Re: Nil and nil Macro Conflict

2012-05-02 Thread Andreas Grosam
On May 2, 2012, at 7:46 AM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > Are not both Objective-C and C++, as well as Objective-C++ > case-sensitive? If so, Nil and nil should be different symbols. They are case-sensitive. Both, "nil" and "Nil" are different macros defined for different purposes in Obj

Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread Alexander Reichstadt
Hi, through Instruments I found a memory leak outside my code in a pqlib, the postgres client library. This is what Leaks prints out: Bytes Used # Leaks Symbol Name 84.81 KB 100.0% 48 PQgetResult 84.81 KB 100.0% 48 pqParseInput3 80.00 K

Re: Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 2 mai 2012 à 09:59, Alexander Reichstadt a écrit : > Hi, > > through Instruments I found a memory leak outside my code in a pqlib, the > postgres client library. > > This is what Leaks prints out: > > Bytes Used# Leaks Symbol Name > 84.81 KB 100.0% 48 PQgetR

Re: Minimal document-based app

2012-05-02 Thread
On 1 May 2012, at 20:46, Wade Tregaskis wrote: > > Actually, there are a lot of commercial developers who hard-code their entire > UIs. I'm at something of a loss to see why myself, but they do it, and they > swear it's the best way. Ironically, one of the reasons often given is > "easier int

Re: Concealing an app from DTrace

2012-05-02 Thread Eric Gorr
Thanks Don. This is what I was looking for in response to my inquiry. Sent from my iPad On May 2, 2012, at 1:04 AM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > >>> I was just wondering if this is still true or true in general...that it is >>> not p

Re: Concealing an app from DTrace

2012-05-02 Thread Ken Thomases
On May 2, 2012, at 12:04 AM, Don Quixote de la Mancha wrote: > On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > >>> I was just wondering if this is still true or true in general...that it is >>> not possible to conceal an application from DTrace. > >> On May 1, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Eric Gorr

Re: Minimal document-based app

2012-05-02 Thread ecir hana
Thank you all for the replies! As I said above, I don't want the question to be whether I should better use NIBs, or whether Cocoa is more suitable than assembler. I somewhat know already what the role of NIB is, that it can save time and so on. What I would like to know is what to do if I was not

Re: Minimal document-based app

2012-05-02 Thread Richard Somers
On May 2, 2012, at 7:19 AM, ecir hana wrote: > - I saw that Xcode named the Info.plist differently (it prepends my project > name to it) - is it ok just to call it Info.plist? Is there any convention?

Re: NSTableview tooltip bug?

2012-05-02 Thread Corbin Dunn
hi don, I recommend using the builtin tooltip support in NSTableView. There is a delegate method to provide the tool tip. Next, you are seeing expansionToolTips. Look at NSCell.h for custom drawing API for them. Or, turn them off for your table with API on NSTableView. corbin On May 1, 2012, a

[MEET] Toronto Cocoaheads / tacow - May 8

2012-05-02 Thread Karl Moskowski
tacow's next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 in room 304 of Metro Hall. @AshFurrow, lead iOS developer at 500px, will give a presentation on advanced scroll-view techniques. Details, directions, etc. at . All are welcome, and we look forward to se

Re: Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread Wade Tregaskis
> Bytes Used# LeaksSymbol Name > 84.81 KB 100.0%48PQgetResult > 84.81 KB 100.0%48 pqParseInput3 > 80.00 KB 94.3%40 pqResultAlloc > 80.00 KB 94.3%40 malloc > 4.00 KB 4.7%4 pqAddTuple > 4.00 KB

Re: Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread David Hoerl
Look at Valgrind - it works on the Mac now. What you do is have a demo app or even a GUI that launches, runs, then quits. You enter your app and args as arguments to valgrind when you run it. Valgrind monitors every malloc, and when the app/program quits tells you not only what leaks you have,

Re: Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread Wim Lewis
On 2 May 2012, at 10:55 AM, Wade Tregaskis wrote: > Symbolication picks the first known symbol before the address in question. > It's the consequence of a tragic design flaw in debug info formats to date. > > It's more obvious when this goes wrong in Crash Reporter or Shark where you > can see

Re: Instruments, how to fix leak in C Lib

2012-05-02 Thread Jens Alfke
On May 2, 2012, at 11:38 AM, David Hoerl wrote: > Valgrind monitors every malloc, and when the app/program quits tells you not > only what leaks you have, but the stack trace that got you to the allocation. > Absolutely amazing. I've used it with several open source libraries I support. Valgri

Re: Minimal document-based app

2012-05-02 Thread Chris Hanson
On May 2, 2012, at 6:19 AM, ecir hana wrote: > As I said above, I don't want the question to be whether I should better > use NIBs, or whether Cocoa is more suitable than assembler. I somewhat know > already what the role of NIB is, that it can save time and so on. What I > would like to know is

Re: Minimal document-based app

2012-05-02 Thread Chris Hanson
On May 2, 2012, at 6:19 AM, ecir hana wrote: > - I saw that Xcode named the Info.plist differently (it prepends my project > name to it) - is it ok just to call it Info.plist? Is there any convention? Xcode is actually prepending the target name, not the project name: A project can have multipl

Re: Converting CGPathAddArcToPoint (or NSBezierPath equivalent) to a fixed number of CGPathAddCurveToPoint calls

2012-05-02 Thread Wim Lewis
On 30 Apr 2012, at 3:26 PM, Gideon King wrote: > Hi, I am using the CAShapeLayer's ability to animate a path, but the start > and end path need to have the same number of segments. > > I have been using CGPathAddArcToPoint to add the curves to my path. That > translates to CGPathAddCurveToPoin

Are there any way to update NSPanel content during dragging the panel ?

2012-05-02 Thread Yoshiaki Katayanagi
My custom NSView in a NSPanel shows some information depends on panel's position to the main window. I want to update it during dragging the panel. I try [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] in mouseDragged: delegate, drawRect: called many times during dragging, but it will not appear on screen until mo

Re: NSTableView doesn't show data until I click on a header

2012-05-02 Thread Koen van der Drift
Got it, it all works (I think :). The only thing that made me scratch my head was how to empty the whole array. Right now I am using this, but any suggestions or improvements are welcome: NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, [self countOfMyObjects]); NSIndexSet *indexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex

Re: NSTableview tooltip bug?

2012-05-02 Thread Donald Hall
Thanks! Got it running in a few minutes. For others, I used the NSTableViewDelegate methods tableView:toolTipForCell:rect:tableColumn:row:mouseLocation: and tableView:shouldShowCellExpansionForTableColumn:row: to prevent the cell expansion. Don Hall Apps & More Software Design, In

Re: Are there any way to update NSPanel content during dragging the panel ?

2012-05-02 Thread Jens Alfke
On May 2, 2012, at 5:59 PM, Yoshiaki Katayanagi wrote: > My custom NSView in a NSPanel shows some information depends on panel's > position to the main window. I want to update it during dragging the panel. > I try [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] in mouseDragged: delegate -mouseDragged: is called