In Swift, I'm using a custom Formatter subclass on a NSTextField (in a table)
in IB. The textfield value binding is bound to a property of my model class.
This property is a typealiased Int. I would also like to use KVC validation for
this property, so my model class overrides
If I take a "subdata" of a memory-mapped (NS)Data, does it stay mapped (i.e.
use a range and reference)? Or does a full copy get made? I'm thinking of
making a parser be a sub-parser too, and this would make the difference between
scanning the next megabyte or the rest-of-file (even if it's giga
On 26 Feb 2017, at 1:35 pm, dangerwillrobinsondan...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yeah but even with OSAKit, to implement a language you need to link to Carbon
> and use deprecated Carbon calls.
I think you'll find that most (if not all) the calls you need to use are no
longer marked as deprecated.