Error when building a Cocoa-Java app

2008-06-23 Thread Angelo Chen
Hi, I'm trying out Cocoa-Java application, in the XCode 2.4, I created a new object 'Cocoa-Java application', then click 'build', and it gives me error: command /Developer/Private/jam failed with exit code 1 any idea how to fix this? Thanks. Angelo ___ YM

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Georg Seifert
Now I found out how panels works in Apple apps: (I did not use them often enough to be used to this behavior. I always had the panel from Adobe apps in mind ) The panels have the "setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES" set and thats it. Than they get closed by "command+W" if they have the focus (no

Determining startup AppleEvents

2008-06-23 Thread Mike
Is there a way in Cocoa to determine if the application was launched with or without an initial AppleEvent? In particular, I am thinking of the Launch Services option that allows an app to be launched with an optional AppleEvent. I need a convenient way to know an AppleEvent I am receiving ca

Code signing and bundle layout

2008-06-23 Thread Trygve Inda
Apple's guide at: says: > Do not put helper applications, plugins, and other separately signed code into > the Resources directory of a bundle. The Resources directory is directly > sealed to the main executable. Put plugins into t

Re: Error when building a Cocoa-Java app

2008-06-23 Thread Kyle Sluder
2008/6/23 Angelo Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > any idea how to fix this? Thanks. Good luck; the Cocoa-Java bridge has been deprecated as of 10.4. --Kyle Sluder ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or m

iCal server Cocoa API?

2008-06-23 Thread Devraj Mukherjee
Hi everyone, I wondering if OSX Server components like iCal server or Address Book server (which I assume is LDAP based) have Cocoa libraries to populate/query data. I am trying to construct a Cocoa application but wish to re-use as much of Apple's apps/technologies as I can. My solution can assu

Assert trigged in -[NSEvent eventNumber]

2008-06-23 Thread Mattias Arrelid
After having tried to debug an error related to mouse tracking (using MATrackingAreaw, [1]) a few weeks ago, I occasionally saw an error message from the system in the console log. The error claim that an assert has failed in -[NSEvent eventNumber] - and each time this occured, our custom mouse tra

Re: Code signing and bundle layout

2008-06-23 Thread Bill Cheeseman
on 2008-06-23 7:02 AM, Trygve Inda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I have a prefpane that contains two helper applications (which are > themselves bundles). These are currently in the Resources folder, but it > looks like they should move. Do I create a different folder for these? I discussed this

Re: iCal server Cocoa API?

2008-06-23 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Le 23 juin 08 à 13:37, Devraj Mukherjee a écrit : Hi everyone, I wondering if OSX Server components like iCal server or Address Book server (which I assume is LDAP based) have Cocoa libraries to populate/query data. I am trying to construct a Cocoa application but wish to re-use as much of App

Re: Error when building a Cocoa-Java app

2008-06-23 Thread Angelo Chen
Hi, There is this tutorial: but no source code included, following the steps turned out not working, I think Cocoa-java bridge is quite useful, example, you might like to use Hibernate in your Cocoa app, and Objectiv C does not th

Re: How to manage/embed Covert Art from Mp3 Files with Cocoa App?

2008-06-23 Thread Daniel Thorpe
Hello everyone, I raised this problem on the list in May, although I was unable to follow up in timely fashion. I've since had time to look at it again, and I see some more people have asked about adding artwork to iTunes. As Jens suggests, an ID3 framework

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Mike Abdullah
On 23 Jun 2008, at 08:35, Georg Seifert wrote: Now I found out how panels works in Apple apps: (I did not use them often enough to be used to this behavior. I always had the panel from Adobe apps in mind ) The panels have the "setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES" set and thats it. Than they ge

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Jim Correia
On Jun 23, 2008, at 3:35 AM, Georg Seifert wrote: The way I would like it is that is does not respond to "command-w" at all. I think, I will try to implement my my own close button and disable close in IB. Or has anyone a better idea? A previous response in this thread told you how to do th

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Andy Lee
On Jun 23, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Jim Correia wrote: But it is still unclear to me *why* you want to do this. If your panel has a close box, and it is the window with keyboard focus, many users are going to expect Command-W to close that window. Going out of your want to disable that functionali

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Georg Seifert
But it is still unclear to me *why* you want to do this. If your panel has a close box, and it is the window with keyboard focus, many users are going to expect Command-W to close that window. Going out of your want to disable that functionality is likely to frustrate these users. An exampl

Newbie seeks code review

2008-06-23 Thread Paul E. Robichaux
I'm a brand-new Cocoa programmer, and I've just finished the first demo-able version of my first app: it uploads conversation files from the corporate version of Mac Messenger to a user's "Conversation History" folder in their Exchange Server mailbox. So, not exactly mass market, but certainly u

Newbie pulling my hair out regarding a simple xcode issue. Please help :-)

2008-06-23 Thread Papa-Raboon
Hi All, I have been trying to get my hair around Cocoa programming and have worked through many a tutorial and it seems to be coming to me slowly. I wondered if anyone could help me figure out a simple exercise that I came up with myself to make it clearer how to properly address objects with each

Re: Newbie pulling my hair out regarding a simple xcode issue. Please help :-)

2008-06-23 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Papa-Raboon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Could anyone please help in some way either with a description of what > needs to be done or a link to a similar tutorial. Typically, there isn't a tutorial for this sort of thing because these situations tend to arise out

Webkit plug-in help

2008-06-23 Thread Matt Mashyna
I'm sorry for posting this here but posting to the webkit list is like putting a message in a bottle. Maybe someone here will be able to offer a clue. I'm struggling with a plug-in. I looked at the example plug-ins like the movie player. The movie player looks at the source url and uses it

OT: code signing

2008-06-23 Thread Trygve Inda
Where/how can I get a code-signing certificate for 10.5 apps? Verisign says I need a Windows browser to order a Authenticode certificate, but that they really don't support Macs. Thawte claims to support only Mac OS 9 RSA has little info about code signing.

Re: Determining startup AppleEvents

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 1:04 AM, Mike wrote: Is there a way in Cocoa to determine if the application was launched with or without an initial AppleEvent? That's what -applicationDidFinishLaunching: is for. It's called after any initial AppleEvents are dispatched. So if you reach that method, an

Re: Newbie pulling my hair out regarding a simple xcode issue. Please help :-)

2008-06-23 Thread Matt Mashyna
You need to think in terms of MVC - Model, View, Controller. You have the view now you need to think of the model and controller. Make an object in Xcode called something like MyController. For this simple example you could combine the model and controller. Add an NSMutable Array for your m

Re: Assert trigged in -[NSEvent eventNumber]

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 5:21 AM, Mattias Arrelid wrote: The error claim that an assert has failed in -[NSEvent eventNumber] - and each time this occured, our custom mouse tracking seemed to stop working. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the log at the moment. What would be the right™ thing to

Re: iCal server Cocoa API?

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 4:37 AM, Devraj Mukherjee wrote: I wondering if OSX Server components like iCal server or Address Book server (which I assume is LDAP based) have Cocoa libraries to populate/query data. I am trying to construct a Cocoa application but wish to re-use as much of Apple's apps/tec

Re: OT: code signing

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 9:59 AM, Trygve Inda wrote: I have an Authenticode certificate for our VC++ Windows-based app, but it does not seem to work on 10.5's code signing system. I haven't tried to do any code signing yet, but my naïve impression is that any valid X.509 cert plus private key sh

Re: OT: code signing

2008-06-23 Thread Trygve Inda
> > On 23 Jun '08, at 9:59 AM, Trygve Inda wrote: > >> I have an Authenticode certificate for our VC++ Windows-based app, >> but it >> does not seem to work on 10.5's code signing system. > > I haven't tried to do any code signing yet, but my naïve impression is > that any valid X.509 cert plus

Re: NSPanel should not close on command-W

2008-06-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 23, 2008, at 09:01, Georg Seifert wrote: I do a graphic program and most users are used to the behavior of adobe apps. There palettes have a close button but do not react on command-w. For me it is more logical that all windows with a "big" title bar react on keyboard close comman

Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread David Carlisle
I just finished my first simple Core Data Document Based Application. Four entities with multiple relationships. Now I want to recreate the same thing using just SQLite. I don't know SQLite, and I know very little Unix. I had read it was possible to study SQLite using Core Data, but I a

Re: Code signing and bundle layout

2008-06-23 Thread Jeff Johnson
On Jun 23, 2008, at 7:49 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote: on 2008-06-23 7:02 AM, Trygve Inda at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a prefpane that contains two helper applications (which are themselves bundles). These are currently in the Resources folder, but it looks like they should move. Do I crea

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Ilan Volow
The best way to learn SQLite is to learn SQLite and ignore Core Data completely. While Core Data technically uses SQLite, it does undocumented voodoo with SQLite, which is subject to change with any Apple whim at any particular moment (except on thursdays). For all intents and purposes, Cor

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread I. Savant
> Now I want to recreate the same thing using just SQLite. Pick up a good introductory book on relational (SQL) databases. What's good for one is *mostly* good for the others in terms of general design. > I don't know SQLite, and I know very little Unix. If you know SQL and you know enough "

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread David Carlisle
In a 2005 entry on the Big Nerd Ranch Weblog titled "Life with SQLite", it says: "If you are curious about how Core Data structures the file, sqlite3 is a great way to explore it." So I'm starting with just being curious about what Core Data did with my sqlite file, and I'm trying to work

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Hamish Allan
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:06 PM, David Carlisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I had read it was possible to study SQLite using Core Data On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 8:19 PM, David Carlisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In a 2005 entry on the Big Nerd Ranch Weblog titled "Life with SQLite", it > says:

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread I. Savant
> In a 2005 entry on the Big Nerd Ranch Weblog titled "Life with SQLite", it > says: > > "If you are curious about how Core Data structures the file, sqlite3 is a > great way to explore it." That doesn't quite mean Core Data files are a good way to learn SQLite as you seemed to originally imply.

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread I. Savant
> "Learn about Core Data structures using SQLite" != "Learn about SQLite > by examining Core Data structures". More succinct == better. :-) -- I.S. ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator

Re: Custom mouse cursor in NSTextView

2008-06-23 Thread Douglas Davidson
On Jun 13, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Todd Ransom wrote: I have a fullscreen text view in my app that allows the user to set a foreground and background color. Problem is, for some configurations the default I-beam mouse cursor does not show up very well so I want to provide a custom I-beam cursor

caching NSCollectionView

2008-06-23 Thread Georg Seifert
Hello again, I have an other question: Does anybody got saving the item views working. I filed a but at apple about this but i was curios if anyone found a workaround. the problem is, that the stored NSCollectionViewItem does not retains the view: in my NSCollectionView subclass: - (NSCo

Re: caching NSCollectionView

2008-06-23 Thread I. Savant
> Does anybody got saving the item views working. I filed a but at apple about > this but i was curios if anyone found a workaround. The answer to this question depends entirely on what you're trying to accomplish (and how you have things wired). Unless you have a very good reason, however, you'

re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Ben Trumbull
David, I highly recommend these two books: Now

Re: caching NSCollectionView

2008-06-23 Thread Georg Seifert
Does anybody got saving the item views working. I filed a but at apple about this but i was curios if anyone found a workaround. The answer to this question depends entirely on what you're trying to accomplish (and how you have things wired). Unless you have a very good reason, however, you'r

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Ben Trumbull
While Core Data technically uses SQLite, it does undocumented voodoo with SQLite, Core Data only use public SQLite API. For all intents and purposes, Core Data + SQLite should basically be considered a proprietary format. It's the same SQLite file format as on any other platform. The layout

Re: CoreData local and on server sync

2008-06-23 Thread Ben Trumbull
The way that I did before was, creating my own local database, en then when there was a change, replicate the changed data, using DO, to the server. But then I have to keep things in memory. I was hoping for new ideas or that In the Snow version was something new. I guess the way to go is, u

NSDateFormatter -- accepting different formats at runtime

2008-06-23 Thread Daniel Richman
Hello All, I have an NSDateFormatter in an NSTableView. I would like the user to be able to enter dates in different ways, e.g. 1/2/07 January 17, 2008 I know it is possible to set how the date is formatted at compile time via IB, but is there any way to accept multiple formats at runtime?

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 11:06 AM, David Carlisle wrote: just finished my first simple Core Data Document Based Application. Four entities with multiple relationships. Now I want to recreate the same thing using just SQLite. I don't know SQLite, and I know very little Unix. This isn't somet

Re: NSDateFormatter -- accepting different formats at runtime

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 2:24 PM, Daniel Richman wrote: I know it is possible to set how the date is formatted at compile time via IB, but is there any way to accept multiple formats at runtime? The only real way to do this is to create a number of NSDateFormatters, each with a different format

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread David Carlisle
I am studying an application design by implementing it with Core Data, then studying how I would move it to a platform where only sqlite is available. I appreciate the book recommendations. I found where the Definitive Guide to SQLite is available as an ebook, so I might go that route.

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 2:35 PM, David Carlisle wrote: I am studying an application design by implementing it with Core Data, then studying how I would move it to a platform where only sqlite is available. Whew. If you want to implement an app the same way on a no-CoreData platform, you're tal

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread David Carlisle
Your comments noted below are not encouraging. I'll likely get the Definitive Guide, and perhaps study one of the Cocoa sqlite wrappers. On Jun 23, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Jens Alfke wrote: integrating raw database APIs into object-oriented apps can be very difficult because they're two very dif

Re: PDFKit guidance

2008-06-23 Thread John Calhoun
On Jun 21, 2008, at 6:34 PM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote: I appreciated Antonio's (and your) reminder :). If I understand correctly, the OP could create a PDF context with kCGPDFXDestinationOutputProfile set to a grayscale profile QuartzFilters make all that a lot simpler. You would create a Qu

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread David Carlisle
I'm just studying the issues so far. The sqlite version doesn't have to work just like the Core Data version, except on the surface. I'm only beginning to get a grasp of how deep the implementation differences would need to be. As far as the filename extension, if I don't use the .sqlite

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Steven W Riggins
On Jun 23, 2008, at 2:52 PM, David Carlisle wrote: Your comments noted below are not encouraging. Sometimes the truth is discouraging :) ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments

Cocoa Text System: How to determine the caret position?

2008-06-23 Thread Yung-Luen Lan
Hi, I'm writing my own text view because I need laying out text along arbitrary path and vertical text. Rendering text is good with Core Text. However, I don't know how to decide where should I draw the caret. The problem is, character and glyph is not 1-1 mapping. For example, two characters "fi

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 3:13 PM, David Carlisle wrote: As far as the filename extension, if I don't use the .sqlite extension, then sqlite3 creates an empty textfile with the same name as the database: That's what the sqlite3 tool does if you give it a filename that doesn't yet exist. This imp

NIB Help

2008-06-23 Thread J. Todd Slack
Hi All, Are there any examples of loading a NIB, accessing a tab view in a window of the NIB I just loaded? I was trying to accomplish via AppleScript originally, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have any examples? Thanks, -Jason

Re: Learning SQLite by watching Core Data?

2008-06-23 Thread Andy Lee
On Jun 23, 2008, at 6:13 PM, David Carlisle wrote: I'm just studying the issues so far. The sqlite version doesn't have to work just like the Core Data version, except on the surface. I'm only beginning to get a grasp of how deep the implementation differences would need to be. Assuming

Re: NIB Help

2008-06-23 Thread Daniel Richman
What do you mean, loading a NIB? Do you mean in Interface Builder, or at runtime? Daniel J. Todd Slack wrote: Hi All, Are there any examples of loading a NIB, accessing a tab view in a window of the NIB I just loaded? I was trying to accomplish via AppleScript originally, but nothing see

Creating Installer Package from Cocoa

2008-06-23 Thread Ryan Harter
Hey all- I have a helper program that essentially only needs to create a plist for a different gui-less program. This can be done manually, but I want a gui to aid users. What I would like, is for the user to open this setup program, set some custom strings and other preferences, and ha

NSTreeController filter contents

2008-06-23 Thread Michael Hanna
How do I filter-out the contents of an NSTreeController? I saw an example with NSArrayController by overriding the [NSArrayController -arrangeObjects] method, but NSTreeController doesn't have this method. So if a non-leaf or leaf node has a certain attributes set, like -isEnabled, I'd like to sim

CoteData pagination

2008-06-23 Thread Ian
Hi all, I know this has been asked before... I've been searching and searching and RTFMing so I've seen the paper-trail of askees over the years... Anyway, is there any way to query CoreData in chunks? I have a very large CoreData SQl store (>1 million) of managed objects and it's taking

CoreData pagination [was: CoteData pagination]

2008-06-23 Thread Ian
LOL - CoreData, not CoteData, you knew what I meant I'm sure! On 24 Jun 2008, at 01:11, Ian wrote: Hi all, I know this has been asked before... I've been searching and searching and RTFMing so I've seen the paper-trail of askees over the years... Anyway, is there any way to query CoreDat

Re: CoreData pagination

2008-06-23 Thread Jim Correia
On Jun 23, 2008, at 8:11 PM, Ian wrote: I know this has been asked before... I've been searching and searching and RTFMing so I've seen the paper-trail of askees over the years... Anyway, is there any way to query CoreData in chunks? I have a very large CoreData SQl store (>1 million) of

Re: Cocoa Text System: How to determine the caret position?

2008-06-23 Thread Graham Cox
[NSLayoutManager_inst characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex:ig]; [NSLayoutManager_inst locationForGlyphAtIndex:ig]; On 24 Jun 2008, at 8:25 am, Yung-Luen Lan wrote: Is there any way to obtain the position information based on character, not glyph? ___ C

Re: Cocoa Text System: How to determine the caret position?

2008-06-23 Thread Douglas Davidson
On Jun 23, 2008, at 5:33 PM, Graham Cox wrote: [NSLayoutManager_inst characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex:ig]; [NSLayoutManager_inst locationForGlyphAtIndex:ig]; On 24 Jun 2008, at 8:25 am, Yung-Luen Lan wrote: Is there any way to obtain the position information based on character, not glyph?

Re: CoreData pagination

2008-06-23 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 23, 2008, at 17:11, Ian wrote: Hi all, Anyway, is there any way to query CoreData in chunks? I have a very large CoreData SQl store (>1 million) of managed objects and it's taking for ever (well, tens of minutes) to load it all in, never mind to search through it all. NSFetchReq

Re: CoreData pagination

2008-06-23 Thread Jim Correia
On Jun 23, 2008, at 8:53 PM, Quincey Morris wrote: The problem is that Core Data doesn't use rows -- it doesn't have any intrinsic ordering of objects (that's why unsorted results are always sets, not arrays). There's no general concept of the "next" 1 objects. To query in chunks, you

Re: NSTreeController filter contents

2008-06-23 Thread Jens Alfke
On 23 Jun '08, at 5:10 PM, Michael Hanna wrote: How do I filter-out the contents of an NSTreeController? I saw an example with NSArrayController by overriding the [NSArrayController -arrangeObjects] method, but NSTreeController doesn't have this method. I asked about this a month or two ago,

Re: CoreData pagination

2008-06-23 Thread Ben Trumbull
Anyway, is there any way to query CoreData in chunks? I have a very large CoreData SQl store (>1 million) of managed objects and it's taking for ever (well, tens of minutes) to load it all in, never mind to search through it all. (1) Why do you want to load it all in ? (2) Why won't you let Co

Re: Cocoa Text System: How to determine the caret position?

2008-06-23 Thread Graham Cox
Yes, fair enough the problem is more complicated than I realised - I guess I assumed that insertion points were always in between glyphs but of course with ligatures etc. that isn't the case. Going back to the OP's original reason for this, My feeling is that he's going about it the wrong w

How to get a message when RETURN is pressed in a NSTextField

2008-06-23 Thread Markus Spoettl
Hello List, this is almost too embarrassing to ask but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get notified (on a NSWindowController class) when RETURN was pressed in a certain NSTextField sitting in on the window of that controller. I get -insertNewLine: when return is pressed on

Re: How to get a message when RETURN is pressed in a NSTextField

2008-06-23 Thread Kenny Leung
Hi Markus. NSTextField is a single-line entry control, so it wants to end editing when you hit return. In order to be notified, you should wire up its target outlet to be your controller and wire up its action to be an action method in your controller. If you are not familiar with target-

Re: How to get a message when RETURN is pressed in a NSTextField

2008-06-23 Thread Markus Spoettl
Hi Kenny, On Jun 23, 2008, at 9:39 PM, Kenny Leung wrote: NSTextField is a single-line entry control, so it wants to end editing when you hit return. In order to be notified, you should wire up its target outlet to be your controller and wire up its action to be an action method in your con

Re: Assert trigged in -[NSEvent eventNumber]

2008-06-23 Thread Mattias Arrelid
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 23 Jun '08, at 5:21 AM, Mattias Arrelid wrote: > >> The error claim that an >> assert has failed in -[NSEvent eventNumber] - and each time this >> occured, our custom mouse tracking seemed to stop working. >> Unfortunate