Xcode Cocoa Windows

2017-04-13 Thread LAURENT Charles
Hello, My question concerns Xcode Interface : the choice between 1 window and storyBoard The book Apress copyright 2017 macOS Programming for Absolute Beginners Wallace Wang still creates projects using the choice between 1 window and storyB

Re: Xcode Cocoa Windows

2017-04-13 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 13, 2017, at 03:04 , LAURENT Charles wrote: > > How to proceed next to get a single window ? Delete the storyboard, then create a new file for your project. In the file-type dialog, choose Application from the UI section, and you’ll get a XIB file like the one that the templates us

NSProgressIndicator indeterminate

2017-04-13 Thread Tom Doan
I've been using determinate NSProgressIndicators for years and those seem to work fine. I recently added a indeterminate one for a particular operation. On first (and second and third) takes, I thought it wasn't working. Then I looked *really* closely and found that there actually is a *very* s

Re: NSProgressIndicator indeterminate

2017-04-13 Thread Tom Doan
> On Apr 13, 2017, at 13:35 , Tom Doan wrote: > > > > the indeterminate one has an almost imperceptibly lighter > > medium-dark moving over medium-dark. > > This suggests you have set your system appearance to Graphite instead > of Blue (in System Preferences -> General), and it may well be that

Help Indexing

2017-04-13 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hi, I am trying to create an Apple Help book. It is working if I choose the help option from my application's Help menu, but I have some help buttons on the interface trying to access specific pages using anchors, and these are not working. I generated an index using the "hiutil" command, and

Re: Help Indexing

2017-04-13 Thread Jerome Krinock
> On 2017 Apr 13, at 16:46, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote: > > Hi, I am trying to create an Apple Help book … help buttons on the interface > trying to access specific pages using anchors, and these are not working. > > I generated an index using the "hiutil" command, and when I reran that and >