Cocoa Touch: Accessory view never calls "up outside" action?

2011-07-10 Thread
I'm using a UIButton subclass as an accessory view in a table cell. I create the button in my cell's initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method, as shown below. Here's the problem: I touch inside my button, but even when I drag my finger out of the button and lift up, it's my "up inside" action that

Re: getting last accessed date

2011-07-10 Thread Rick C.
Great thanks I will look into this! On Jul 9, 2011, at 3:40 PM, Gary L. Wade wrote: > Using Core Services or OS, you can call FSGetCatalogInfo. Also, I recall > things are different for stat under 64 bit, so you may want to make sure > you're doing the right thing. > > - Gary L. Wade (Sent f

Re: Help finding documentation about printing

2011-07-10 Thread Joel Norvell
Hi Christopher, The documentation set on has Apple's printing giude. The full URL to the printing section is: W

What is the UTI incantation to get document packages to work in 10.6?

2011-07-10 Thread Dave Fernandes
I'm trying to move my NSPersistentDocument app to use file wrappers for documents. I followed the tutorial, and I can get it working as long as I don't use the LSItemContentTypes key in my info.plist. When I use the LSItemContentTypes key, my document packages appear as folders. I know that whe

IOS graphics

2011-07-10 Thread Development
Im having a problem with adjusting the color values of a UIImage. How does one adjust levels and color values of a UIImage. The example code I found only overlays a rectangle clipped to an image mask. It looks like color value adjustment until you realize 2 things. a) I absolutely cannot render t