> On 2014 Nov 21, at 19:09, Rick Mann wrote:
> In an OS X app I have an NSTableView that binds to an array of Job objects.
> I'd like to have a checkbox column that the user can check that indicates the
> "active" job. There should be only one of these. Is there a way to bind the
> value of
This library is designed to work with 3 implementations of Foundation with as
few changes as possible: Apple’s Cocoa (No CFRunLoop-to-NSRunLoop conversion),
Cocotron (built with CFLite, designed their NSRunLoop as toll-free bridged
class) and GNUstep (CoreFoundation, optional and not installed b
On Nov 22, 2014, at 1:27 AM, Richard Charles wrote:
> Perhaps it is just me, but it is not uncommon for my source file to have many
> more methods than what is in my header. So for me it is not the replicated
> code in the header file that is a negative but rather it is being forced to
> defin
Another really good thing to do is to run the static analyzer in Xcode, and pay
attention to whatever warnings it emits.
> On 21 nov 2014, at 19:05, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> Thank you, all, I’m going to turn on GuardMalloc, Zombies and the likes.
> -Laurent.
> --
> Laurent Daudel
> On Nov 22, 2014, at 03:17 , Jerry Krinock wrote:
>> On 2014 Nov 21, at 19:09, Rick Mann wrote:
>> In an OS X app I have an NSTableView that binds to an array of Job objects.
>> I'd like to have a checkbox column that the user can check that indicates
>> the "active" job. There shou
If your data model allows for Jobs knowing about the active job, I think it'll
work to bind the checkbox to something like this:
self.dataModel.activeJob == self;
and use keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: to trigger updates to
isActiveJob when dataModel.activeJob