Hello All!
I need to implement NSTextView descendant similar to one used in Mac iMessages
I have implemented live resizing, but how to set resizable image as its custom
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Some parts of the UI of an application I'm working on are WebViews. When the
mouse is over html/text displayed in these web views the user can display the
inline word / dictionary popup by pressing command-control-d (or by using a 3
finger gesture).
Is there a way to prevent the dictionary popu
Also, Xcode's built-in "Analyze" menu item might catch some of those.
-- Uli Kusterer
"The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere..."
On Feb 13, 2013, at 10:36 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 19:50:29 +0800, anni saini said:
>> Can anybody know how
I wrote a -deepCopy method as part of a protocol on the common collection
classes. It does a respondsToSelector: and calls -copy if it doesn't. So as
long as my collection views cover all collection classes to create a new
NSArray etc. containing copies of the same objects, it mostly works. Down
What NSKeyedArchiver probably does is have a dictionary that maps the original
object pointer values to the copied objects. So instead of just straight-out
copying an object, it does:
NSString* theKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%p", theOriginal];
id theCopy = [objectCopies objectForKey: the
On 14 Feb 2013, at 02:07, James Maxwell wrote:
> I've run into a situation where I really need a deep copy of an object. I've
> implemented this using Apple's recommended approach with
> NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver, and it's nice, simple, and functional. But it's
> also pretty darn slow -- as
On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:57 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
>> Your question prompted me to try to design an analog of NSKeyedArchiver,
>> NSCode, and NSCoding that would generate the new object graph on the fly as
>> it went instead of producing a data o
On Feb 14, 2013, at 4:11 AM, Vyacheslav Karamov wrote:
> I need to implement NSTextView descendant similar to one used in Mac
> iMessages App.
> I have implemented live resizing, but how to set resizable image as its
> custom shape?
AFAIK, custom text box geometry is really a function of NSText
I've used Core Data a ton in apps since it was introduced on iOS. I've also
used NSFetchedResultsController quite a bit and I've helped others with their
Core Data code.
One thing to keep in mind is that Core Data uses exceptions internally as part
of its normal operation. If you break on excep
On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Vyacheslav Karamov wrote:
> Hello All!
> I need to implement NSTextView descendant similar to one used in Mac
> iMessages App.
> I have implemented live resizing, but how to set resizable image as its
> custom shape?
Messages doesn't use custom-shaped text views
I've taken the plunge and written a mutable deep copy method for NSObject in my
So far, I've used it only to add interesting arbitrary objects to NSError
userInfo dictionaries. Unliike Ken and Uli, I'd never thought about the
circular references in object trees, but I ran into a
On Feb 14, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Hunter Hillegas wrote:
> One thing to keep in mind is that Core Data uses exceptions internally as
> part of its normal operation. If you break on exceptions, you'll end up in
> the debugger quite a bit but it's not because anything is broken, just the
> way Core D
One more question I hope. I've got the below working great, so I started using
it in other places within my code - specifically for some sub-classed
//appearance settings
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger showDateLabel UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
@property (nonatomic, assign)
Thanks, Hunter. I'll consider the newer option.
Laurent Daudelin
Logiciels Nemesys Software
On Feb 14, 2013, at 09:03, Hunter
On Feb 13, 2013, at 6:30 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
> But I'm only writing as an iPad user.
"Document Interaction Programming Topics for iOS"
Registering the File Types Your App Supports
If your app is capable of opening specific types of files, you should register
that support with the
Hi all,
Anyone tried using NSNetService and NSNetServiceBrowser on non-main threads on
- the 'Thread Safety Summary' document does not mention these classes.
- NSNetServices.h says "NSNetService instances may be scheduled on NSRunLoops
to operate in different modes, or in other threads. I
OK I think I figured it out. There are several layout calls to the
UITableViewCell (the parent view controller is doing a reload on certain rows
on a data change), and those first 2 or so layout calls the appearance proxy is
nil, but on the third its there and gives me the correct info. I had so
No, I have already implemented bubbles. It is just NSTableView descendant.
14.02.2013 19:13, Kyle Sluder пишет:
On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:11 AM, Vyacheslav Karamov wrote:
Hello All!
I need to implement NSTextView descendant similar to one used in Mac iMessages
I have implemented live resi
I know how to implement custom text layout. Good example of this I have
found in "Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook" by David Chisnall.
This book gives an example how to implement custo text layout, but I
don't understand how to implement custom shape of NSTextView. Because my
widget grow
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Vyacheslav Karamov wrote:
> I know how to implement custom text layout. Good example of this I have
> found in "Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook" by David Chisnall.
> This book gives an example how to implement custo text layout, but I
> don't understand
I want the same text view as Apple iMessages has.
I have such bullet image and I plan to use it as textview's shape.
Actually this one
14.02.2013 22:18, Kyle Sluder пишет:
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013, at 12:00 P
On 14 Feb 2013, at 11:26 AM, Sean McBride wrote:
> Anyone tried using NSNetService and NSNetServiceBrowser on non-main threads
> on OS X?
> - the 'Thread Safety Summary' document does not mention these classes.
> - NSNetServices.h says "NSNetService instances may be scheduled on NSRunLoops
On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:47:13 -0800, Chris Parker said:
>NSNetService (and NSNetServiceBrowser) automatically schedules itself on
>the run loop of the thread it's being created on. If the run loop isn't
>being spun (e.g. on a thread created by detaching a pthread or an
>NSThread) then you won't get
I was trying to answer a question for a Cocoa beginner today and realized it's
been a long time since I looked at the Apple docs from the point of view of
someone new to Objective-C. What happened to "The Objective-C Programming
Language"? As I recall that was *the* place to get someone started
On Feb 14, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Andy Lee wrote:
> I was trying to answer a question for a Cocoa beginner today and realized
> it's been a long time since I looked at the Apple docs from the point of view
> of someone new to Objective-C. What happened to "The Objective-C Programming
> Language"? A
On 14/02/2013, at 1:07 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
> I've run into a situation where I really need a deep copy of an object.
My question would be: are you really sure?
Yes, there are times you need a deep copy, but surprisingly few. Often you can
redesign your code not to need one
Hi all,
I'm writing a tool that needs to copy directories with a lot of files and a
significant hierarchy (a home directory is a good analog).
I've implemented test versions of the following:
a. NSTask'ing rsync. This works but provides terrible progress, as I have to
parse the the made-for-h
On 15 Feb 2013, at 01:25, Ken Thomases wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:
>> On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:57 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
>>> Your question prompted me to try to design an analog of NSKeyedArchiver,
>>> NSCode, and NSCoding that would generate the new objec
Well, yes, that's a good question.
But I spent a good deal of time trying to find a way around it and couldn't.
However, in the meantime I discovered that by using a home-spun -deepCopy
method on just a couple of classes I was able to solve my mutation problem,
without resorting to the wholesal
On 15/02/2013, at 1:55 PM, Jim Zajkowski wrote:
> s there anything that provides the level of progress that FSCopyObjectAsync
> does but gives the callback more control like copyfile() does?
You could look into NSFileManager's -copyItemAtURL:toURL:error: method which,
in conjunction with a d
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