Re: Core Data concurrency during import of folder contents

2015-02-03 Thread Dave Fernandes
NSPersistentDocument is not designed to work with “modern” features like private queue MOCs. So I expect you are going to be playing whack-a-mole if you go this route. I just switched to Mike Abdullah’s BSManagedDocument. It is like UIManagedDocument, but for OS X. If you don’t have any customer

Re: Core Data concurrency during import of folder contents

2015-02-03 Thread Steve Mills
On Feb 3, 2015, at 06:51:35, Dave Fernandes wrote: > > NSPersistentDocument is not designed to work with “modern” features like > private queue MOCs. So I expect you are going to be playing whack-a-mole if > you go this route. I just switched to Mike Abdullah’s BSManagedDocument. It > is like

Re: Core Data concurrency during import of folder contents

2015-02-03 Thread Jerry Krinock
> On 2015 Feb 03, at 08:02, Steve Mills wrote: > > On Feb 3, 2015, at 06:51:35, Dave Fernandes > wrote: >> >> Mike Abdullah’s BSManagedDocument. > > Too bad it always saves as a package Actually, that’s an advantage, because flat files do not play well with the new Write Ahead Lookup (WAL)

documentClassForType:typeName is dynamic type instead of my declared type

2015-02-03 Thread Steve Mills
I'm setting up my document types and exported UTIs in my Info.plist. (The main type is a package, if that matters.) The Save dialog correctly shows my type at the top of the Type popup, it saves it with the correct extension, and Finder shows that it's a package, not a folder. But when I drag &

Re: documentClassForType:typeName is dynamic type instead of my declared type

2015-02-03 Thread Quincey Morris
On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:07 , Steve Mills wrote: > > (The main type is a package, if that matters.) The Save dialog correctly > shows my type at the top of the Type popup, it saves it with the correct > extension, and Finder shows that it's a package, not a folder. But when I > drag & drop the fi

Re: documentClassForType:typeName is dynamic type instead of my declared type

2015-02-03 Thread Steve Mills
On Feb 3, 2015, at 14:49:43, Quincey Morris wrote: > > 1. Because this is a package, the UTI must be declared to conform to >, not Bingo! Thanks so much for that, and I've deleted the other non-used keys. -- Steve Mills Drummer, Mac geek __

Re: Job postings at Cocoa mailing list

2015-02-03 Thread Claudio M. E. Bastos Iorio
Thanks everyone for you help. Sorry if this was already discussed, and since apparently we have the moderators paying attention to this thread.. could you guys confirm if it is OK to post job openings in this mailing list or not? Thanks in advance. On Tuesday, February 3, 2015, Chris Hanson wrot

Re: dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue() UI weirdness

2015-02-03 Thread Nivek Research
> Rarely do I suggest performSelector: but it happens to work here. I’d love to > know more about why dispatch doesn’t work so well however. It is only a slightly educated guess, but I suspect it is because the UI is queuing work as well. Running under Instruments shows a number of activities

Re: About the Bundle creator OS Type code

2015-02-03 Thread Patrick Benton
interesting. apparently creator codes were respected up to OS X 10.6 (although depreciated) but it looks like it no longer is used. (unless people still run OS X 10.5 or lower??) On Sep 19, 2014, at 3:54 AM, Graham Cox wrote: > > On 19 Sep 2014, at

Bordered vs borderless print precision

2015-02-03 Thread
Hello everyone, I’m hoping someone has seen this before and might know what to do about it: I’m printing a grid. My app gets the size of the paper from an NSPrintInfo object; no problem there. It calculates how far apart the grid lines should be; no problem there. If I print my grid on a border

Re: Binding to selection of NSArrayController

2015-02-03 Thread Marek Hrušovský
This sounds like that selection from nstableview is not properly linked. Make sure that selectionIndex (or something similar) from table is linked to arraycontroller On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Jonathan Taylor <> wrote: > Hi all, > > I feel this should be a very

Re: Revert almost working

2015-02-03 Thread Marek Hrušovský
Reverting means that new model is loaded into ORIGINAL window (windowDidLoad / awakeFromNib aren't going to be called because the window already exists). Make sure you hook your delegates in readFromData:ofType:error: or revertToContentsOfURL:ofType:error: Mind that your IBOutlets might not exists

Reg : Code Complexity Tools

2015-02-03 Thread JanakiRam Palepu
Hi All, I’m looking for code complexity tools for my Objective-C and Swift projects. Can any one shed pointers on these. Regards, Janakiram ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comment

Re: best way to implement unlock features in app

2015-02-03 Thread Akis Kesoglou
If you want some kind of control on the user experience, you can use PotionStore[2] to build the online-store and CocoaFob[1] to integrate with your app. I haven’t used them myself, but judging from the code they seem to be simple enough to use and take most of burden off of yourself. [1] https

blank screen on iOS simulator for Apple Watch

2015-02-03 Thread Tibor Hanis
I try to do my first Apple Watch app. When i run it in the IOS simulator is just a blank screen, even if i have just an empty new project i just have a blank screen in the simulator. Thanks, Tibor ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

blank screen in iOS simulator for Apple Watch

2015-02-03 Thread Tibor Hanis
I try to do my first Apple Watch app. When i run it in the IOS simulator is just a blank screen, even if i have just an empty new project i just have a blank screen in the simulator. Thanks, Tibor ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (

StatusBar in searchController and searchResultsController problems : iOS 8

2015-02-03 Thread
Hi, here is my problem, will be glad if anyone can provide some help. In my AppDeleagate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method i have a method [self configureUINavigationControllerStlyle]; which configures the status bar and all the navigation bar appearance of my app (I have UINavigationCont

what methods are called when the user taps with two fingers in UITextView?

2015-02-03 Thread Adelmaer J
I'm trying to figure out what methods are called when the user taps with two fingers in UITextView? When the user taps with two fingers in UITextView, the whole text in a paragraph is selected. Want to implement automatic paragraph selection on single Tap in my App, but can’t figure out how to do

Re: Rearranging NSOutlineView via drag-and-drop

2015-02-03 Thread Akis Kesoglou
> But in my app, whether an item has children or not can affect which icon > appears beside it in the list. Unfortunately, reloadItem: doesn't request a > view, which would call the function that assigns icons, nor can I figure out > how to ask the outline for the view after my delegate creates

Re: About the Bundle creator OS Type code

2015-02-03 Thread dangerwillrobinsondanger
> On 2014/09/19, at 19:08, Patrick Benton wrote: > > interesting. apparently creator codes were respected up to OS X 10.6 > > > > (although depreciated) > > but it looks like it no longer is used. (unless people still run OS X 10.5 or > lower??) Hmm

Re: Bordered vs borderless print precision

2015-02-03 Thread dangerwillrobinsondanger
Borderless or edge to edge printing relies on providing content that is designed to extend beyond the page. This is because calibration of paper feed is imprecise on the best of printers. It's nowhere as precise as the DPI/PPI used. Professional offset printing prints the exact size on larger p

Re: Job postings at Cocoa mailing list

2015-02-03 Thread Michael Crawford
I am building an employer and consulting client link list which is absolutely free of charge - and always will be: The Global Computer Employer Index This is different from a job board in that I expect you to post your job openings on your own site; I