Re: NSTableView: which delegate after a drag operation?

2011-03-05 Thread Ulf Dunkel
Hi Scott. 1) Which delegate can I use to inform table view B to update and reload its data when I have dragged an item inside table view A? If you’re adding it to the object array, you can easily do the update notification then. [..] what do you mean here with "the object array”? If you’

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
Thanks again for your help, and thanks in particular for your follow-up email, which was a great help in working out the bindings (it was indeed the first time I'd done anything like that!). I have a couple of follow-up questions if you don't mind. Question 1 - you state "Nothing in any of this

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
> Question 2 - the method you have described seems to be very much tied to a > single NSObjectController for the entire window, and indeed IB just seems to > offer the option to bind to "Object Controller", without specifying "which > one". In that case, is there any way of achieving neat group-

binding relationship to checkbox

2011-03-05 Thread Amy Heavey
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for my problem? I'm working on a core data application, and in this issue I have 2 entities, product and category. They have a many to many relationship. In my interface I want to have a list of all the categorie

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread
On 5 Mar 2011, at 14:05, Jonathan Taylor wrote: > Thanks again for your help, and thanks in particular for your follow-up > email, which was a great help in working out the bindings (it was indeed the > first time I'd done anything like that!). I have a couple of follow-up > questions if you d

NSImageView mouseUp problem?

2011-03-05 Thread Alexander Zvyagin
Hi, All! I has a custom view must show the mouseEntered state and mousePressed state in different pictures. If mouse press is inside this view but mouse release is outside, my view doesn't receive -mouseUp event: --- cut --- >>> press is really there <<< // [-mouseDown] { 360 x 126} NSImageVi

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread Quincey Morris
On Mar 5, 2011, at 06:05, Jonathan Taylor wrote: > Question 1 - you state "Nothing in any of this will or should have any effect > on what's selected in the text field where editing was in progress", but if > we are both talking about the same thing then I don't think that's happening > for me.

Re: NSImageView mouseUp problem?

2011-03-05 Thread Alexander Zvyagin
> What can I do to receive this -mouseUp event [losted by NSImageView] ? -mouseUp is coming only custom view is LOWER any existing NSImageView inside Interface Builder xib document (Mac OS X 10.6.6). I think this mean NSImageView doesn't send -mouseUp to next responder. Is this a bug? * Note

Re: animating addSubview with iOS4

2011-03-05 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:30:12 +0100, Andreas Grosam said: >So it seems, there is a problem performing UIViewAnimationOptionTransition... >animations for the UIView transitionWithView:... class method, and possibly >for transitionFromView:... invoked from -viewWillAppear: and viewDidAppear:. My

Re: Outlets Not Connected In awakeFromNib

2011-03-05 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 10:21:38 +0100, Andreas Grosam said: >All, > >thank you for your replies. It made me re-read the Resource Programming Guide. >And it works exactly as it is described (except that the description for >-awakeFromNib in the Reference could be more accurate). Though, I have mixed

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread Jonathan Taylor
>> Question 2 - the method you have described seems to be very much tied to a >> single NSObjectController for the entire window, and indeed IB just seems to >> offer the option to bind to "Object Controller", without specifying "which >> one". In that case, is there any way of achieving neat gr

Re: Setting a delegate on a UITextField

2011-03-05 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Thu, 03 Mar 2011 18:51:39 -0800 (PST), Dianne said: >there is, you need to use a formatter for that, you can even set the allowed >characters to be inputted to the textfield. >check NSFormatter if it is of any help, you can also extend the class to >adjust >to your needs. >_

Re: Accepting current edited text field contents

2011-03-05 Thread Quincey Morris
On Mar 5, 2011, at 11:03, Jonathan Taylor wrote: > I think I see what you're saying, but my motivation was based on a similar > philosophy I think: if the user has accidentally typed something > non-numerical into the "lower x" field, I was thinking they would be rather > surprised if clicking

Re: XML Namespace Definitions on Non-Root Elements

2011-03-05 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:25:06 -0600, Heath Borders said: >I'm trying to parse a document with a namespace declared on a non-root element: > >";>This is an >exemplary foo! > >I can read this xml into an NSXMLDocument just fine, but the following >XPath query on root returns a

Re: Outlets Not Connected In awakeFromNib

2011-03-05 Thread Carlos Eduardo Mello
On Mar 5, 2011, at 4:00 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote: I'm not grasping where there can be any source of confusion here. awakeFromNib is very simple: it is sent to an object after that object is instantiated from a nib. That's straightforward and dependable and clear - provided you know what a ni

rerunning an NSOperation object

2011-03-05 Thread Shane
I have an NSOperation object that has been placed in an NSOperationQueue. I then execute that NSOperation and all works normal. What I'd like to do is then run that task again, however, when I do run it I get the following error when trying to add that object to the queue again. Caught NSInvalid

Re: rerunning an NSOperation object

2011-03-05 Thread Robert Martin
From the docs for NSOperation: ... "An operation object is a single-shot object—that is, it executes its task once and cannot be used to execute it again." On Mar 5, 2011, at 10:33 PM, Shane wrote: > I have an NSOperation object that has been placed in an > NSOperationQueue. I then execute th

Why Annotations callout sometimes not work ?

2011-03-05 Thread zhixiong ye
I add a NSArray of Annotations in a mapview, she the canshowcallout=yes,but sometimes some of the annotations don't show callout, tap it more maybe work, what's the problem? -(void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view { Event *aEvent = nil; UIImageView *

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-03-05 Thread Arnab Ganguly via LinkedIn
LinkedIn Arnab Ganguly requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn: -- Cameron, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - Arnab Accept invitation from Arnab Ganguly