Op 4-10-2010 14:55, Roland King schreef:
No. writeToFile: writes a property list representation of the dictionary and
It has to be strings because that's the definition of a property list and that
method writes a property list representation.
On 04-Oct-2010, at 9:00 PM, Remco Poelstra wrote:
> Op 4-10-2010 14:55, Roland King schreef:
>> http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/Pro
In the NSDictionary documentation it is stated that NSNumber objects are valid
property list objects.
But when I create a dictionary with NSNumbers as keys, writeToFile: fails. If I
use strings, then it succeeds. Is it possible to use NSNumbers as keys and have
the, read/written from/to fil
No. writeToFile: writes a property list representation of the dictionary and
from the above you can see that NSDiction