Reg: Image editing using iPhone SDK

2009-12-16 Thread Sravanthi
Hi, Is it possible to do image editing like Washout the background of the image using iPhone SDK? if so please update me. if not what are the alternative ways to achieve this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Sravanthi. ___

Re: memcpy with 64 bit

2009-12-16 Thread
Hi David, I am trying to port my "movie-on-opengl-surface" to the 64-bit architecture. In my old project I do: Load a QTMovie Create an Offscreen GWorld Upload the texture to OpenGL with glTexImage2D Update the texture with glTexSubImage2D only when the QT frame has been drawn, so I need a SetMovi

Re: memcpy with 64 bit

2009-12-16 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Even on 32 bits, the recommended way is to use a QTOpenGLVisualContext and CoreVideo, not QuickDraw and upload the texture yourself. Unfortunately there is no equivalent in 64 bits yet. But if your need are just to draw the movie, you should use a QTMovieView which do this for you. And if you

Re: [iPhone] Sample code for live camera stream?

2009-12-16 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
> Ah that's probably why the message in the forums says that it will be > superceded in the future, for proper naming and hopefully slightly more > functionality). So there is at least some hope that this function won't got away ... that's good news. Could you please point me to the forum(s)

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread PCWiz
Hi Joar, Thanks for the reply. What I did to add the frameworks was add the frameworks to my Linked Frameworks and created a new Copy Build phase (target was the Frameworks folder) and then added the frameworks to that phase. I checked out the link and it tells me to set the Installation Build

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread PCWiz
Ok, this just got even weirder. When I launch the app in Release mode from Xcode, something strange happens. *2* instances of the app are opened. Both instances work fine however. Now when I launch the Release app from Finder, 2 instances are opened once again. However this time, one instance o

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread Joar Wingfors
On 16 dec 2009, at 07.04, PCWiz wrote: > This is making absolutely 0 sense to me, and right now it seems like its a > screwup on Xcode's part. I can privately email the source if necessary (its a > commercial app, but right now I'm willing to do anything to get this fixed). That doesn't make

Notification based toolbar design pattern

2009-12-16 Thread
My app toolbar design pattern is as follows. My question concerns the nature of this design. 1. The App has four or five window subclasses, each with separate, dynamic, toolbars. 2. Most of the toolbar items are views. 3. A toolbar controller factory class generates instances of toolbars for a

Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
I am using NSUserDefaults to store some data. On first run of the application, I check for the data, and if it's not been set already, I set it. I however get warnings in my code. In my .h I set up my variables, and then in my .m: NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; al

Cannot use malloc debug

2009-12-16 Thread Phi Le
Hello, I can't run malloc debug. Even on a simple program (Xcode -> New Project -> Application -> Cocoa Application ), without any modification the default project. I am developing on a Macbook Pro - 10.6.2 with Xcode 3.1.4. Thank you for you help. Here is my crash report: Process: Test

Crash after Fix

2009-12-16 Thread Gideon King
Hi all, I have a strange issue - I have a program that is running quite happily, and when I make a change to it and click the Fix button, it fixes the issue, but then I immediately get an exc_bad_access error when I continue running it. The stack trace shows a "doesNotRecognizeSelector" error. I

Re: [iPhone] Sample code for live camera stream?

2009-12-16 Thread Alex Kac
Actually the message in the forums specifically said when the new superceded function is released, you will be required to move to it. So that tells me it is going away. As for where in the forums - go to the Quartz2D sub-forum and look for a subject with “Notice” I think. On Dec 16, 2009, at

Re: Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Dec 16, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote: > NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; > > alarm1_hour = [prefs integerForKey:@"alarm1Hour"]; > > if( alarm1_hour == NULL ){ > > NSLog(@"alarm 1 hour is null" ); > > } -integerForKey returns a NSInteger. Comparing

Re: Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread Scott Ribe
> integerForKey Returns an integer, not a pointer. See the docs. If you want to check if the key exists, then objectForKey will return nil of the key is not found. -- Scott Ribe (303) 722-0567 voice ___

Re: Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Ah okay - thanks. I am now doing this: if( [prefs objectForKey:@"alarm1Hour"] == nil ){ ... On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Scott Ribe wrote: > > integerForKey > > Returns an integer, not a pointer. See the docs. > > If you want to check if the key exists, then objectForKey will return ni

Re: Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 16 Dec 2009, at 10:18 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote: > I am using NSUserDefaults to store some data. On first run of the > application, I check for the data, and if it's not been set already, I set > it. This is done, and better, by -[NSUserDefaults registerDefaults:]. > I however get warnings in

Re: Warning about comparison between pointer and integer

2009-12-16 Thread
> > Should I use a temporary variable to check instead of the variable with the > pointer? Or are these warnings okay to ignore? With regard to warnings I would recommend the following:

Question in regards to .ics files

2009-12-16 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
I have been asked if my app can support reading an .ics file and base some alarms, etc. from that. Aside from building my own "parser", are there libraries out there that have been developed for dealing with .ics text files? I am wishing that the format was XML-based, but is that naive? Thanks, Er

Re: pls explain rotated iPhone coordinates to me

2009-12-16 Thread Matt Neuburg
On or about 12/15/09 6:35 PM, thus spake "Luke the Hiesterman" : > It looks like this is a quirk of the transform not updating in time > when launching in landscape mode. Feel free to file a bug. Thanks so much! I think it's really a docs bug. Again I refer to this page:

ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
I'm implementing an outline view whose main column needs to show an icon next to the name, just like the Finder or Safari's bookmarks editor etc. etc. In the past I've always copied the handy ImageAndTextCell class from Apple's DragDropOutlineView sample, but I'm wondering if there is any cleane

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Corbin Dunn
Use the ImageAndTextCell as an example, or some of the later updated ones: particularly: Don't use an NSButtonCell or an NSBrowserCel

launching Application from terminal

2009-12-16 Thread Arun
Hi All If i launch Applications from Terminal, using the command /Applications/ The application is getting launched. But the Application widow will not be the key window. Is there any way in which i can launch the application using the same command and still

Re: Cannot use malloc debug

2009-12-16 Thread Sean McBride
On 12/16/09 8:20 AM, Phi Le said: >I can't run malloc debug. Even on a simple program (Xcode -> New >Project -> Application -> Cocoa Application ), without any >modification the default project. That doesn't surprise me. Although perhaps not officially, it is clear to me that MallocDebug is dead

Re: launching Application from terminal

2009-12-16 Thread Joar Wingfors
On 16 dec 2009, at 10.06, Arun wrote: > Also the reason i am launching from Terminal is because i need to pass > command line parameters to My app Do you really "need" to pass command line parameters to your app? That's not the usual way to pass configurations to GUI applications on Mac OS X.

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote: > Use the ImageAndTextCell as an example, or some of the later updated ones: Thanks! Is there a bug filed to add such a cell to AppKit? It's such a common UI element in lists/outlines. —Jens___ Cocoa

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Corbin Dunn
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:49 AM, Jens Alfke wrote: > > On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote: > >> Use the ImageAndTextCell as an example, or some of the later updated ones: > > Thanks! > > Is there a bug filed to add such a cell to AppKit? It's such a common UI > element in lists/out

RE: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Lee Ann Rucker
> Don't use an NSButtonCell or an NSBrowserCell. Just curious - why shouldn't we use an NSBrowserCell? Aside from it not being in an NSBrowser?___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comme

Re: [iPhone] Sample code for live camera stream?

2009-12-16 Thread Alex Kac
There is only one place that iPhone specific dev is *supposed* to be discussed on an Apple site. Cocoa-Dev is for general cocoa or Mac cocoa development. I use both depending on if its iPhone specific or Cocoa general. Here is the forum: The specifi

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Corbin Dunn
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Lee Ann Rucker wrote: > >> Don't use an NSButtonCell or an NSBrowserCell. > > Just curious - why shouldn't we use an NSBrowserCell? Aside from it not being > in an NSBrowser?___ I think you answered your own question. B

Re: Question about touchesBegan

2009-12-16 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
> I'll elaborate a little more. I have a main view with some source buttons > (UIButton) at the top. When I click one, I bring up a radio style tuner bar > in a subview (animates up from the bottom). I am using touches to move the > "pointer" in that subView. Works great, however because the subVie

Re: launching Application from terminal

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Arun wrote: If i launch Applications from Terminal, using the command /Applications/ The application is getting launched. But the Application widow will not be the key window. Is there any way in which i can launch the ap

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 16, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote: Use the ImageAndTextCell as an example, or some of the later updated ones: I looked at ATImageTextCell, but it does things I don't need (fill color) and has depe

Re: launching Application from terminal

2009-12-16 Thread Jerry Krinock
On 2009 Dec 16, at 10:06, Arun wrote: > If i launch Applications from Terminal, using the command > /Applications/ > The application is getting launched. But... not very well, as you and others have noted. If you want a *supported* way to do this, see man

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
> I looked at ATImageTextCell, but it does things I don't need (fill color) and > has dependencies on a bunch of other classes from that sample. I'll stick > with ImageAndTextCell since it's simpler and standalone. The old ImageAndTextCell doesn’t handle the background style, and that alone mak

Re: NSUndoManager auto-grouping?

2009-12-16 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Scott Squires wrote: > First off, for whatever reason my question had been held on to by the > moderator.  After a few days of no response I re-submitted. > What you're seeing I can only assume is the release of those emails > unbeknownst to me. Too bad Cocoabuil

Re: Managed Object with Transformable Attribute (C Struct)

2009-12-16 Thread Melissa J. Turner
On Dec 15, 2009, at 20:47, Richard Somers wrote: > On Dec 15, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Graham Cox wrote: > >> You're archiving 'value'. You want instead to return the mutableData that >> the first archiver wrote to, which is otherwise unused. > > Thanks. Saving keyed archive of struct foo now works f

Core Video - Getting Started

2009-12-16 Thread Travis Kirton
Hi, I'm planning a project where I'll be running somewhere between 15 and 20 videos on screen, any number of them could be playing at the same time (not necessarily in sync). I got an example running with Core Animation and Layers using very little code, actually adapted from: http://www.cimg

Re: Managed Object with Transformable Attribute (C Struct)

2009-12-16 Thread Rob Keniger
On 17/12/2009, at 9:39 AM, Melissa J. Turner wrote: > I think you're running into a known problem with the binary store not > respecting the value transformer name and instead always using the default > archiver (NSKeyedArchiver). AHA! I didn't realise that this was a known bug, I've had a qu

Re: Crash after Fix

2009-12-16 Thread Rob Keniger
On 17/12/2009, at 2:27 AM, Gideon King wrote: > Hi all, I have a strange issue - I have a program that is running quite > happily, and when I make a change to it and click the Fix button, it fixes > the issue, but then I immediately get an exc_bad_access error when I continue > running it. The

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Graham Cox
On 17/12/2009, at 8:27 AM, Jens Alfke wrote: > I looked at ATImageTextCell, but it does things I don't need (fill color) and > has dependencies on a bunch of other classes from that sample. I'll stick > with ImageAndTextCell since it's simpler and standalone. I found ImageAndTextCell in Apple

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread PCWiz
I've sent Joar the source off list, but meanwhile I tried Kyle Sluder's suggestion to run gdb on the app. Here's the log: pcwiz-mbp:~ Indragie$ gdb /Users/pcwiz/Desktop/TwitMenu/build/Release/ GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1344) (Fri Jul 3 01:19:56 UTC 2009) Copyright

Re: Reg: Image editing using iPhone SDK

2009-12-16 Thread Matthew Lindfield Seager
On Wednesday, December 16, 2009, Sravanthi wrote: > Is it possible to do image editing... ...using iPhone SDK? Yes. What have you tried? ( ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin re

Lack of Manpower May Kill VLC For Mac

2009-12-16 Thread Adam Gerson
"The Video Lan dev team has recently come forward with a notice that the number of active developers for the project's MacOS X releases has dropped to zero, prompting a halt in the release schedule. There is now a disturbing possibility that support for Mac will be dropped as of 1.1.0. As the most

Re: Modifying outside properties from NSOperation subclass

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 14, 2009, at 7:59 PM, PCWiz wrote: > "doResourceHungryTask" would be a method in my delegate class. Would I still > need to lock/unlock (I'm modifying the class's properties from itself, not > another class)? I'm not sure on the exact workings of NSInvocationOperation, > I just found ou

Re: ImageAndTextCell still the way to go for icons in outline views?

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 16, 2009, at 1:40 PM, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote: > The old ImageAndTextCell doesn’t handle the background style, and that alone > makes a modified version of the ATImageTextCell worth using. What do you mean by 'the background style'? I don't need the cell to draw a background at all; it'

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread Jens Alfke
On Dec 15, 2009, at 8:05 PM, PCWiz wrote: > *** -[NSRecursiveLock unlock]: lock ( '(null)') > unlocked from thread which did not lock it > *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug. > *** -[NSRecursiveLock finalize]: lock ( '(null)') > finalized while still in use > *** Break on _NSLockError() to de

Command+Option+Return not sent to doCommandBySelector:

2009-12-16 Thread Gideon King
Hi I have a custom view that implements the NSTextInputClient protocol, and it successfully receives doCommandBySelector: method calls for just about every other non-text entry key combination, but Command+Option+Return just doesn't get there (or to anything else in the NSTextInputClient protoc

NSPredicate Matches

2009-12-16 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
I have a Core Date entity A which has a to-many ralationship called theBs. And a Core Date entity B which has a to-many ralationship called theCs. And a final Core Date entity C which has an NSString attribute called someString. I tried to find all A entities which contain "xyz" by using an NSPr

Re: App works when launched from Xcode, not from Finder

2009-12-16 Thread PCWiz
I'm not using NSLock or NSRecursiveLock directly. I'm using @synchronized on an object that multiple threads acess, to allow only one thread to access the object at a time. That said, I only ever got those errors once but in any case I've set a breakpoint for _NSLockError to trap it next ti

Drawing into myView

2009-12-16 Thread R T
I have a subclass of NSView and I want to draw into it after I retrieve an Image in an NSImageView. I'm trying to set 2 instance variables in the drawRect block of code... @property(readwrite) NSRect tRect; @property (retain, readwrite) NSGraphicsContext*savedContext; ___

core data: Entity vs Class mode

2009-12-16 Thread Rainer Standke
Hello, in core data how does it make a difference whether an ObjectController is in Entity or Class Mode? Thanks, Rainer ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list. C