On 18 Aug 2012, at 22:48, Koen van der Drift wrote:
> Is there a similar way to inject an external javascript.js file into my
> webView? I think I can use that to strip out the divs I don't want to show.
You could use the resource load delegate to substitute in a custom CSS file in
place of t
So for future reference, I figured out how to add my local javascript.
This is what I do:
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame
if (frame == [sender mainFrame])
NSError *error = nil;
// get the DOMDocument
Thanks a lot to everyone who has answered in this thread!
2012/8/18 Steven Woolgar :
> otool is your friend when you want to find these things out.
> Aperture, Logic and the other Apple Pro apps use a framework called ProKit.
> It is internal and private.
> See: /System/Library/PrivateFramewor
The OS X application automation archive is an up-dateable archive of OS X
automation documentation:
The archive provides online browsable AppleScript and ScriptingBridge
documentation for a range of OS X applications, e.g. Photoshop:
On 8/12, John McCall wrote: 'In the so-called "fragile" ABI, which is
what you get on PPC, PPC64, and i386...".
PPC64's being included in this list surprised me, so I went to my docs
(I'm on 10.5.8 until they pry my G5 from my dead,cold hands). All the
mentions I can find of the fragile ABI e
On Aug 20, 2012, at 12:14 AM, Dale Miller wrote:
> On 8/12, John McCall wrote: 'In the so-called "fragile" ABI, which is what
> you get on PPC, PPC64, and i386...".
> PPC64's being included in this list surprised me, so I went to my docs (I'm
> on 10.5.8 until they pry my G5 from my dead,cold h