Ya but i have retained my stringRes instance variable but i can't understand
what is problem
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Andrew Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 29 May 08, at 21:13, haresh vavdiya wrote:
>> I m doing tic tac toc game and i have completed most of the parts.
>> But on
I'm using an NSURLConnection to heavily query a server (basically I'm
abstracting a MySQL database, and I have a Hessian server (basically
SOAP) on the other end handling requests.) However, I keep having
sendSyncronousRequest crash on me after periods of heavy load. The
stack trace is:
On 30.5.2008, at 00:53, Hamish Allan wrote:
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Geoff Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
3) If this is already known, is there a customary pattern for
avoiding the
problem? "Never release from observeValueForKeyPath" is a bit harsh!
I don't know if it's kno
Hi folks,
I have a custom datasource that does a fetch from Core Data. My entity
has a property in it called 'memo'.
When I enumerate the returned array to check the results I get the
following warning.
warning: 'NSEntityDescription' may not respond to '-memo'
The fetch appears to work o
Hi everyone,
We have a subclass of NSTextView (SPTextView). A couple of these have
some text with [NSColor grayColor] set as the
NSForegroundColorAttributeName. It looks good, but when the user
starts selecting text things go bad™. Since grey on light blue (the
default system selection color) isn
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:26 PM, haresh vavdiya <
> Ya but i have retained my stringRes instance variable but i can't
> understand
> what is problem
We can't see that in your code.
Use: self.stringRes = txtResult.text;
and declare a retain-property for your string ivar.
An Example:
mTable = member instance for your TableView
mData = member array which provides the data-objects.
Put the following code at a place where your table and data-source array is
initialized. Like in awakeFromNib: method.
Here I'm sorting on key "name", Change it to whatever key you ha
A better subjuct might have been "How should I use interface objects to select
command line arguments?" or something like that. The current subject adds no
value and will not help others search for information in the future.
Having said that...
One approach you might take (that will
The compiler only knows about methods declared somewhere or the
headers, and Core Data accessor methods are handled at runtime and not
declared anywhere. It's only a warning and not an error because the
compiler is smart enough to know that Objective C can do cool stuff
like that.
One so
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Peter Burtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One solution is to use [managedObject valueForKey:@"memo"] and
> [managedObject setValue:@"test123" forKey:@"memo"] instead of the accessors.
And another, if you ever want to add custom logic, is to declare memo
as a @prope
On May 30, 2008, at 12:48 AM, James W. Walker wrote:
Hi. I'm a Cocoa newbie, and I'm trying to figure out how to enable
sorting columns of my table, but the NSTableView guide doesn't say
anything about it. I see that NSTableView has a setSortDescriptors
method, NSTableColumn has a setSor
On 29 May '08, at 11:52 PM, Robert Cerny wrote:
but it's cocoa question. But I could be probably more specific - is
there anything I need to do to support saving to network volumes
using this method?
- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)flag
That'll work fine. Be sure to
On 30 May '08, at 12:55 AM, Colin Cornaby wrote:
I'm using an NSURLConnection to heavily query a server (basically
I'm abstracting a MySQL database, and I have a Hessian server
(basically SOAP) on the other end handling requests.) However, I
keep having sendSyncronousRequest crash on me af
Yes, I did try mutable copy (which still required intercepting the
"text" key when copying the shape). It didn't help.
I inserted some test code to try to figure out why it was crashing my
program. The NSTextStorage, when copied, would blow up when asking for
layoutManagers. (I was tryi
Instead of NSTextView setMarkedTextAttributes:, I think you want to
look at setSelectedTextAttributes:. "Marked text" refers to text input
that is not final. When you type option-e, NSTextView displays an
accent glyph with a yellow background. That's marked text. When you
type a letter, the
Strangely enough, I actually was already disabling the cache in my
NSURLRequest. I changed the disable caching flag to the newer constant
(NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData), and now the crash has
#0 0x90e684a6 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90e6fc9c in mach_msg
#2 0
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Colin Cornaby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Strangely enough, I actually was already disabling the cache in my
> NSURLRequest. I changed the disable caching flag to the newer constant
> (NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData), and now the crash has changed...
: slaps forehead :
Yeah, it's thread two that crashed...
#0 0x900686ec in objc_msgSend
#1 0x901a85da in CFRelease
#2 0x970a1152 in __CFHTTPMessageDeallocate
#3 0x901a8788 in _CFRelease
#4 0x970ae4a9 in _CFHTTPReadStreamReadMark
#5 0x970ae376 in prepareReception
On 30 May 2008, at 07:52, Robert Cerny wrote:
Sorry for arguing with you,
but it's cocoa question. But I could be probably more specific - is
there anything I need to do to support saving to network volumes
using this method?
- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path atomically:(BOOL)flag
On 30 May 2008, at 02:21, Ken Ferry wrote:
Well, if you use CGContextSetRGBFillColor as you said, then that sets
a device RGB colorspace up as the fill colorspace, and device
colorspaces don't do color matching. Device means 'untagged'. Which
is to say, I don't know, sounds strange.
If you did that with the version of your NIB that was showing the extra
menu item when running your application that you did not see in the
Interface Builder edit mode, then things are really weird, unless, of
course, you have some code that added that menu item, but that's not
something one do
Hello all,
I've written a very basic foundation tool who's sole purpose is to
save incoming serial data from a cu.foo socket into a log file that I
create. Real simple stuff here. Oddly, when I run the executable in
Release mode from within XCode (Apple + R) I get no problems, and it
On 30 May 2008, at 4:17 AM, Steven Hamilton wrote:
Also, any warnings or errors I get in xcode appear twice in the
bubbles. Anyone know why that is?
By default, new Xcode projects are set to the "Release" configuration
(because all software is ready to release when you begin coding it.
On May 30, 2008, at 10:51 AM, Robert Kukuchka wrote:
I've written a very basic foundation tool who's sole purpose is to
save incoming serial data from a cu.foo socket into a log file that
I create. Real simple stuff here. Oddly, when I run the executable
in Release mode from within XCode
As for the color choices to use when drawing selected color text, what
I've found most readable to my users is to continue using the selection
color as chosen by the user but to draw the text shadowed as the Finder
does it, with the text being white and the shadow color being the color
of the t
On May 30, 2008, at 3:09 AM, Peter Burtis wrote:
The compiler only knows about methods declared somewhere or the
headers, and Core Data accessor methods are handled at runtime and
not declared anywhere. It's only a warning and not an error because
the compiler is smart enough to know that
This is the approach I ended up taking:
// in MyDocument.m
- (void) saveDocument:(id)sender {
[[self windowControllers]
[super saveDocument:sender];
// in MyWindow.m
- (void) myPrepareToSave:(id)sender {
[[self window
> Well... I'm not sure that's true any more is it? I mean, don't all the
> DeviceXXX colour spaces get mapped to the new "Generic" ones as of 10.4?
I don't believe so, and that isn't what I see in testing.
I filed a bug for this yesterday. My understanding, which may be
flawed, is that using a
I'm working on a plugin that needs to do some involved setup, and I'm
handling this in a modal window since the setup has to be done in an
atomic fashion. The window also has an attached drawer. What I'm
finding is that I can open and close the drawer, and a table view in
the drawer will sc
On May 29, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Kevin Ross wrote:
I think there has to be either a better way of doing this or a way
to do it where I will not have to convert (PDFDocument *) to
CGPDFDocumentRef every time I perform a transformation.
Joel was right. I think it would be easier for you to stay in
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 3:33 PM, David Carlisle
> The myPrepareToSave method in MyWindow allowed me to experiment with the
> commitEditing method. I tried sending it to either my NSWindowController or
> to the NSArrayController which is bound to the NSCollectionView whic
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Gordon Apple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Why NSTextStorage? Because that is what Sketch uses, and I lifted as
> much code from there as I could, although I use my own Bezier text container
> when rendering it. The floating NSTextView uses it directly. I supp
Hi, Steve!
My experience is that drawers have always been buggy -- and drawers
have had issues with Garbage Collection, too, under Leopard (although
I haven't tested any drawers in a GC app since I upgraded from 10.5.2
to to 10.5.3 the other day).
Also, I've read on this list that drawers
On 5/28/08 9:15 PM, David Carlisle said:
>If I'm adding text to an NSTextField, then I select Save, somehow the
>message needs to get to the NSTextField wherever it is that it needs
>to terminate editing and send its contents to the model before the
>model is saved. I don't see how I should go ab
I'm not using Core Data. Perhaps that is part of why commitEditing
doesn't work.
I also mistakenly thought that NSWindowController was an NSController,
and would respond to a commitEditing.
On May 30, 2008, at 2:17 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
Are you using Core Data? Have you seen:
I believe a drawer is actually treated as a separate window, which
probably confuses things when attached to a window that is modal. I'm
not sure why the tableview scrolls, but this would explain why the
other controls aren't accessible.
Perhaps you could move the drawer contents into an ar
I'm binding my NSCollectionView to my NSArrayController, so I expected
sending a commitEditing to the NSArrayController would work.
On May 30, 2008, at 2:09 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 3:33 PM, David Carlisle
The myPrepareToSave method in MyWindo
I dumped the items in the drawer so they wouldn't take up real estate
unless needed since they can be on the bulky side. I ended up
scrapping the drawer and just putting the items in the window itself.
Bigger window but fewer issues.
On May 30, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Andrew Mer
Thanks everyone. Good answers all round.
On 31/05/2008, at 4:51 AM, mmalc crawford wrote:
On May 30, 2008, at 3:09 AM, Peter Burtis wrote:
The compiler only knows about methods declared somewhere or the
headers, and Core Data accessor methods are handled at runtime and
not declared anywh
I'm still wondering if there is any plug-in or extension type
architecture that enables applications to cooperate with the
TimeMachine backups much like Apples Mail or AddressBook application.
Does anyone know, how those things might be accomplished ?
Ralf Edmund Stranzenbach
The compiler only knows about methods declared somewhere or the
headers, and Core Data accessor methods are handled at runtime and
not declared anywhere. It's only a warning and not an error because
the compiler is smart enough to know that Objective C can do cool
stuff like that.
One solut
On May 30, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Ralf Edmund Stranzenbach wrote:
I'm still wondering if there is any plug-in or extension type
architecture that enables applications to cooperate with the
TimeMachine backups much like Apples Mail or AddressBook application.
Does anyone know, how those things m
On 30 May 2008, at 20:33, David Carlisle wrote:
This is the approach I ended up taking:
// in MyDocument.m
- (void) saveDocument:(id)sender {
[[self windowControllers]
[super saveDocument:sender];
// in MyWindow.m
- (void)
After your suggestion, I recalled and reviewed figure 6 about "Saving
a Document" in the Document Based Applications Overview. That made it
clear to me that saveDocument does call the saveDocumentWithDelegate
Then I tried your scenario of closing an unsaved doc. Under the old
This is from the CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB docs:
In Mac OS X v10.4 and later, this color space is no longer device-
dependent and is replaced by the generic counterpart—
kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB—described in “Color Space Names”. If you use
this function in Mac OS X v10.4 and later, colors ar
What are you looking to accomplish with Time Machine?
Ralf Edmund Stranzenbach wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm still wondering if there is any plug-in or extension type
> architecture that enables applications to cooperate with the TimeMachine
> backups much like Apples Mail or AddressBook applica
Thanks to Hamish and Kai for their suggestions - the help is much
appreciated. For now, I'm just being careful to autorelease where
there is a potential problem, as Kai suggested. (Though I suspect
that, in general, it's equivalent to the halting problem to determine
which instances of rel
I am working on my first full fledge application. Now, my problem lies
within that all my data and the main functionality of my application
is coming from a RESTful API application on the web. I am having
trouble sending headers and configuring the authentication and it just
I'm sure this has been asked before, but a brief Google search didn't
turn up anything.
I have a button "Print Label". I would like it to say "Print Labels"
when more than one label is selected in the Tree Controller view. Is
it possible to do this with Alt. Titles and bindings in IB? Or mu
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Rick Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm sure this has been asked before, but a brief Google search didn't turn
> up anything.
> I have a button "Print Label". I would like it to say "Print Labels" when
> more than one label is selected in the Tree Controller v
Anyone want to take a stab at explaining to me as thoroughly as
possible why
[super respondsToSelector: aSelector]
doesn't actually do what it looks like it should do?
Bonus points if you can explain why I can override the
respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector method in my object and a
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Russ McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems like either an infinite loop should occur if respondsToSelector is
> really being called on self, or it should return NO if it's called on super,
> in which case my delegate method in self should never get called.
Hi team,
Thank for giving me answer.
I want to do one small clock for my iPhone but i can't understand
how can i get current system time?
I have read about NSDate, NSTimer but i can't understand how to
use that class for getting current system time?
Please guide me
On 30 May '08, at 11:22 PM, Russ McBride wrote:
Anyone want to take a stab at explaining to me as thoroughly as
possible why
[super respondsToSelector: aSelector]
doesn't actually do what it looks like it should do?
Sure. "super" does not mean "my superclass". It means "self, but st
On 30 May 08, at 23:22, Russ McBride wrote:
Anyone want to take a stab at explaining to me as thoroughly as
possible why
[super respondsToSelector: aSelector]
doesn't actually do what it looks like it should do?
Keep in mind that, ordinarily, respondsToSelector: is implemented on
On 30 May '08, at 11:40 PM, haresh vavdiya wrote:
I want to do one small clock for my ** but i can't
If you keep using that word here even after repeated warnings, the
moderator is going to ban you. I am not kidding.
I have read about NSDate, NSTimer but
On 30 May 08, at 23:40, haresh vavdiya wrote:
Thank for giving me answer.
I want to do one small clock for my iPhone but i can't
how can i get current system time?
I have read about NSDate, NSTimer but i can't understand
how to
use that class for gett
On May 30, 2008, at 11:40 PM, haresh vavdiya wrote:
I have read about NSDate, NSTimer but i can't understand how to use
that class for getting current system time?
You could use +[NSDate date], as it according to the documentation:
"Creates and returns a new date set to the current
On 30 May '08, at 7:16 PM, Jeremy wrote:
Now, I need to figure out how to use set GET, but I think that is
working. The problem and it is crashing is because it is being
encoded by every other method.
What? That sentence was incomprehensible. Apologies if you're not a
native English spea
On May 30, 2008, at 11:43 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:
If you actually want to ask a question of your class's superclass,
you have to do so directly:
[[[self class] superclass] instancesRespondToSelector: aSelector]
Well... yeah... you *can* do that.
But *don't do that*. (And I know Jens
On May 31, 2008, at 1:22 AM, Russ McBride wrote:
Anyone want to take a stab at explaining to me as thoroughly as
possible why
[super respondsToSelector: aSelector]
doesn't actually do what it looks like it should do?
Bonus points if you can explain why I can override the
61 matches
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