>> Indeed, the initWithBitmapDataPlanes method treats the supplied buffer as
>> immutable and creates its own internal copy.
> This is not correct. From the docs [1]:
> "If planes is not NULL and the array contains at least one data pointer, the
> returned object will only reference th
How come an NSString or NSMutableString I declare in the view controler .h
NSMutableString *language;
is "out of scope" even before I do anything with it in the .m implementation
language = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
On 1 Dec 2009, at 03:57, David Hirsch wrote:
> I have read about this online, but I can't find a solution that (a) works and
> (b) seems wise.
> I'm trying to have my table immediately enable editing of added items. The
> NSTableView is bound to an NSArrayController. I've subclassed
> NSArra
Hello, I have been searching how to achieve this.
I have a NSTableView and the NSTableCells are a subclass I made.
Now I want to change the backgorund color of the table row when mouse over. In
my SubClass of NSTextFieldCell I tried overriding these methods
- (BOOL)startTrackingAt:(NSPoint)start
On 01/12/2009, at 6:06 PM, Clark Cox wrote:
> True, but history is a powerful force. This is also why the
> documentation on NSCopyObject states:
> "This function is dangerous and very difficult to use correctly. It's
> use as part of copyWithZone: by any class that can be subclassed, is
> hig
On 01/12/2009, at 7:39 PM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
> How come an NSString or NSMutableString I declare in the view controler .h
> interface
> NSMutableString *language;
> is "out of scope" even before I do anything with it in the .m implementation
> language = [[NSMutableString all
On 01/12/2009, at 9:06 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
> Hello, I have been searching how to achieve this.
OK, usual blather about mouseovers being untypical UI on the Mac that is not
encouraged by the HIG.
> I have a NSTableView and the NSTableCells are a subclass I made.
> Now I want to change th
On 30 Nov 2009, at 20:32, Brad Gibbs wrote:
> Another list member mailed me an explanation offline, causing me to look for
> and find the real problem preventing my code from running.
Any chance of posting the off list response back to the list? It would improve
the usefulness of the list arc
Graham... tanks for the reply I will take a lookt at the method, and see...
maybe you are right, this may be against all.. ...
Thanks for the help once again you were of great aid.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 01/12/2009, at 9:06 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
Here is the whole sad truth about it :
My .h begins with
// The_Paris_PuzzlesViewController.h
#import "Affiche.h"
#import "VagPiece.h"
@protocol UIActionSheetDelegate;
@interface The_Paris_PuzzlesViewController : UIViewController
NSMutableArray *lesImagesV
On 01-Dec-2009, at 7:07 PM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
> I have no problem with lesImagesVues but langueChoisie is out of scope.
> This remains so even if I initialize in viewDidLoad, even if I make it a
> @property, and through out the code, etc.
What does 'out of scope' mean? What is the ac
On 30 Nov 2009, at 21:21, Ken Thomases wrote:
> On Nov 30, 2009, at 2:45 PM, Dennis Munsie wrote:
>> I run into this all the time where I need to iterate through an
>> NSMutableArray (or set, etc, etc) and remove some of the items. My normal
>> pattern has been this:
>> NSMutableSet *remo
When I want to test the content of the string I can't and the debugger
displays "out of scope".
2009/12/1 Roland King
> On 01-Dec-2009, at 7:07 PM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
> >
> > I have no problem with lesImagesVues but langueChoisie is out of scope.
> > This remains so even if I initialize
On 01/12/2009, at 10:52 PM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
> When I want to test the content of the string I can't and the debugger
> displays "out of scope".
Ah, the debugger! Now we are getting somewhere. I see that fairly frequently.
It's not necessarily indicative of a code error, since as far a
you could also (and I'd sort of recommend it) post over on the XCode list and
ask about this, there's some very knowledgeable people over there who know all
there is to know about the toolchain and may well be able to help you.
On 01-Dec-2009, at 8:14 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 01/12/2009,
Just use NSPointerArray:
@implementation NSPointerFunctions (Additions)
static NSUInteger _PointerFunctionsCGPointStructSize(const void *item)
return sizeof(CGPoint);
+ (NSPointerFunctions *)pointerFunctionsForCGPoint;
NSPointerFunctions *aPointerFunctions = [NSPointerFunct
I am creating an application with multiple NIB files. I created an
empty NIB, put down a new window and added an Object for the
controller. I wired the controller object to the window and the nib as
well as a few actions.
In my controller class I have added the following:
if (self = [sup
On 02/12/2009, at 1:31 AM, Bryan Zarnett wrote:
> I am creating an application with multiple NIB files. I created an empty
> NIB, put down a new window and added an Object for the controller. I wired
> the controller object to the window and the nib as well as a few actions.
> In my contro
On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:39 AM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
> How come an NSString or NSMutableString I declare in the view controler .h
> interface [...]
> is "out of scope" even before I do anything with it in the .m implementation
... [skipping four intervening posts] ...
On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:14 AM
Thanks Graham
On 1-Dec-09, at 9:48 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
On 02/12/2009, at 1:31 AM, Bryan Zarnett wrote:
I am creating an application with multiple NIB files. I created an
empty NIB, put down a new window and added an Object for the
controller. I wired the controller object to the windo
On Nov 30, 2009, at 7:03 AM, Vikram Sethi wrote:
> - I understand that we should move our menu handling to Cocoa and
> that would resolve the problem. We will do that, however, we plan to
> modernize our app incrementally, taking one step at a time. Is there a low
> cost tweak/hack that w
On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 17:33:49 -0800, "David M. Cotter"
>recently our app has stopped responding to "odoc" apple events on startup.
that is, if the user double clicks a document of our app, and this causes the
app to launch, then the document is not opened. (cnr when app is already
On Tue, 1 Dec 2009 03:35:57 +0200, Henri H?kkinen
>I'm trying to implement my custom NSView derived class to draw a chessboard
with chess pieces on it. I'm using Core Animation's CALayer classes since I want
to use animation with other effects later on.
>Currently I have have Boa
>> recently our app has stopped responding to "odoc" apple events on startup.
>> that is, if the user double clicks a document of our app, and this causes the
>> app to launch, then the document is not opened. (cnr when app is already
>> launched). same story dropping the doc icon onto the app ico
Try printing the variable through gcc at the breakpoint. "po langueChoisie"
I've had similar issues but usually printing from gcc will display the contents.
Eddie Aguirre
On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:14 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> On 01/12/2009, at 10:52 PM, Pierre Berloquin wrote:
>> When I want
On Nov 30, 2009, at 5:03 AM, Vikram Sethi wrote:
> Though the menu bar appears and the individual menu items get created and
> get added to the hierarchy (verified it while debugging), the menus do not
> open when I click on the menu bar. The menus are also Carbon based. They are
> defined as a ‘
> i have run with AEDebug / Send / Receives set to 1 and i see the log
> of the events. but i can only do that when launching from the command
> line (no double click) or from Xcode (again no double click) so there is
> no way to test my problem with these debug vars set.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:06 AM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
> Hello, I have been searching how to achieve this.
> I have a NSTableView and the NSTableCells are a subclass I made.
> Now I want to change the backgorund color of the table row when mouse over.
> In my SubClass of NSTextFieldCell I tried ove
I'm trying to save the state of my app. It chews up a lot of memory, most of
which is in large float* matrices. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in
-encodeBytes:length:forKey: and I'm just wondering what might be happening. The
float* "coincidences" is a malloced array.
NSUInteger coincsSize
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:47 AM, James Maxwell wrote:
> NSUInteger coincsSize = maxCoincs * inputSize * sizeof(float);
> NSData* coincData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:&coincidences
> length:coincsSize];
> [aCoder encodeBytes:[coincData bytes] length:coincsSize
> forKey:@"coincidences"];
> The
Thanks. I'm travelling, I'll try that on Friday.
2009/12/1 Eddie Aguirre
> Try printing the variable through gcc at the breakpoint. "po
> langueChoisie"
> I've had similar issues but usually printing from gcc will display the
> contents.
> --
> Eddie Aguirre
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:
On Dec 1, 2009, at 10:47, James Maxwell wrote:
> I'm trying to save the state of my app. It chews up a lot of memory, most of
> which is in large float* matrices. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in
> -encodeBytes:length:forKey: and I'm just wondering what might be happening.
> The float* "c
James Maxwell wrote:
NSUInteger coincsSize = maxCoincs * inputSize * sizeof(float);
NSData* coincData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:&coincidences
[aCoder encodeBytes:[coincData bytes] length:coincsSize
It makes no sense to go through an NSData o
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:47 PM, James Maxwell
> I'm trying to save the state of my app. It chews up a lot of memory, most of
> which is in large float* matrices. I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in
> -encodeBytes:length:forKey: and I'm just wondering what might be happening.
> The flo
Hello, List. I am a novice with CoreData and bindings and I've stumped
myself with this problem. I have created an xcdatamodel that contains
3 objects: an Account object with a relationship property
authorizedUsers, which is a to-many relationship with a Person object.
The Person object has
Cobrin hi.
Thanks for the example name. Im checkin it... mmm too many information for my
knowledge, well I understand what they do, no wI need to implement it in y
app.. but honestly speaking, I dunno if im ready to face that beast.
I will give it a try tough.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 7:42 PM,
Wow! I'd forgotten how helpful this list is - and how quickly!
Everyone pointing out my use of &coincidences is obviously right. I figured it
out soon after getting my first reply. I already made an @property accessor for
coincidences, so I just used that and the crashes went away.
As far as t
> As far as the NSData goes, I'm glad you pointed the redundancy of it out.
> I'll just encode the bytes themselves.
erm... actually, just using:
[aCoder encodeBytes:coincidences length:coincsSize forKey:@"coincidences"];
fails with a complaint about getting a float* when it expects a ui
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Ben Haller
> This is interesting to me, since I am in fact using @public and -> with
> some ivars to allow faster use of one of my classes. (Yes, I've confirmed
> that this is significant in Sampler; it is, in fact, quite a large
> percentage of the total
Tried AE Monitor (Oxalyn Software)?
Oxalyn Software > Æ Monitor
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:31 AM, David M. Cotter wrote:
recently our app has stopped responding to "odoc" apple events on
that is, if the user double clicks a document of our app, and this
causes the
app to launch,
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Matt Neuburg wrote:
> NSArray* arr = [NSArray arrayWithArray: myview.layer.sublayers];
I wouldn't be surprised if -[CALayer sublayers] returns some funky KVO
proxy array object that -arrayWithArray: returns unmodified.
--Kyle Sluder
On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:03, James Maxwell wrote:
> [aCoder encodeBytes:coincidences length:coincsSize forKey:@"coincidences"];
> fails with a complaint about getting a float* when it expects a uint8_t
> const.
> In fact, I know remember that's why I used the NSData in the first place...
> any
James Maxwell wrote:
erm... actually, just using:
[aCoder encodeBytes:coincidences length:coincsSize
fails with a complaint about getting a float* when it expects a
uint8_t const.
In fact, I know remember that's why I used the NSData in the first
place... any th
On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:03 PM, James Maxwell wrote:
erm... actually, just using:
[aCoder encodeBytes:coincidences length:coincsSize
fails with a complaint about getting a float* when it expects a
uint8_t const.
In fact, I know remember that's why I used the NSData
Okay, I got everything working using the NSData objects. I'll try encoding the
bytes again with the unint8_t* cast. I don't know why I didn't try that... I'm
really not very comfortable when it gets down to this low-level stuff. I'm a
musician, and my programming experience came from MaxMSP, to
On 11/30/09 7:57 PM, David Hirsch said:
>I'm trying to have my table immediately enable editing of added
I have a handy NSTableView category to do that:
- (void)makeEditableSelectedCellOfColumnIdentifier:(NSString*)
NSTableColumn* column = [self
Well, that is a nice bit of code to have, but it doesn't really
address the issue. As I wrote in my original post, there are a number
of published methods for handing this in (for example) the NSDocument
subclass. What *I* want to do is handle it in my NSArrayController
subclass, for enc
On 12/1/09 1:51 PM, David Hirsch said:
>Well, that is a nice bit of code to have, but it doesn't really
>address the issue. As I wrote in my original post, there are a number
>of published methods for handing this in (for example) the NSDocument
>subclass. What *I* want to do is handle it in my
Here is the solution I've found to work: subclassing
NSArrayController's addObject. It does violate MVC in knowing about
the view, but for me that is a reasonable trade-off to avoid having a
bunch of different custom add: methods in my document subclass for
each table I have to deal with.
On 1-Dec-09, at 3:21 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Ben Haller wrote:
This is interesting to me, since I am in fact using @public and ->
some ivars to allow faster use of one of my classes. (Yes, I've
that this is significant in Sampler; it is, in f
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
> NSArrayController is a model-controller, seems a little odd to me that
> you would want it to be aware of NSView instances. Not that MVC must be
> followed religiously, but still.
Don't know if I agree with this. It's a controller object, an
Hi All,
First of all - I want to thank everyone for helping me with my previous
Now for my next question -
I have an application where I place the window in a separate *.xib (I called
"MyWindow.xib") file from the Main Menu. I deleted the window that's in
MainMenu.xib. When the
i've "fixed" this by installing an AE handler before startup, trapping the
dropped events, then re-sending them to the NSApp after startup has completed
(and removing the intrim handler, since NSApp is up and handling them by then)
On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:25 PM, M Pulis wrote:
> Tried AE Monitor
I've stumbled onto the fact that NSWindow responds to the -document message,
but I can't find any documentation for this. Normally I'd ignore this as I
would any undocumented API, but (a) the method name does not begin with an
underscore, (b) it seems like a reasonable property for NSWindow to
My desktop app connects to a web application that's hosted on Google
App engine. Once it authenticates it gets a cookie that it passes
along for all future requests. That all works.
But now I want to add "Sign out". That feature code looks like this:
- (void)signOut {
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Andy Lee wrote:
> Is there documentation that confirms window.document as a property I'm
> allowed to use? Should I file a documentation bug, and/or should I file a
> request that window.document be made officially public?
You should probably stick to going thro
On Tuesday, December 01, 2009, at 06:36PM, "Kyle Sluder"
>On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Andy Lee wrote:
>> Is there documentation that confirms window.document as a property I'm
>> allowed to use? Should I file a documentation bug, and/or should I file a
>> request that window.docume
First thanks for all the help to date. I'm learning a great deal.
The current problem:
I have a model for which I cannot seem to figure out the correct key
paths for binding.
My doc has a rooms array (of Rooms) and a courses array (with
NSArrayControllers). Each course has a roomConstraint
On 2 Dec 2009, at 00:07, Andy Lee wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 01, 2009, at 06:36PM, "Kyle Sluder"
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Andy Lee wrote:
>>> Is there documentation that confirms window.document as a property I'm
>>> allowed to use? Should I file a documentation bug, an
Just a quickie.
I'm defining a preprocessor macro in the 'GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing /
preprocessor macros' section of my project's build properties, e.g. foo=1. This
is set only in the debug version.
But when I try and use it in the source code, as in #if foo ... #endif I get
'foo is not define
Hi Daniel-
I just happened to be knocking out a prototype for something I'm working on
with a similar structure to your example. It consists of "steps" that can have
many "ports", or step <->> port. The example is pretty much code free; I was
just trying to display and edit steps and ports us
Don't you mean #ifdef foo rather than #if foo?
On Dec 1, 2009, at 4:59 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
> Just a quickie.
> I'm defining a preprocessor macro in the 'GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing /
> preprocessor macros' section of my project's build properties, e.g. foo=1.
> This is set only in the de
On 02/12/2009, at 12:04 PM, Luke the Hiesterman wrote:
> Don't you mean #ifdef foo rather than #if foo?
No, because foo=1 (In other builds foo=0)
But either way, the symbol itself is 'not defined'. I take that to mean that
the compiler can't even see it, even though it was added to preprocess
> I'm defining a preprocessor macro in the 'GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing /
> preprocessor macros' section of my project's build properties, e.g. foo=1.
> This is set only in the debug version.
I'm pretty sure that worked with 4.2. Currently I've a
On 02/12/2009, at 10:59 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> I'm defining a preprocessor macro in the 'GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing /
> preprocessor macros' section of my project's build properties, e.g. foo=1.
> This is set only in the debug version.
> But when I try and use it in the source code, as in #if
On 02/12/2009, at 12:23 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:
> This works fine for me. Are you sure you are compiling the build
> configuration you think you're compiling? Are you changing the preprocessor
> setting on the right target? Probably worth double checking.
Okaaay... I got it.
I'd set this in t
On 02/12/2009, at 11:35 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
> To be honest it's very confusing as to which settings you're supposed to use
> for what, and where they apply, since they're all identical. If the project
> settings are not used, why have them there at all?
The project settings apply to all tar
On 1 Dec 2009, at 05:27, Jonathan Dann wrote:
> Just use NSPointerArray...
Just as is the case with an array of NSValue objects, NSPointerArray doesn't
help here -- it makes no guarantees about how the objects will be arranged in
memory, and NSBezierPath needs them to be
I'm having trouble making sure I have the correct springs and struts
for my view.
At the top of the view I have a Split View that when the user resizes
the window in height or length, the split view should appropriately
resize. At the bottom I have a disclosure dialog which shows or hides
Still trying to make this work right using
transformUsingAffineTransform. If I add in translateXBy or scaleXBy,
my wave (pointsPath) show up all wrong, not translated or scaled, but
if I comment them out (as is below), my wave appears just fine, it's
just not scaled. Am I not using them correctly?
On 02/12/2009, at 3:03 PM, Shane wrote:
> Still trying to make this work right using
> transformUsingAffineTransform. If I add in translateXBy or scaleXBy,
> my wave (pointsPath) show up all wrong, not translated or scaled, but
> if I comment them out (as is below), my wave appears just fine, it'
> The problem is that the code you've posted is not the whole story.
Sorry about that, just for clarity, here's how I'm filling the path. I
will try to work with what you posted. Thanks.
- (void) appendPoint:(NSPoint) point
if (firstPoint) {
[pointsPath moveToPoin
On 02/12/2009, at 3:42 PM, Shane wrote:
> - (void) appendPoint:(NSPoint) point
> {
> if (firstPoint) {
> [pointsPath moveToPoint:point];
> firstPoint = NO;
> }
> [pointsPath lineToPoint:point];
> pointCoun
On 02/12/2009, at 2:14 PM, Bryan Zarnett wrote:
I'm having trouble making sure I have the correct springs and struts
for my view.
At the top of the view I have a Split View that when the user
resizes the window in height or length, the split view should
appropriately resize. At the botto
I wrote:
[content addSubview:autoPilotMaxView];
whoops, meant to say:
[content addSubview:myBox];
Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)
Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
Contact the moder
Hi all,
In my application I need to mount and un-mount DMGs, but in one specific
workflow un-mounting of first DMG is taking 15secs of time.
I am using ‘hdiutil’ command and NSTask with the following options ...
hdiutil attach -noverify –noautoopen –nobrowse –noautofsck
–readonly –qui
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Sravana Kumar wrote:
> When did some analysis I found that file system keeps Quarantine information
> in the extended attributes along with the files and shows this alert.
> xattr -d com.apple.quarantine will remove this.
> But I am writing an installer and I am
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Sravana Kumar wrote:
> I believe apple should provide some method through which I can copy files
> without copying Quarantine information.
> The option left for me is to execute the above command for all the files to
> be copied. But it leads to performance degrad
Well, I found a work-around. Bindings still fail to work, but I can
trigger a KVO message to be sent to the NSTableColumn manually by
calling rearrangeObjects on my intermediary NSArrayController
I'd still like to make bindings do this without the kludge.
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:03 PM, cocoa-dev-requ...@lists.apple.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> If I download a DMG from web and launch an (XYZ) application from it, then
> system will show an alert saying „ XYZ is an application which was
> downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?‰ P
I'm stumped and hoping that there's some easy solution that I just
haven't dug up yet. Yes, this is another coredata multithreading
Anyway, in my application the user types in data and fills out forms
and such. It's all tied into CoreData via bindings. Nothing exciting.
But - I've also g
On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:03 PM, cocoa-dev-requ...@lists.apple.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> In my application I need to mount and un-mount DMGs, but in one specific
> workflow un-mounting of first DMG is taking 15secs of time.
> I am using Œhdiutil‚ command and NSTask with the following options ...
On 1 Dec 2009, at 22:04, John Joyce wrote:
> Please do not do this.
> Please read the documentation on why this is there and what is expected
> behavior.
> Code Signing does not prevent this.
> Even Apple software that is downloaded internally triggers the quarantine
> message to users on first
Doh! Sleepiness! Sry
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 2, 2009, at 12:17 AM, Andrew Farmer wrote:
On 1 Dec 2009, at 22:04, John Joyce wrote:
Please do not do this.
Please read the documentation on why this is there and what is
expected behavior.
Code Signing does not prevent this.
Even Apple sof
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