> On 17 Jul 2016, at 07:48, thatsanicehatyouh...@me.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Sanity check here. I have this code:
> NSURL *rootURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/"];
> NSLog(@"%@", rootURL, [rootURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent]);
> Based on the NSURL documentation:
>> If the receiver’s
Hi Dave,
I’ve noticed the following behaviour:
In an XCode Text Window (or any text editor type App), do this:
Click and Hold the Left Mouse Button
Type a character on the keyboard(Nothing happens)
Release the Mouse (The Char
On Jul 17, 2016, at 6:30 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
> It might be a mishandling of the two sorts of rot URL. If you try feeding in
> this URL manually:
> file://localhost/
> and removing the last component, what do you end up with?
That just treats it as a file called "localhost" in th
> On Jul 17, 2016, at 6:49 AM, thatsanicehatyouh...@me.com wrote:
>> It might be a mishandling of the two sorts of rot URL. If you try feeding in
>> this URL manually:
>> file://localhost/
>> and removing the last component, what do you end up with?
> That just treats it as a file
On 17 Jul 2016, at 14:06, Dave wrote:
> My question is, do the keyboard and Mouse Down Events come in pairs, so that
> the following would/should not occur:
No. KeyDown happens when the key goes down, KeyUp happens when they key comes
back up. Likewise with MouseDown and MouseUp, and they
After converting some parts of my project to Swift, I've run into some problems
with my tests.
The first problem was where an app (not test) function, in Swift, was iterating
over an NSArray of instances of a Swift class, because that array was generated
by Objective C code. It was throwing an
> On Jul 17, 2016, at 5:30 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
> It might be a mishandling of the two sorts of rot URL. If you try feeding in
> this URL manually:
> file://localhost/
> and removing the last component, what do you end up with?
import Foundation
let url = NSURL(string: "file://loc