NSPDFPanel accessory view validation

2014-02-14 Thread jonat...@mugginsoft.com
NSPDFPanel can display an accessory view. Is there any way to validate the accessory view input prior to closing the panel? In my case the user can can specify that a password should be required when opening the resultant PDF. I want to prevent the panel closing when the password requirement ha

Display selectd sub-menuItem in NSPopUpButton

2014-02-14 Thread Leonardo
I have filled my NSPopUpButton with menu and submenus. When I select a menuItem on the root menu (so, not a sub-menuItem), it propery displays the menuItem selected. And when I re-click on the popUp button, I get the selected menuItem under the mouse. But if I select a sub-menuItem, it doesn't di

OpenCL Basic Programming Question

2014-02-14 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
I am trying to build the Basic Programming Sample in: I have myKernel.cl: __kernel void squareq( __global float*

PDFPage init methods not called

2014-02-14 Thread jonat...@mugginsoft.com
PDFPage has two declared initialiser methods: - init - InitWithImage:(NSImage *)image When creating a PDFDocument with -initWithURL: neither of the above are called on my PDFPage subclass. A bit of digging reveals that what is called is the undocumented: - (id)initWithPageRef:(id)pageRef This

Re: Display selectd sub-menuItem in NSPopUpButton

2014-02-14 Thread Keary Suska
On Feb 14, 2014, at 5:02 AM, Leonardo wrote: > I have filled my NSPopUpButton with menu and submenus. > > When I select a menuItem on the root menu (so, not a sub-menuItem), it > propery displays the menuItem selected. And when I re-click on the popUp > button, I get the selected menuItem under t

Re: Display selectd sub-menuItem in NSPopUpButton

2014-02-14 Thread Leonardo
Thank you Keary. In the meantime I dismissed that NSPopUpButton and put a simple button + a NSTextField aside. They look as a group. When I click on the button I create on the fly a NSPopUpButtonCell and pop it up with performClickWithFrame: Then when the user selects a menu item, the menu item inv

Re: Changes in -performSelectorOnMainThread: from iOS 6 to 7?

2014-02-14 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 12 Feb 2014, at 1:29 PM, Rick Mann wrote: > I think you misunderstand my question. I know about the new concurrency > types. I'm not interested in that. I want to know why my old code works > better on iOS 7 than 6. Given that the new concurrency method goes back a couple of years (iOS 5),

Re: PDFPage init methods not called

2014-02-14 Thread Antonio Nunes
On 14 Feb 2014, at 15:09, jonat...@mugginsoft.com wrote: > PDFPage has two declared initialiser methods: > > - init > - InitWithImage:(NSImage *)image > > When creating a PDFDocument with -initWithURL: neither of the above are > called on my PDFPage subclass. > > A bit of digging reveals that

Re: Display selectd sub-menuItem in NSPopUpButton

2014-02-14 Thread Leonardo
Hi John, Thank you for the code. I suppose I missed something because it doesn¹t work as expected. I did: I created a popUpMenu on IB and put it on the window and connected to the outlet popUpButton. I connected the popUp outlet to the delegate¹s action popUpButtonAction. I created a menu with a

Re: Changes in -performSelectorOnMainThread: from iOS 6 to 7?

2014-02-14 Thread Rick Mann
performSlectorOnMainThread still exists. Although I'm re-writing my app from the ground up, I'm posting an interim release which will continue to use this approach. The behaviors between the OSes are different, and I was looking for some indication as to why. On Feb 14, 2014, at 11:32 , Fritz A