Am 20.11.2009 um 03:04 schrieb Chris Idou:
> But what are the rules and conventions? Why would Finder put the icon in the
> pasteboard on the assumption that is what the user wants, but TextEdit would
> paste in the actual file on the assumption that is what the user wants? It
> seems schizoph
Le 19 nov. 2009 à 12:14, Alan James Caruana a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am not sure this is the right list for this question. If it is not, I
> aplologize, and ask which list should I address ?
Security related questions go on this list:
-- Jean-
Le 19 nov. 2009 à 12:35, Simon ONeill a écrit :
> Hi,
> Does anyone have any idea where the new functions for ColorSyncManager
> (presumably 64bit focused) are documented?
Currently, the only place is in the headers themselves (the header are in the
same folder as ColorSyncDeprecated.h).
On 19.11.2009, at 18:45, Keary Suska wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Christian Ziegler wrote:
>> For instance I got a NSStepper and I only need the integerValue of that
>> stepper. I could either define an IBOutlet and access the integerValue with
>> [stepper integerValue], or I coul
On 20 Nov 2009, at 02:10, Padmakumar T V wrote:
> I have created an Application using Wizard like design with the help of
> NSView.
In addition to what others have said, there is no such thing as a "Wizard" on
Mac OS X. The fact you're using Windows terminology here leads me to worry
that you
I thought the solution to big files was to use pasteboard promises... not to
setup a pasteboard which is conflicted about what item it is trying to store.
At least that's what I find documented by Apple.
From: Alexander Spohr
To: Chris Idou
Cc: Jens Alfk
On 20 Nov 2009, at 06:33, Chris Idou wrote:
> I've got a report from a user of my program crashing.
> In the console they are getting this:
> 11/19/09 3:08:46 PM[0x0-0x18a18a]Progname[8699]Progname(8699,0x1167b)
> malloc: *** error for object 0x100563870: pointer being freed was
I just noticed something I didn't see before, namely that the doco says to call
asl_open once for each thread, which I'm not doing. I guess this most likely is
the cause.
From: Jeremy Pereira
To: Chris Idou ; Cocoa Forum
Cc: Jeremy Pereira
Sent: Fri, 20 N
Hello Olivier,
I am working with NSDecimals and ran across your 7 year old post in
Cocoa-dev. Did you ever get an answer to your mantissa question? The
archives do not show a response to the thread.
Btw, did you consider NSData's
NSData *anNSDecimalAsData = [NSDa
On Nov 19, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Ben Haller wrote:
> This led me to suspect the custom NSView subclass that I am using as a
> content view, and indeed, if I use that custom subclass as the content view
> in Andy's code, it breaks the tooltip there too.
Total shot in the dark: what if you don't chang
I don't know if he ever did get an answer however your method of putting it in
an NSData is a much better idea and the original question sort of missed the
Yes there is a constructor for NSDecimalNumber which allows you to give a
mantissa and an exponent, but that doesn't mean the numbe
On Nov 19, 2009, at 4:37 PM, Chinh Nguyen wrote:
> The conversion to screen coordinates is causing stair stepping in connected
> lines and other oddities when exporting to PDF. As a temporary solution
> until the code is rewritten, I've created a subclass of my view that's sized
> at the larg
On Nov 19, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2009, at 3:40 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:
>> This shared thread is actually handling potentially large numbers of
>> concurrent url connections/downloads. The reason that I want a block in some
>> of those at different times is a for a fo
On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:19 PM, Greg Hoover wrote:
> I've been working through adding scriptability to my CoreData application but
> ran into a snag: accessing relationships may return a fault instead of the
> actual set of objects. Is there an "accepted" way of solving this issue? I
> don't wa
> Did you account for resolution independence and integral pixel
> alignment? If not, I can see how your own code would be faster.
Ah, that might explain it. And looking at the docs for
NSDrawThreePartImage(): "You should prefer the use of this function
over your own custom code for handling mult
> If I understand you correctly, this is described in the 10.5 AppKit
> Release Notes:
I'm not using bindings (and this app is not NSDocument-based) . My
controller is a subclass of NSWindowController, which does not implement
commitEditing. So as far as I can tell, this doesn't help me.
Hi all,
If I implement a custom setter for an NSManagedObject attribute, what
can/can't I do?
For example, can I do nothing if the old and new values are the same?
- (void)setSalary:(NSNumber*)newsalary
get current salary
compare with newsalary
if different
[self willChange
On 11/20/09 1:24 PM, James said:
> I implement a simple movie player using QTMovieView. But some
movies will
> be distorted by reason of the proportion of the Height and Width.
> How to avoid the movie distortion?
If you player is so simple that it takes the whole window, how about
On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:13 AM, Christian Ziegler wrote:
> On 19.11.2009, at 18:45, Keary Suska wrote:
>> On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Christian Ziegler wrote:
>>> For instance I got a NSStepper and I only need the integerValue of that
>>> stepper. I could either define an IBOutlet and ac
The crude approach of "[[self window] makeFirstResponder: nil];" seems to
work well enough. (I'd previously tried a couple of other things along those
lines and failed.)
Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice
On 20-Nov-09, at 6:57 AM, Andy Lee wrote:
On Nov 19, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Ben Haller wrote:
This led me to suspect the custom NSView subclass that I am using
as a content view, and indeed, if I use that custom subclass as the
content view in Andy's code, it breaks the tooltip there too.
On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Chris Idou wrote:
> I thought the solution to big files was to use pasteboard promises... not to
> setup a pasteboard which is conflicted about what item it is trying to
> store. At least that's what I find documented by Apple.
You're correct that promises would o
In Interface Builder, did you check the "Preserve Aspect Ratio" checkbox for
your QTMovieView?
On Nov 20, 2009, at 12:24 AM, James wrote:
> Hi, all
> I implement a simple movie player using QTMovieView. But some movies will
> be distorted by reason of the proport
On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:33 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
> Thread 2 Crashed:
> 0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a7784d usleep$NOCANCEL + 0
> 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a96e3c abort + 93
> 2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879ae155 free + 128
> 3 libSystem.B.dyli
On Nov 19, 2009, at 9:20 PM, Dave DeLong wrote:
> However, in both of these methods, the attributedString of the textview is
> nil, thus giving me the strange results I'm seeing.
How are you getting the attributedString out of the textview? (I'm guessing by
calling -textStorage.) If so, that s
Tom Bernard wrote:
NSData *anNSDecimalAsData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&anNSDecimal
gives you an NSData object suitable for an NSDictionary without
having to
muck around with NSDecimal's private fields.
The representation stored in the NSData may be endian-sensiti
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:19:45 -0600, Fritz Anderson
>It begins to look more and more that I'm out of luck...
>To review, here is the NSLog of the failed core/crel event on 10.5:
>Event = 'core'\'crel'{ 'kocl':'cFld', 'insh':'insl'{ 'kobj':'obj '{
'want':'cFld', 'from':'null'(), 'form':'in
On Nov 20, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Greg Guerin wrote:
The representation stored in the NSData may be endian-sensitive. If
the NSDictionary contents might cross architectures, that could be
s/may be/is/
s/could be/will be/
NSDecimal is a struct containing multi-byte integers. It is
Let me see.
The way I understand what you want to do is this:
You have some controls in your window: c1, c2, c3, c4...
You don't care to be notified when they change. Only thing you care about is
to read their values when you click a button. I thing the best thing to do
here is just create a bun
Hum, no. I was wrong. [self setCollectionBehavior:1] means "can join
all spaces". Any ideas how to get
NSWindowCollectionBehaviorMoveToActiveSpace to work?
Again, test app here demonstrates the problem:
On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 8:12
On 11/20/2009 10:49 AM, "Jens Alfke" wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Greg Guerin wrote:
>> The representation stored in the NSData may be endian-sensitive. If
>> the NSDictionary contents might cross architectures, that could be
>> problematic.
> s/may be/is/
> s/could be/will be/
I am working through an example in Buck/Yacktman's book that uses an informal
In the interface of of a custom class, it is declared as such.
@interface MyShapeEditorDocument : NSDocument
@interface NSObject(MYShapeEditingDocEditor)
Le 20 nov. 2009 à 20:46, Michael de Haan a écrit :
> I am working through an example in Buck/Yacktman's book that uses an
> informal protocol.
> In the interface of of a custom class, it is declared as such.
> #import
> @interface MyShapeEditorDocument : NSDocument
> {
You got it right :-). That's what I've been doing. I was just
wondering whether people would use binding in that case. thanks a lot
for clarification.
On 20.11.2009, at 20:02, Karolis Ramanauskas wrote:
Let me see.
The way I understand what you want to do is this:
You have
Hi all,
My document model is Core Data based. When a new document is created, I must
initialize the model to contain several objects with default values.
I followed Apple's "Departments" example:
> The usual way is to NOT implements the NSObject category and test if the
> delegate implements the method using -respondsToSelector:
> But this way works too if you don't want to have to test before sending your
> message.
> Anyway, informal protocols are "deprecated" in favor of @prot
On Nov 20, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Michael de Haan wrote:
> Did not see that it was deprecated, but will take your lead and convert them
> to that. Does the, in your opinion, "optional" addition pretty much replace
> categories as a whole, or is there still a role for them?
The addition of @optiona
Le 20 nov. 2009 à 21:09, Michael de Haan a écrit :
>> The usual way is to NOT implements the NSObject category and test if the
>> delegate implements the method using -respondsToSelector:
>> But this way works too if you don't want to have to test before sending your
>> message.
On Nov 20, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Michael de Haan wrote:
> Does the, in your opinion, "optional" addition pretty much replace categories
> as a whole, or is there still a role for them?
It replaces informal protocols. There are many other uses for categories, like
* Breaking a class implementation
On Nov 20, 2009, at 12:19 PM, David Duncan wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Michael de Haan wrote:
>> Did not see that it was deprecated, but will take your lead and convert them
>> to that. Does the, in your opinion, "optional" addition pretty much replace
>> categories as a whole, or
Hi there,
This is my first post, so please be gentle ;o)
I am writing an application using obj-c/Cocoa and I was curious about something
I have seen in another application that I would like mine to be able to do.
Basically, when you minimise the application, it's window goes down into the
On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:02 AM, Michael Davey wrote:
> Hi there,
> This is my first post, so please be gentle ;o)
> I am writing an application using obj-c/Cocoa and I was curious about
> something I have seen in another application that I would like mine to be
> able to do.
> Basically,
On 20 Nov 2009, at 2:02 AM, Michael Davey wrote:
> Basically, when you minimise the application, it is window goes down into the
> dock as per normal, but once this has been doe it then vanishes from the
> dock, and does not re-appear. Does anyone know if this is possible within
> Cocoa and whi
I posted this question at
Copy and paste:
I have an jpeg image and I want to be able to incrementally compress
it using Cocoa/Core Image/Core Graphics. For example, I have A.jpg
(3MB), I compress A and get B.jpg (1M
Hi all,
Well it's solved, for now, but I have no idea how or why. I'll explain the
steps taken as well as I can remember them, in the hopes that someone has seen
something similar and can tell me what in the world just happened.
I needed to initialize a Core Data model on new document creation
Is what you want to do (multiple pass compressions) actually something that is
valid to do?
Let's say that you compress an image A (using JPEG). If you try to re-compress
(JPEG again) the resultant data A , the compression effort will not be very
useful because the clues that JPEG uses to co
Thought I'd give the question another try. Any insight appreciated.
On Nov 18, 2009, at 7:44 PM, Chase Meadors wrote:
I wanted to add that my problem in the second part of my question
has been solved. The only reason it wasn't working was that
graphView is actually a CALayer, and doesn't au
On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Phi Le wrote:
I have an jpeg image and I want to be able to incrementally compress
it using Cocoa/Core Image/Core Graphics. For example, I have A.jpg
(3MB), I compress A and get B.jpg (1MB), compress B and get C.jpg
(400KB), and so on till the image can't be compre
On Oct 27, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Scott Anguish wrote:
> There should be a tech note shortly that describes these capabilities.
Is this the one?
It doesn't mention NSTouch, so I'm hoping there's more det
I am coming from a .NET C# background, so I have some expectations
that might not apply to Cocoa development. In .NET, I can
incrementally compress an image like this:
A = new Image(data)
B =, 0.5)
C =, 0.5)
where the sizes A > B > C and the deltas are significant.
On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Chase Meadors wrote:
> Thought I'd give the question another try. Any insight appreciated.
May I suggest you invest in a book called Cocoa Design Patterns, where that
**exact** question is painstakingly
Ooops, forgot the list...
> From: Michael Davey
> Date: 21 November 2009 09:59:39 GMT+11:00
> To: Jason Foreman
> Subject: Re: UI Question: Hide application window after minimising
> This is not what I wanted to do, but thanks...
> On 21 Nov 2009, at 08:05, Jason Foreman wrote:
>> O
On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Phi Le wrote:
A = new Image(data)
B =, 0.5)
C =, 0.5)
where the sizes A > B > C and the deltas are significant. I can do
this if B is saved to disk and reload back.
Weird — the save method must be looking up the original compressi
> I am coming from a .NET C# background, so I have some expectations
> that might not apply to Cocoa development. In .NET, I can
> incrementally compress an image like this:
> A = new Image(data)
> B =, 0.5)
> C =, 0.5)
You *could* do that, but it's a bad idea. You
On Nov 20, 2009, at 09:11, Scott Ribe wrote:
> The crude approach of "[[self window] makeFirstResponder: nil];" seems to
> work well enough. (I'd previously tried a couple of other things along those
> lines and failed.)
Maybe I missed something earlier in this thread, but I don't see why using t
I have a bunch of UITableViewControllers in my app, each of which is
responsible for some aspect of the data in my sqlite database. Now,
maybe I should have done it differently, but I am passing a
backpointer from each "parent" vc to its "child" vc, where the child
vc is going t
On Nov 20, 2009, at 5:55 PM, Paul Archibald wrote:
> So, why does setParentViewController get called twice, and why is the
> parameter type different the second time, and why don't I get an exception
> when the wrong type is gets passed into setParentViewController that second
> time?
Well... now that in 10.6 the pasteboard types are UTI types, I'm not sure that
one can say anymore that there is no mapping from files to pasteboard types.
And 10.6 Finder puts a public.tiff into the pasteboard in this case, but I
would argue it is the wrong tiff.
On Nov 2
I apologize if this has been touched on already. Have others
observed that the function method_getNumberOfArguments counts block
arguments as two arguments? The corresponding method in
NSMethodSignature counts them once. Similarly, method_getArgumentType
splits up the "@?" into "@
No. The Magic mouse does not issue NSTouches.
On Nov 20, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
> On Oct 27, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Scott Anguish wrote:
>> There should be a tech note shortly that describes these capabilities.
> Is this the one?
Quincey Morris ( on 2009-11-20 6:34 PM said:
>...the window controller could send
>'commitEditing:' messages directly to text fields and other views that
>implement the NSEditor protocol.
Nope. Despite the docs, you can't send commitEditing to a textfield.
See also:
Son of a gun, I think you got it.
I was wondering about whether properties were somehow involved, but I
had not declared any like that in my classes, and didn't think of the
inherited ones. Good call.
Oh, I guess I will have to actually fix the code now, but I am willing
to bet this is th
Well, maybe if I give a wrong answer at least we'll get a discussion started.
On 2009 Nov 20, at 08:32, Sean McBride wrote:
> If I implement a custom setter for an NSManagedObject attribute, what
> can I do?
I do lots of stuff -- in particular, sending notifications to implement
business logic
I'm having two problems with UIView setAnimationTransition. I have a
single image that I am flipping (a UIImageVIew). The effect I am
aiming for is flipping the image over such that when it is flipped
over there is a resulting blank (black) space where the image should
be. Also, in ord
On Nov 20, 2009, at 6:38 PM, "Sean McBride" wrote:
Quincey Morris ( on 2009-11-20 6:34 PM
...the window controller could send
'commitEditing:' messages directly to text fields and other views
implement the NSEditor protocol.
Nope. Despite the doc
On Nov 20, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
Well... now that in 10.6 the pasteboard types are UTI types, I'm not
sure that one can say anymore that there is no mapping from files to
pasteboard types. And 10.6 Finder puts a public.tiff into the
pasteboard in this case, but I would argue
Hello All
I want to write a uninstaller for my app.
What this un-installer need to do is- delete some files an the main app, and
then delete itself.
Steps what i found are
1. Un-install app will run a shell script to delete all.
2. It will use launchd to delete itself.
How access permissions are
On 2009 Nov 20, at 12:04, Oftenwrong Soong wrote:
> However, initWithType:error is never called for new document creation (or any
> document creation for that matter). I placed a breakpoint inside the method
> and execution does not pause there. Instead, -(id)init gets called.
It's not 'instead
On Nov 20, 2009, at 11:03 PM, Parimal Das wrote:
> I want to write a uninstaller for my app.
Are you sure it needs one? Most Mac apps don't have or need uninstallers. If
you want to remove an app, you just drag its icon to the Trash. (There might be
some preference files left behind, but they'
I have a UITableView that displays a list of message subjects. When a message
is deleted, it is marked as deleted, rather than actually removed from the MOC.
The list is backed by an NSFetchedResultsController. I initializes the FRC with
a predicate:
NSEntityDescription* entity = [NSEntityDescr
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