OK, after much beating of head against wall, I found the issue.
'Twas the way the #import statements were set up. Once I moved the
Cocoa & Carbon imports to the header file that cleared up quite a bit
of my issues. Also, I believe I had some of my own ignorance tossed
in as well
Also, if I take out the #import statement from the .m file, I get a
compiler warning about a "forward class." I don't know if that means
anything truly important or not (but that was when i figured I forgot
the #import part). If I can ignore that, then I may get my app to
And so the fun ensues...
I'm working with the (slightly, deprecated in 10.5) older ICA (as the
newer doesn't work).
I've brought over the code base from the SampleScanner application in
the Carbon->ImageCapture->Examples folder and applied it to mine own
Before I attempt