I would suspect that the UIImageView's autoresizingMask might be the culprit
- if it isn't UIViewAutoresizingNone, then the frame may be resizing itself
when rotated. Sometimes it is less trouble to create your own
UITableViewCell subclass and have full control over your subviews instead of
Thanks for the reply, Julius. I had the mode set to
Setting it to UIViewContentModeCenter does allow the image to rotate
undistorted, but the frame is still ridiculously distorted. And look at
the massive difference in distortion for a tiny difference in angle betwe
Check self.thumbImageView.contentMode - it's probably the default
UIViewContentModeScaleToFill (should be UIViewContentModeCenter). Also
ensure that the UIImage that you provide really has square dimensions. I had
the exact same issue when rotating the UIImageView of a UIButton...
> I have a UIIma