I never ran the checks so deeply, I just codesign the app and never had
spctl --verbose=4 --assess --type=execute MacPass\ 0.7.3.app
MacPass 0.7.3.app: accepted
source=Developer ID
Only type=open fails, which is something I never thought about, can anyone
point me towards how to fix t
The mice where all connected via USB. No wireless mice where used or tested.
Connections where:
Mouse - MacBook
Mouse - Dell Hub - MacBook
Mouse - Apple Keyboard - Dell Hub - MacBook
Checking the Trace in Instruments reveals that the scrolling via mouse wheel
get processe
At this point I am comfortable eliminating the mouse as an issue for you. You
are right, mouse wheel processing is different. It came into the system well
before the trackpad support. I believe macOS is in the second or third
generation of trackpad support, with the last change adding gesture an