the build configuration.
Is this option applicable to library project settings or to a proj
hould I add a path
to them to avoid the necessarity to add this path to every new XCode project
Thank you.
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Christensen"
To: "Alexander Bokovikov"
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: How to share Cocoa cl
Hi, All,
I'm rather new in XCode and Cocoa, so maybe it's my misunderstanding. Am I
correct in my understanding, that I need to select 10.4 SDK in XCode project
menu to create an application, compatible with both Tiger and Leo? I've got
few errors in compilation when I choose 10.4 SDK.
Hi, All,
I have no idea of how to remove an action or an outlet from
AppController object, once added. For example, I've created
appropriate modules AppController.h and .m, then wrote necessary code
lines to declare an action stub and/or outlet. Then I open IB and drag
necessary objects,
On 18.07.2009, at 11:51, Chase Meadors wrote:
IB should sync with it's relative Xcode project if they are both
open. Are you actually saving changes to the AppController source
files after you edit them?
As I wrote, when I opened IB for the first time, "Actions" panel
already had "AppC
On 19.07.2009, at 18:05, Graham Cox wrote:
Delete the actions/outlets from the source file, save, and in IB
they'll show up with a yellow colour and a 'x' in the list views
(right-click on the target object to show the HUD view of the
connections). Then clicking the yellow x deletes the ph
I'm sorry, if it's offtopic here, then please tell me, what should be
correct list.
The problem is the next. I'm working on a Cocoa app, playing Flash
content from a specially structured files. The problem with SWF
playback is (as I believe) is resolved by movie loading from memory
On 19.07.2009, at 19:11, Graham Cox wrote:
So, have you tried what I suggested?
Right-click on the target object that you've changed *in the main
view*. In the HUD window that pops up, look for yellow text with a
'x' button. Click it to delete. This should update what you are
seeing in t
Hi, All,
I'm writing a simple (in GUI) application, where NSDocument is not
used. I use NSOpenPanel to get a file name, then process file and
close it. There is no UI, related to file, where NSDocument could help
significantly. At least I believe so.
My problem is that Recent menu is empt
On 20.07.2009, at 21:47, Graham Cox wrote:
... and use a menu delegate to update the menu from this.
This is just what is unclear for me, as I'm still learning Cocoa :)
Do you have in mind that I must:
1 - create an outlet, pointing to "Open Recent" menu item
2 - create an outlet, pointing
On 20.07.2009, at 23:13, Ali Ozer wrote:
You probably want to call this when you open a doc, or revert, or do
"save as..." (if you have any of these commands in your app, of
Das ist fantastisch... 8-( )
[[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController]
On 21.07.2009, at 4:07, Kelly Keenan wrote:
Have you figured out what is going on here? If not, can you please
file a bug and send me the bug number? If possible, it would be
really handy to have a very simple project with this same problem.
OK, I've found a time to recall what and how I
On 21.07.2009, at 12:20, Graham Cox wrote:
Setting the name automatically when you set the class is a
convenience, but equally you can change the name to make it clear to
you what the object is. The name has no effect on anything.
I can agree, but the bug is, that I can't correctly change
On 21.07.2009, at 13:19, Graham Cox wrote:
I don't make up controllers as I go along in IB - they always pre-
exist in code and I just use IB to, er, build the interface.
I'm not against of the above. I can agree with your approach,
moreover, it's an approach, described in Cocoa classic boo
Hi, All,
This is my first attempt to deal with Cocoa container class, so I have
some unclear points. I've found one of many tutorials here:
where it is said, among other, that NSTableView items may be filled
out like this:
- (id)tabl
On 23.07.2009, at 11:52, Graham Cox wrote:
BTW, watch out for a potential buffer overflow in getString(...),
this is the sort of thing viruses readily exploit.
OK, thanks, though I'd like to ask, if it's not a big offtopic, how
viruses can exploit my internal function? I can it understand,
On 23.07.2009, at 12:55, Marco S Hyman wrote:
On Jul 22, 2009, at 11:38 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
My warning was of a very general nature, and may not apply to your
app. But every time you declare buffer space as a stack array, you
should mentally consider whether a buffer exploit might be pos
Hi, All,
So, I'm continuing :)
I've connected my NSTableView with AppController (in IB) setting
AppController, as NSTableView's datasource. Then I've added a couple
of methods to the AppController to implement NSTableDataSource protocol:
- (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableVi
On 23.07.2009, at 21:25, I. Savant wrote:
Is your "myTable" outlet connected to the table view?
I'm fool... :( sorry... I was pretty sure it is, but really it isn't.
Also I was sure that BAD_ACCESS exception should occur if not
initialized outlet is used to send a message to.
Fixed it
Hi, All,
In my app I have a timer, created in the awakeFromNib and living until
the app terminates. And I have some problem when I close the
application. Here are my code snippets:
- (void) awakeFromNib {
processingTimer = YES;
timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTime
On 25.07.2009, at 18:48, Dave Keck wrote:
First off, your object's -dealloc is never going to get called,
because NSTimers retain their targets.
If so, then where should I "dealloc" everything, I created in the
awakeFromNib? I believed that dealloc will be called when my
AppController wil
On 25.07.2009, at 19:56, Scott Ribe wrote:
If so, then where should I "dealloc" everything, I created in the
awakeFromNib? I believed that dealloc will be called when my
AppController will be released. But you say it is never released.
what should I do?
In dealloc, as you do now. But
On 25.07.2009, at 21:29, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:
Your original post said you're trying to do this at quit, but you
can't rely on any object being sent -dealloc at application quit
time. Do your cleanup in applicationWillTerminate:, either as the
app delegate or by registering for the notif
Hi, All,
I'm trying to create a simple switch button, showing something like
"Show blablabla >" / "< Hide blablabla" depending on the state of
"blablabla". I've found that it would be most suitable to use rounded
textrured button and change its title, image and image position in the
On 26.07.2009, at 16:31, Brandon Walkin wrote:
There's a typo in your image names. Use NSGoLeftTemplate and
NSGoRightTemplate ("Go" instead of "Co").
I'm so sorry! I was just blind and used Cmd+C too often... sorry.
Cocoa-dev mai
Hi, All,
I'm trying to color my table's rows depending on some value, returning
from a function like this:
int GetState(int rowIndex);
I've searched around the Net and the only clear way I've found is to
set my AppController, as a tableView delegate and respond to the message
- (void)tab
Replying to myself:
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn
The function above works perfectly, but the problem reason was in the
incorrect receiving of the selected r
Hi, All,
In my app I have a table, populated by some periodic procedure,
working on a timer. At the same time I need to add a cell editing
capability. But periodic updating procedure calls [tableView
reloadData], which resets the cell editor, if it is active.
Therefore I need to stop this
Hi, All,
As soon as I have no replies, I will try to reduce my problem scope...
As far as I can see now, there are no suitable messages/notifications
in standard Cocoa classes, which could serve, as notifiers of the cell
editor session start/stop. I've found a code snipped, showing, how to
Hi, All,
I'm sorry for flood, it's all is pretty new for me, therefore I do too
many mistakes...
Here is, what I'm trying to do:
- (id) windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow *)sender toObject:
(id)anObject {
MyTitleEditor *ed;
if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[NSTextFie
Hi, All,
To whom is may be interesting:
As I wrote initially, my problem is that the table is updated on a
timer, so cell editor was cancelled automatically, as the timer fires.
First I started to seek for a solution to learn about cell editor
appearing / hiding events. And that was very h
Hi, All,
Maybe it's a stupid question, but I can't find a solution... I'm
dragging files from my app to desktop. All goes OK, but file icons are
located one exactly above another if I'm dragging many items. As a
result, few extra clicks on desktop are required to be able to split
these ic
Hi, All,
I've found that [NSURL fileURLWithPath] doesn't convert such symbols
as "+" into URL-encoded format. It only converts blanks into %20. As a
result, such path, as _CS_DARWIN_USER_DIR, will not be converted into
a valid URL. Is there any method or function here to produce a valid
On 31.07.2009, at 11:51, Dave Keck wrote:
Check out CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(), and note that
CFURL is toll-free bridged with NSURL.
Just have tried it. No difference. I've used:
surl = CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
On 31.07.2009, at 14:02, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
Why do you think that's not a valid URL?
It's because another code (Flash plugin) doesn't want to work if I
provide a path (as a part of URL), containing "+" characters. At
least I don't see other reasons, why the same function work
On 31.07.2009, at 14:57, Dave Keck wrote:
I'm confused:
NSLog(@"%@", CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(nil,
CFSTR("http://www.example.com?a+b & c = d"), nil, CFSTR("+=&"),
That doesn't do what you want?
I've misunderstood. It was said "do it yourself" in the p
Hi, All,
Hope this is not an offtopic here...
I'm quite new in Mac world, and one of essential differences from
Windows, which I've noticed, is how Preferences changes are applied.
Unlike to usual Windows GUI, preferences are applied instantly on Mac,
i.e. just as user changes a value. The
On 31.07.2009, at 23:09, Daniel DeCovnick wrote:
Correct in practice, although the principle is more that preferences
shouldn't be that onerous to change back to how they were. The lack
of needing to click "Apply" helps here too: since each change is
reflected instantly, if something goes
Hi, All,
I can't find how I could change the focus ring color, for example, of
NSPathControl. The IB only lets me disable it. Is the color defined by
the color scheme hardly?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
On 01.08.2009, at 4:42, Joel Norvell wrote:
You didn't say what objects you are drawing, so I should add this
caveat: I'm not sure what variations, if any, would be induced by
generalizing my approach to NSCell objects.
OK, maybe I provided not so clear problem description. I have
On 31.07.2009, at 21:41, MATSUMOTO Satoshi wrote:
I want to do this programmatically.
The direct answer to this question is very easy - it's impossible.
Why? Take a look here:
Nevertheless, if I understand it correctly, you ne
On 02.08.2009, at 0:14, Joel Norvell wrote:
If your object is always the First Responder, that would account for
its focus ring always being redrawn.
As I've tested it with the code samples from your links, it's NOT the
first resonder. I don't see any drawings if I surround the drawing
Hi, All,
It's my first attempt to assign a popup menu to a view, so perhaps my
question is stupid, but I can't find an explanation in the Apple's
docs... The "Key Equiv." field is grayed, and don't see any obvious
solution to activate it. I've created a menu, associated it with a
view, as
On 03.08.2009, at 15:56, Graham Cox wrote:
... because the point of contextual menus is that they have a
context (the click location) which activating them from the keyboard
doesn't provide.
OK, nothing to do here, but notice, that Dad Bill (unlike to Dad
Steve) :) uses another approach
On 03.08.2009, at 17:45, Graham Cox wrote:
the view may have many objects any of which could be the menu's
target - only the click location can tell you which one,
Can't agree. If we setup a control, as capable to have keyboard focus,
then, activating this control, we activate all hierarch
Hi, All,
I can't understand why, but target path is not changed when I click on
NSPathControl's popup panel. The control shows the same path, as was
chosen earlier. I can click "Choose..." item and NSOpenPanel will
appear, where I can choose a new directory, and these changes will be
On 03.08.2009, at 19:00, Graham Cox wrote:
There's much more to life than controls.
Completely agree. But I don't like to say that _every_ popup menu
_must_ have keyboard shortcuts. I'd just like to say, that it would be
good to give such possibility to the coder.
But back to your quest
On 03.08.2009, at 20:58, Alastair Houghton wrote:
If the options in question are useful enough to merit a keyboard
shortcut, then they're useful enough to appear in the application's
main menu hierarchy. If not, then they aren't.
I'm sorry, but as I can see now, main menu shortcuts are al
On 04.08.2009, at 6:56, Graham Cox wrote:
On 04/08/2009, at 3:52 AM, Alexander Bokovikov wrote:
I'm sorry, but as I can see now, main menu shortcuts are also
gray... I can delete them but I can't assign them. Why? I've
created controller actions and have connected action
On 04.08.2009, at 12:43, Graham Cox wrote:
The shortcut item always does look grey however - you have to select
it and type the desired shortcut - it's not a normal text field.
Understood! My thumbdown to whom designed that screen... Probably I
could yet find a way how to do it if I would
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