On Mar 15, 2015, at 7:58 PM, Patrick J. Collins
> And guess what? result is always false... Which makes me wonder why in their
> documentation do they suggest that result == nil check? But, I am confused
> why
> it's recreating views from scratch anytime the table content changes?
> On 16 Mar 2015, at 11:58 am, Patrick J. Collins
> wrote:
> The problem is, there is quite an obnoxious lag between spinner being
> hidden and table view contents actually updating. I am assuming because
> this is a 13 column x several hundred rows,
That's a big table... sure it's the righ
> You probably want to rethink what you mean by "processing of data".
> The table ALWAYS lazy loads, and only asks your data source for the
> row it needs when it needs them. The user scrolls, more rows needed,
> your data source supplies them. This is all VIEW stuff, nothing to do
> with data pro
> On 14 Mar 2015, at 4:43 pm, Patrick J. Collins
> wrote:
> Is there a way to determine when the table has actually finished drawing
> itself so I can hook into that?
You probably want to rethink what you mean by "processing of data". The table
ALWAYS lazy loads, and only asks your data so
I am trying to have a progress spinner show upon processing of data, and
hide upon completeion of rendering all the columns/rows of my table...
The problem is, if I do something like:
if (row == lastRow) [self hideSpinner]
This does not get called until I physically scroll to the end of my