> Is there a way to delete a directory instantly and completely without
> first deleting all its subdirectories and files recursively?
The hierarchical structure that you see is not "real" -- directories are not
physical containers for the files that they appear to contain. The directory
Why not just include all of CoreLocation and have you added CoreLocation to
your framework list in Xcode.
On Oct 4, 2010, at 13:11, G S wrote:
> Hi all. I'm getting a compiler warning that this delegate protocol
> isn't defined, when it most certainly is defined in the
> CLLocationManager.h
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 10:11 PM, G S wrote:
> Hi all. I'm getting a compiler warning that this delegate protocol
> isn't defined, when it most certainly is defined in the
> CLLocationManager.h file that I've included:
No it's not. CLLocationManagerDelegate is defined in
When removing directories, the OS should remove all the tree created in the
filesystem. I think you cannot do anything else?
Is it so critical? How many files do you have to delete?
On Oct 4, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:
> Let me make the question more clear: I am aware of functions li
Hi Guillem,
You are correct, in many cases the number of files will not be big, so
it should not matter too much, but using the opportunity, I decided to
illuminate myself regarding the possibilities there are in the file
I had an idea that because the directory tree is growing from a sin
Hi all. I'm getting a compiler warning that this delegate protocol
isn't defined, when it most certainly is defined in the
CLLocationManager.h file that I've included:
#import "CoreLocation/CLLocation.h"
#import "CoreLocation/CLLocationManager.h"
@interface MyController : UIViewControl
Hash: SHA1
On 10/3/10 10:11 PM, G S wrote:
> Hi all. I'm getting a compiler warning that this delegate protocol
> isn't defined, when it most certainly is defined in the
> CLLocationManager.h file that I've included:
> #import
> #import "CoreLocation/CLLocat
G S wrote:
>> No it's not. CLLocationManagerDelegate is defined in
>> CLLocationManagerDelegate.h. CLLocationManager.h only includes a
>> forward reference to the protocol.
> Aha, right-O. Thanks. I had just done a quick search and found the
> string in there, and left it at that. I have a b
I have a Webview, and I want to do something with the selected text.
I tried:
DOMRange *dr = [ webView selectedDOMRange ];
NSString *m = [ dr markupString ];
this contains the selected characters, but buried in lots of markup language.
But I just want the characters.
NSString *s= [ dr stringRep
No; the OS doesn't support this. From the lowest levels I can think of...
One the posix side, you call rmdir() and that only works if the
directory is empty (witht the exception of '.' and '..').
On the Carbon FileManager side, you call FSDeleteObject() and again,
that only works if the directory
I don't think so,
If time is a constraint, try running the delete process in a background thread,
if it is not a problem.
On Oct 4, 2010, at 10:24 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:
> Hi Guillem,
> You are correct, in many cases the number of files will not be big, so
> it should not matter too much, b
If you unlinked just the top-level directory node, you would leave all of its
descendents with a link count > 0, and the corresponding blocks claimed by the
descendents would never be freed. (Ever. No one would have a reference to them,
and they'd never be found in subsequent traversals.) To reg
Thanks everyone! Now I see.
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Kirk Kerekes wrote:
>> Is there a way to delete a directory instantly and completely without
>> first deleting all its subdirectories and files recursively?
> The hierarchical structure that you see is not "real" -- directories
No. writeToFile: writes a property list representation of the dictionary and
from the above you can see that NSDiction
Is there a way to delete a directory instantly and completely without
first deleting all its subdirectories and files recursively?
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator
In the NSDictionary documentation it is stated that NSNumber objects are valid
property list objects.
But when I create a dictionary with NSNumbers as keys, writeToFile: fails. If I
use strings, then it succeeds. Is it possible to use NSNumbers as keys and have
the, read/written from/to fil
It has to be strings because that's the definition of a property list and that
method writes a property list representation.
On 04-Oct-2010, at 9:00 PM, Remco Poelstra wrote:
> Op 4-10-2010 14:55, Roland King schreef:
>> http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/Pro
Let me make the question more clear: I am aware of functions like
[NSFileManager removeItemAtPath: error:], but what they do under the
hood is they iterate through the subdirectories and files and delete
them first. This takes some time. I am interested if it is possible to
do this instantly, witho
> No it's not. CLLocationManagerDelegate is defined in
> CLLocationManagerDelegate.h. CLLocationManager.h only includes a
> forward reference to the protocol.
Aha, right-O. Thanks. I had just done a quick search and found the
string in there, and left it at that. I have a bunch of examples that
Hello, Oleg,
If you're worried about the time this would take and you need an instant
results you could rename the folder (which is virtually instantaneous) then
remove the renamed folder and it's contents in a background thread.
Regards, Rob.
On 4 Oct 2010, at 09:03, Oleg Krupnov wrote:
> Hi
I'm trying to add a feature to my application, where it collects all
of the images related to an entity, and puts them into an image in a
grid, so I'm planning on looping through the images, scaling them down
then placing them onto a new(blank) image, changing the placement
point each
Op 4-10-2010 14:55, Roland King schreef:
No. writeToFile: writes a property list representation of the dictionary and
I would like to know whether its possible to change to a language other than
provided list of languages in iPhone Settings. By default using localized
.lproj folders & .strings files we could make applicaton localized into
selected language.
For example, Languages like Sinhala are not in thos
I have a question based on my confusion over the interacting behaviors of an
NSScrollView, its NSClipView and a custom NSView being displayed and clipped.
I have an NSScrollView which resizes as its window resizes. Therefore the
NSClipView resizes within the NSScrollView as the the window resize
Thanks for the tip Rainer - with that, I was able to track down the problem by
adding the subview directly to the outer split view.
Thanks again for providing such a useful component.
On 02/10/2010, at 5:48 AM, Rainer Brockerhoff wrote:
> Is there any special reason for you
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 06:35:21 -0700, Jerry Krinock said:
>> I have no tool to diff models
>When you create a mapping model between two data models, there is a
>"Show Differences" button in the upper left corner.
Which is nice, but there seems to be no way to diff two .xcdatamodels in
the general
I solved the problem by examining checking to see if the game was in
fullscreen mode, and then changing how the NSPoint was calculated. It turns
out that everything was slightly offset in fullscreen mode when using
convertScreetToBase:. Not exactly a solution with an explanation; but at
least it
On Sat, 2 Oct 2010 04:28:20 +1000, Gideon King said:
>The next thing I'm dreading with Core Data is trying to get autosave to
>work. I got some tips from Ben Trumbull, but it looks like a scary
>amount of work that I don't fully understand...but that's for another day...
Hear hear. It's sad that
On Oct 4, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
> I have a Webview, and I want to do something with the selected text.
> I tried:
> DOMRange *dr = [ webView selectedDOMRange ];
> NSString *m = [ dr markupString ];
> this contains the selected characters, but buried in lots of markup lan
On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:22 AM, Thomas Wetmore wrote:
> I have a question based on my confusion over the interacting behaviors of an
> NSScrollView, its NSClipView and a custom NSView being displayed and clipped.
> I have an NSScrollView which resizes as its window resizes. Therefore the
> NSCli
wondering how to clear a context. I'm using this:
CGContextClearRect(context, drawingRect);
But yet, afetr I do that, and then start to draw something new, I get remnants
of the previous content of the context.
My workaround is to create brand new context for the second drawing, but
On Oct 4, 2010, at 1:24 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:
> I had an idea that because the directory tree is growing from a single
> root, there *might* be a possibility to axe it off with a single hit.
> Is it possible?
As Kirk explained, no.
Another reason is file permissions. The filesystem needs to ch
On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> Maybe weak linking can help here. If you weak link the Python library and
> call dlopen early on in your program's lifetime with the appropriate path, I
> think dyld will populate all the weak linked functions it finds.
No, weak linking doesn't do
On Oct 4, 2010, at 11:04 AM, Rainer Standke wrote:
> wondering how to clear a context. I'm using this:
> CGContextClearRect(context, drawingRect);
> But yet, afetr I do that, and then start to draw something new, I get
> remnants of the previous content of the context.
Where are you calli
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Greg Parker wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
> Maybe weak linking can help here. If you weak link the Python library and
> call dlopen early on in your program's lifetime with the appropriate path, I
> think dyld will populate all the weak
This is indeed outside of -drawRect, and it's a context I create myself, like
// returns a new 'abstract' graphics context to draw in:
CGContextRefcontext = NULL;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
void * bitmapData;
int bitmapByteCount;
On Oct 4, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Rainer Standke wrote:
> This is indeed outside of -drawRect, and it's a context I create myself, like
> so:
Then you will need to show more code, specifically the code that is showing the
issue you are experiencing, because none of the code you've shown thus far
I have buttons that track back / next track. I am displaying the Now Playing
artwork for the song in a UIScrollView. There is a static UILabel below that
When one uses a button, is there a queue index in the MPMusicPlayer I can
query or some technique other than handling that all myself w
I haven't seen anything thong on this, so here goes:
Can the line endings in an NSTexyView be changed from UNIX (lf) to
windows (crlf).
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator com
On 2010 Oct 04, at 09:07, Sean McBride wrote:
> For example, during development, the model can be in
> flux, and it would be nice to be able to diff one's changes before
> committing to SCM.
I believe you could create a mapping model, use it for diff, and then trash
I have to wonder why you're going to all this trouble when
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext exists. What exactly are you planning on
doing, ultimately, with this context? And why do you need to clear the
entire thing after you've drawn into it? m.
On Mon, 4 Oct 2010 11:34:23 -0700, Rainer Standke said
On Oct 1, 2010, at 10:02 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
> On 2010 Oct 01, at 10:44, Quincey Morris wrote:
>> Core Data implements Save As as a migration process using a mapping model
>> that it constructs on the fly
> Eeek. I never knew that.
I'm late to the game, but this is incorrect.
On the docs I read that for both the NSDictionary's allKeys and allValues,
the order of the elements in the array is not defined. Ok.
But, are the two arrays aligned each other?
I mean, I have a dictionary containing several entries whose key is, e.g.
@"0", @"3", @"42",...
I show these entries
On Oct 4, 2010, at 3:21 PM, gMail.com wrote:
> On the docs I read that for both the NSDictionary's allKeys and allValues,
> the order of the elements in the array is not defined. Ok.
> But, are the two arrays aligned each other?
> I mean, I have a dictionary containing several entries whose ke
On Oct 4, 2010, at 4:21 PM, gMail.com wrote:
> On the docs I read that for both the NSDictionary's allKeys and allValues,
> the order of the elements in the array is not defined. Ok.
> But, are the two arrays aligned each other?
If the docs don't contain that promise, then you can't rely on it.
On Oct 4, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 4:21 PM, gMail.com wrote:
>> On the docs I read that for both the NSDictionary's allKeys and allValues,
>> the order of the elements in the array is not defined. Ok.
>> But, are the two arrays aligned each other?
> If the docs
Or do something like:
NSArray * allKeys = [dictionary allKeys];
NSArray * allValues = [dictionary objectsForKeys:allKeys notFoundMarker:[NSNull
This also guarantees a 1-to-1 correspondance.
On Oct 4, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Greg Parker wrote:
> The documentation for CFDictionaryGetKeys
Ok, I will not rely on that.
Anyway, I have seen that iTunes uses the same dictionary structure.
The file "iTunes Music Library.xml" contains a dictionary called Tracks.
This dict contains a series of dictionaries with an ID as key. So it's very
easy to get a track's dict asking for e.g.
On 5 Oct 2010, at 00:45, Keary Suska wrote:
> On Oct 4, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
>> I have a Webview, and I want to do something with the selected text.
>> I tried:
>> DOMRange *dr = [ webView selectedDOMRange ];
>> NSString *m = [ dr markupString ];
>> this contains t
Was there a problem with what dr.text or [dr toString] returned after your
first line?
On 10/04/2010 12:15 AM, "Gerriet M. Denkmann" wrote:
> I have a Webview, and I want to do something with the selected text.
> I tried:
> DOMRange *dr = [ webView selectedDOMRange ];
> NSString *m = [ dr ma
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