Re: Separate WebViews?

2009-09-29 Thread charlie dropbox
Thanks Jens. It has helped me find the other two articles which will help me with this. charlie On Mon, Sep 28, 2009

Re: Separate WebViews?

2009-09-29 Thread Izidor Jerebic
On 29.9.2009, at 7:16, Jens Alfke wrote: On Sep 28, 2009, at 1:49 AM, charlie dropbox wrote: I was looking around for cookie state or some separation of data sharing between WebViews. There's a singleton NSHTTPCookieStorage object that you can use to interact with cookie storage. But th

Severeal Views, One Webview in MainMenu.xib

2009-09-29 Thread Philip Juel Borges
Hi! In my app I have tailored the ViewController app from Apple to fit my needs. The MainMenu.xib contains the custom view where my other views are swapped in. I have 3 views in all now. All these views contain each 1-3 NSTableViews and one WebView. However, instead of having 3 WebViews I

Re: How to tell if NSArrayController has a selected CoreData instance?

2009-09-29 Thread Timothy Reaves
> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Timothy Reaves > wrote: >>     Well, I was hoping to bind buttons enabled property.  If I use a >> regular NSArray backed controller this works.  And you can't bind (at >> least I don't know how) with selectedObjects.  But you can with >> selection, and an NSNotN

Re: How to tell if NSArrayController has a selected CoreData instance?

2009-09-29 Thread Timothy Reaves
> On Sep 28, 2009, at 18:11, Kyle Sluder wrote: > >> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Timothy Reaves >> wrote: >>> Well, I was hoping to bind buttons enabled property. If I use a >>> regular NSArray backed controller this works. And you can't bind (at >>> least I don't know how) with selecte

UIControl touchInside property

2009-09-29 Thread Roland King
cocoa touch question - I have searched devforums with the usual total lack of result. UIControl has a 'touchInside' readonly property which, according to the documentation returns A Boolean value that indicates whether a touch is inside the bounds of the receiver. (read-only) but it doe

Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread Pascal Harris
I have an application with an NSArray of NSDictionary (with 18 keys) which populates an NSTableView. I am concerned that my method of accessing the contents of my array are sub-optimal and I'm therefore seeking advice from the experts. My current method is to iterate through the array, searching

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread I. Savant
On Sep 29, 2009, at 10:38 AM, Pascal Harris wrote: My current method is to iterate through the array, searching for a match for a particular key. I suspect that there may be a faster way - but I cannot find a tutorial (especially since all the example code seems to have gone AWOL in Snow

Re: UIControl touchInside property

2009-09-29 Thread Ricky Sharp
I believe there is some "slop" area for controls in general. For example, the Edit button in the nav bar in Mail when in a list of messages. The initial tap must be within the defined bounds. But when tracking off or back in, the bounds used to determine in vs out is larger. That property a

Re: How to tell if NSArrayController has a selected CoreData instance?

2009-09-29 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:10 AM, "Timothy Reaves" > wrote: What makes you think you can? Logically, you shouldn't be able. I'd imagine selectedObjects is always going to return an index set; it'd just be empty with no selection. I did try comparing it to NSNoSelectionMarker just in case, an

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread Oftenwrong Soong
Hi all, IIUC, what you're saying is that NSPredicate is used as a filter. Is that correct? If so, is Predicate Editor (in IB) related in some way? And if so, what is it supposed to do? Honestly I could never understand the docs on this particular control. :) Thanks, Soong On Sept 29, 2009 a

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread I. Savant
On Sep 29, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Oftenwrong Soong wrote: IIUC, what you're saying is that NSPredicate is used as a filter. Is that correct? Well, it's more of a (unit of a) query. You can create compound predicates, etc. to build a more complex query. If so, is Predicate Editor (in IB) r

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread I. Savant
On Sep 29, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Oftenwrong Soong wrote: is Predicate Editor (in IB) related in some way? And if so, what is it supposed to do? By the way, a quick google search of, "nspredicateeditor example" yields a very helpful first result ... -- I.S. _

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread Todd Heberlein
By the way, a quick google search of, "nspredicateeditor example" yields a very helpful first result ... Don't forget, Google yields different results for different people based on a variety of factors. Todd ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-de

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread I. Savant
On Sep 29, 2009, at 1:21 PM, Todd Heberlein wrote: Don't forget, Google yields different results for different people based on a variety of factors. Good point. My intention, however, is not to instruct on how to use Google, but rather to use it in the first place. -- I.S. _

Re: Efficient searching of an NSArray of NSDictionary

2009-09-29 Thread Jens Alfke
On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:38 AM, Pascal Harris wrote: I have an application with an NSArray of NSDictionary (with 18 keys) which populates an NSTableView. I am concerned that my method of accessing the contents of my array are sub-optimal and I'm therefore seeking advice from the experts.

Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Chilton Webb
Hi, I have two full screen graphics that I'd like to transition between, using a 'push' effect, so that one appears to visually push the other off the side of the screen. The window I actually need to use this for cannot use layer backed views, due to a few still open bugs. So now I'm e

Re: Can an app query the values in its own Info.plist?

2009-09-29 Thread Ken Ferry
On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Scott Anguish wrote: > > On Sep 28, 2009, at 1:16 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote: > > On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 10:02 PM, Scott Anguish >> wrote: >> >>> Why do it? It's easy enough to add your own. >>> >> >> It's also easy to add them to Info.plist… it seems like an appro

System Configuration framework question re airport

2009-09-29 Thread Bill Cheeseman
Not sure what list to send this to I've written a Cocoa method using the System Configuration framework to detect whether the AirPort card is powered on. I first test for a network interface of type kSCNetworkInterfaceTypeIEEE80211 (AirPort). Then, if one is present, I get its configura

Timer and RunLoop question

2009-09-29 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I've got an app that handles keyboard input (-keyDown:) and has a repeating timer that causes the runloop to call repeatedly a method in my app (called timerFireMethod:). Could it happen that keyDown: and timerFireMethod: are running at the same time? In other words: does the runloop exec

NSTableColumn value binding + keypath over a relationship

2009-09-29 Thread Stamenkovic Florijan
Hi all, I have been experiencing an error in my app that does not make sense... Here is the situation: A CoreData app. I have a table and one of it's columns' value bound to an array controller's "". The controller contains objects of the Note entity. Note relat

Re: Timer and RunLoop question

2009-09-29 Thread Wim Lewis
On Sep 29, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Gabriel Zachmann wrote: I've got an app that handles keyboard input (-keyDown:) and has a repeating timer that causes the runloop to call repeatedly a method in my app (called timerFireMethod:). Could it happen that keyDown: and timerFireMethod: are running at

Re: NSTableColumn value binding + keypath over a relationship

2009-09-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Sep 29, 2009, at 14:18, Stamenkovic Florijan wrote: A CoreData app. I have a table and one of it's columns' value bound to an array controller's "". The controller contains objects of the Note entity. Note relates to a Group (to-one), and the Group entity has a

Setting BorderThickness moves resize widget?!?

2009-09-29 Thread Knut Lorenzen
Dear List, please take a look at this image: (Picture shows my App in front of Safari before/after) I would like to have a Statusbar in my App and I am using [mainWindow setContentBorderThickness: 16.0 forEdge: NSMinYEdge]; and [mainWindow setCon

[iPhone] Core Data Application with multiple TableViewControllers

2009-09-29 Thread Paul Archibald
Hey, I am working on an iPhone app to manage project files which consist of names, equipment, and tasks. I want to use Core Data with SQLite as the backing store. Our prototype has a bunch of tableview pages that allow the user to create, edit and delete projects and project elements.I ha

Re: Setting BorderThickness moves resize widget?!?

2009-09-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Sep 29, 2009, at 14:55, Knut Lorenzen wrote: please take a look at this image: (Picture shows my App in front of Safari before/after) I would like to have a Statusbar in my App and I am using [mainWindow setContentBorderThickness: 16.0 forEdge:

Splitting controller logic

2009-09-29 Thread Chase Meadors
Hi All, I'm having some conceptual trouble concerning using multiple windows with multiple controllers in a project. Where exactly is the line as to what a window controller subclass should manage, and what the App controller should manage? Say I have a window with a fair amount of contro

Suggestions for debugging “EXC_BAD_ACCES S” - followup

2009-09-29 Thread Bob Barnes
all, I wanted to follow up my email from last week with some additional questions about the leaks instrument and what it is or isn't trying to tell me. When running the leaks instrument with NSZombieEnabled several lines of the following code are flagged as leaked memory... NSStrin

Re: Suggestions for debugging “EXC_BAD _ACCESS” - followup

2009-09-29 Thread Nick Zitzmann
On Sep 29, 2009, at 4:18 PM, Bob Barnes wrote: I wanted to follow up my email from last week with some additional questions about the leaks instrument and what it is or isn't trying to tell me. When running the leaks instrument with NSZombieEnabled several lines of the following code are f

Re: NSTableColumn value binding + keypath over a relationship

2009-09-29 Thread Stamenkovic Florijan
On Sep 29, 2009, at 17:37, Bryan Matteson wrote: Cannot remove an observer for the key path "" from , most likely because the value for the key "group" has changed without an appropriate KVO notification being sent. Check the KVO-compliance of the FSNote class. Means exactly

Re: Timer and RunLoop question

2009-09-29 Thread Mike Abdullah
On 29 Sep 2009, at 22:30, Wim Lewis wrote: And what about two timers, i.e., what happens, if one of them fires while the method associated with the other one is till executing? It won't be able to fire until control returns to the runloop in some way. Which is why NSTime only guarantees

Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1394

2009-09-29 Thread Luke Evans
Mmmm, the plot thickens... I think this has to do with two MOCs being out of synchronisation, despite my best efforts. The specific situation is that I have two threads - the main thread and one other. I've created a new test harness to try to isolate the problem, which does the following

Re: Suggestions for debugging “EXC_BAD _ACCESS” - followup

2009-09-29 Thread Bob Barnes
Nick, Thanks, I suspected as much. Bob On Sep 29, 2009, at 3:27 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote: On Sep 29, 2009, at 4:18 PM, Bob Barnes wrote: I wanted to follow up my email from last week with some additional questions about the leaks instrument and what it is or isn't trying to tell me. W

Re: Some more questions on NSOpenPanel

2009-09-29 Thread David M. Cotter
originally from Frameworks IT list: Vlad: For some reason cmd-A does not work in our NSOpenPanel to select the current contents of the browser but navigation keystrokes do work. Is there something obvious that I am missing? Any clues? Corbin: Do you have an edit menu with Select All (Cmd-A

Re: Core Data Calculated Properties [solved]

2009-09-29 Thread John McIntosh
After more research, I found my solution in the NSPersistentDocument Tutorial. If anyone else has this problem, I needed to implement the following method in the subclass for my entity: + (NSSet *)keyPathsForValuesAffectingProperty3{ return [NSSet setWithObjects:@"property1", @"property2",

re: Strange Core Data save behaviour ("required relationship nil"... when it is set the line before saving)

2009-09-29 Thread Ben Trumbull
Now, I have some code that changes the value of the 'B enumeration value' that A is using. This does the following: 1. Create a new instance of the B subentity that represents the value we want (in the same MOC as A) 2. Delete the old B object that A was pointing to, i.e. [moc deleteObject:B]; 3.

Core Data Calculated Properties

2009-09-29 Thread John McIntosh
Hi all. I am working on a core data application and am having some difficulty understanding how to configure a particular aspect of it. I am using an nstable to display a selection of properties from my core data managed object. I have the properties bound to the columns in the table and set to Co

Re: Some more questions on NSOpenPanel

2009-09-29 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 3:52 PM, David M. Cotter wrote: > Just before we put up the dialog, we enable undo, cut, copy, paste, clear, > and select all.  these items all have the correct HICommand assigned (eg: > "select all" has kHICommandSelectAll as it's "tag") Tag? kHICommandSelectAll? This i

Re: NSTableColumn value binding + keypath over a relationship

2009-09-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Sep 29, 2009, at 15:27, Stamenkovic Florijan wrote: // the group dragged to NSManagedObject* group = [((NSTreeNode*)proposedParentItem) representedObject]; // the URIs of Notes being dragged NSArray* noteURIs = [NSKeyedUnar

NSLayoutManager and best override point for temporary attributes

2009-09-29 Thread Keith Blount
Hello, I have certain custom text attributes that are used in my NSTextStorage to which I would like to add temporary attributes via the NSLayoutManager. For example, say I have a custom "NoteColor" text attribute associated with an NSColor object ([text addAttribute:@"NoteColor value:[NSColor

Re: Splitting controller logic

2009-09-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Sep 29, 2009, at 15:15, Chase Meadors wrote: I'm having some conceptual trouble concerning using multiple windows with multiple controllers in a project. Where exactly is the line as to what a window controller subclass should manage, and what the App controller should manage? Say I ha

Re: NSTextField, drawing the text offset to the right in the field

2009-09-29 Thread jon
i've got something i think is close... i've got a custom cell, and a custom textfield, i've got an override implementation of "drawInteriorWithFrame" that i think will work. but i'm confused as to where to call "drawInteriorWithFrame", right now it is inside the custom Cell, but the

Re: CoreRecipes Sample Code Data Model Error

2009-09-29 Thread Richard Somers
On Sep 23, 2009, at 4:41 PM, Richard Somers wrote: Apple's CoreRecipes Sample Code Version 1.0 produces the following error. Couldn’t open “/Users/ ... /CoreRecipes/Sample Applications/ CoreRecipesApp/MainApplication/Models/CoreRecipes.xcdatamodel”. Reason: *** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver initForR

Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Steve Cronin
Folks; I have a Clang issue that is making me a little crazy. I have a modestly complex Core Data application with several thousand lines of code. I've run Clang and at this point I have only one issue: "…. Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is

simpleBrowser example has setCellClass setting a cell to an instance?

2009-09-29 Thread jon
how is the simpleBrowser example that is provided with xcode doing this? [fsBrowser setCellClass: [FSBrowserCell class]]; fsBrowser is an instance, IBOutlet NSBrowser*fsBrowser; yet isn't setCellClass a class method? i tried the same thing and got a warning? thanks, Jon. __

Re: Strange Core Data save behaviour ("required relationship nil"... when it is set the line before saving)

2009-09-29 Thread Luke Evans
Hello Ben. What happens if you add a call to -processPendingChanges in between #2 and #3 ? ... well then everything works wonderfully (oh joy!!) :-) OK. I need to get a proper mental picture of why this is needed in this case. I guess I was vaguely aware of this method from previous passe

Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Rob Keniger
On 30/09/2009, at 4:16 AM, Chilton Webb wrote: So now I'm experimenting with using an overlay window with layer backed views, loading the images into the views, showing the window, and drawing the animation by then translating the two views at the same time. Is this the fastest way to do t

Re: Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Roland King
what's the name of the actual method it's complaining about? Steve Cronin wrote: Folks; I have a Clang issue that is making me a little crazy. I have a modestly complex Core Data application with several thousand lines of code. I've run Clang and at this point I have only one issue: "…. Ob

Re: Setting BorderThickness moves resize widget?!?

2009-09-29 Thread Gregory Weston
Knut Lorenzen wrote: Dear List, please take a look at this image: (Picture shows my App in front of Safari before/after) I would like to have a Statusbar in my App and I am using [mainWindow setContentBorderThickness: 16.0 forEdge: NSMinYEdge];

Re: Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Greg Parker
On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Steve Cronin wrote: "…. Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected" this is shown at the end of a particular method. The deal is that, over time, I have isolated this method and at this moment there are NO methods

Re: simpleBrowser example has setCellClass setting a cell to an instance?

2009-09-29 Thread Jens Alfke
On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:19 PM, jon wrote: [fsBrowser setCellClass: [FSBrowserCell class]]; fsBrowser is an instance, IBOutlet NSBrowser*fsBrowser; yet isn't setCellClass a class method? No, it's a regular instance method; just look in NSBrowser.h: - (void)setCellClass:(Class)facto

Re: Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Wim Lewis
On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Steve Cronin wrote: This is the only method that Clang has an issue with… Why does Clang believe that an 'owning retain count is expected' if the method is never called? Why is Clang picking on this one method which mirrors the mechanics of so many others? Cla

Re: Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Jens Alfke
On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Steve Cronin wrote: "…. Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected" this is shown at the end of a particular method. I think this means the method has a name that by convention indicates that it returns a refer

Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Chilton Webb
Hi Rob! Thank you for writing. I suppose the only way I'll know for sure is to test this with both. On Sep 29, 2009, at 7:24 PM, Rob Keniger wrote: You could do it this way, although normally for something like this I'd use Core Image. Make two CIImages and use an animated transition CIFi

Re: simpleBrowser example has setCellClass setting a cell to an instance?

2009-09-29 Thread jon
oh, i was thinking that method was inherited from the NSControl class... great, so now i still can't figure out why my custom Cell methods are not firing still looking for the problem.. Jon. On Sep 29, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:19 PM, jon wrote:

Re: Static Analyzer Question

2009-09-29 Thread Steve Cronin
Gentlemen; YES Bingo! + newWidgetID I love how Cocoa can so drive you crazy and then when insight happens it's often nearly painful in its elegance and simplicity… Breathtaking sometimes…. Thank-you all, Steve On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Steve Cronin wrote: "…. Object with +0 retain c

Re: Some more questions on NSOpenPanel

2009-09-29 Thread David M. Cotter
Just before we put up the dialog, we enable undo, cut, copy, paste, clear, and select all. these items all have the correct HICommand assigned (eg: "select all" has kHICommandSelectAll as it's "tag") Tag? kHICommandSelectAll? This is the cocoa-dev list. ;-) okye, well yes:

Don't understand NSBrowser's setReusesColumns:

2009-09-29 Thread Philip White
Hello, I posted a question a few days ago about the NSBrowser delegate method: - (void)browser:(NSBrowser *)sender createRowsForColumn:(NSInteger) column inMatrix:(NSMatrix *)matrix I was having problems where this was getting called with the matrix argument equal to nil. I ended up fin

Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Rob Keniger
On 30/09/2009, at 10:33 AM, Chilton Webb wrote: I will take a shot at this. My concern is that I've seen CoreImage transitions bog down initially, I guess in their loading phase or something. I have an early model G5 that I use for testing the low end of the Leopard range (and it still lo

Re: NSTextField, drawing the text offset to the right in the field

2009-09-29 Thread Matt Neuburg
On or about 9/29/09 4:43 PM, thus spake "jon" : > is properly using my custom textfield, but the custom textfield doesn't > appear to be using the custom cell Then you have to *make* the custom textfield use the custom cell. :) Use whips and chains if necessary. Actually, I think what I said bef

Re: Core Data Calculated Properties

2009-09-29 Thread Matthew Lindfield Seager
John, The info you are after is at: Specifically, keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: Regards, Matthew Safe, comfortable and satisfied? Consider supporting some people who aren'

Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 10:24:47 +1000, Rob Keniger said: > >On 30/09/2009, at 4:16 AM, Chilton Webb wrote: > >> So now I'm experimenting with using an overlay window with layer >> backed views, loading the images into the views, showing the window, >> and drawing the animation by then translating the

Re: NSTextField, drawing the text offset to the right in the field

2009-09-29 Thread jon
hmmm, well i'm trying hard to do is what i've done... in a header: IBOutlet ImageTextField *addressBar; i've created this pointer to this instance... and then in the awakefromNib method, i have this... [ImageTextField setCellClass:[ImageTextFieldCell class]]; this set's the c

Re: NSTextField, drawing the text offset to the right in the field

2009-09-29 Thread Kyle Sluder
+setCellClass: just tells the view "Hey next time you initialize yourself, make a cell of this class." Since your ImageTextField instance was created inside of IB, this is never going to happen. Instead you need to change the class of the cell from within IB, under the Identity inspector. It migh

Re: NSTextField, drawing the text offset to the right in the field

2009-09-29 Thread jon
ahh, that was it, thanks a lot, that made perfect sense once i looked inside IB I was also surprised that IB knew about my custom cell class... I was thinking code code code... and i just needed that shove in the correct direction... you made my day, after a very long day... tha

Re: NSTableColumn value binding + keypath over a relationship

2009-09-29 Thread Stamenkovic Florijan
On Sep 29, 2009, at 19:21, Quincey Morris wrote: On Sep 29, 2009, at 15:27, Stamenkovic Florijan wrote: // the group dragged to NSManagedObject* group = [((NSTreeNode*)proposedParentItem) representedObject]; // the URIs of Notes being drag

[SOLVED] (again) How to observe every child entity

2009-09-29 Thread Matthew Lindfield Seager
Jim Correia wrote: > What you are talking about is not observing child entities. You wish to > observe related instances (NSManagedObject or subclass thereof). The entity > describes the instance, but is not the instance. > You're right and I don't think that's overly pedantic. OTOH I was just try

Re: Strange Core Data save behaviour ("required relationship nil"... when it is set the line before saving)

2009-09-29 Thread Ben Trumbull
On Sep 29, 2009, at 8:22 PM, Luke Evans wrote: Hello Ben. What happens if you add a call to -processPendingChanges in between #2 and #3 ? ... well then everything works wonderfully (oh joy!!) :-) OK. I need to get a proper mental picture of why this is needed in this case. I guess I wa

Populating NSTokenField

2009-09-29 Thread vince
Thanks for the assistance ... How can I populate the contents of a tokenField object with multiple tags at application startup? -v. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the li

Re: Populating NSTokenField

2009-09-29 Thread Matthew Lindfield Seager 2009/9/30 vince : > Thanks for the assistance ... > How can I populate the contents of a tokenField object with multiple tags at > application startup? > > -v. > ___

Re: NSTokenField token color/control

2009-09-29 Thread Brandon Walkin
I wrote some code a while back to customize the appearance of a token field. Feel free to use it. It does use some private API, though, so beware. Brandon

Re: NSView clicking through to superview

2009-09-29 Thread PCWiz
Earlier I did try mouseDown:, and it did capture all the clicks (which is what I wanted), but I was not sure on how to implement it. How would I override it so that clicks would not pass through to the superview? On 2009-09-28, at 8:07 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 7:36 PM

Re: NSView clicking through to superview

2009-09-29 Thread Kyle Sluder
Just don't propagate it. This is what the NSResponder implementation of -mouseDown: looks like: - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { [[self nextResponder] mouseDown:theEvent]; } All you have to do is *not* do that line, and *not* call super's implementation. --Kyle Sluder _

Re: Strange Core Data save behaviour ("required relationship nil"... when it is set the line before saving)

2009-09-29 Thread Luke Evans
Well, I'm more than happy to file a bug, as it has been tricky to figure out (and I would probably still be at it without your interjection). There are several ways to frame the problem of course: it could be a documentation bug... things aren't as simple as might first appear in the docs/g

Re: Strange Core Data save behaviour ("required relationship nil"... when it is set the line before saving)

2009-09-29 Thread Quincey Morris
On Sep 29, 2009, at 21:56, Luke Evans wrote: Well, I'm more than happy to file a bug, as it has been tricky to figure out (and I would probably still be at it without your interjection). ... On 2009-09-29, at 8:16 PM, Ben Trumbull wrote: ... I don't think anyone has cared enough to f

Re: NSView clicking through to superview

2009-09-29 Thread PCWiz
Thanks On 2009-09-29, at 9:49 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote: Just don't propagate it. This is what the NSResponder implementation of -mouseDown: looks like: - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent { [[self nextResponder] mouseDown:theEvent]; } All you have to do is *not* do that line, and *not* call

Re: simpleBrowser example has setCellClass setting a cell to an instance?

2009-09-29 Thread Ken Ferry
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:35 PM, jon wrote: > oh, i was thinking that method was inherited from the NSControl class... > > great, so now i still can't figure out why my custom Cell methods are not > firing still looking for the problem.. > +cellClass is consulted whenever an NSControl nee

The principle of the "iTunes Syncing"?

2009-09-29 Thread James
Hi all, Now I am developing an cocoa application. One of the app's function is to synchronize the audio and video files to the iPod/iPhone. The function is same as the "iTunes Syncing" function. So I want to know about the principle of the "iTunes Syncing". And is there any framework to impl

Re: The principle of the "iTunes Syncing"?

2009-09-29 Thread Kyle Sluder
2009/9/29 James : >   Now I am developing an cocoa application. One of the app's function is to > synchronize the audio and video files to the iPod/iPhone. The function is same > as the "iTunes Syncing" function. You have no access to the user's iTunes or iPod libraries. >   So I want to know abo

Nib Loading Crash on Tiger only

2009-09-29 Thread Steve Cronin
Folks; I have converted to using SL; XC3.2; IB 3.2. I have an app with a deployment target of 10.4 There are no IB warnings; the dev target is IB 3.2 Things have been working reasonably well but now when I test on a Tiger I crash immediately Leopard and Snow Leopard are fine 2009-09-30 01:34

Re: Nib Loading Crash on Tiger only

2009-09-29 Thread Graham Cox
On 30/09/2009, at 4:45 PM, Steve Cronin wrote: I'm using .xib files but I don't what I should even be looking for. What is this trying to tell me? Looks like your nib contains a Leopard-only class, and therefore it can't dearchive it on Tiger. Seems to be some sort of private image rep