Tried that already, and it only lead to other weird stuff. Consider
this: If PDFView obeyed all of the normal laws Cocoa printing,
wouldn't PDFView's printWithInfo:autoRotate: be unnecessary?
Not that this really matters anymore, since I ended up taking the long
route and writing a custom NSView s
Why are you using a different pattern for printing your PDF view than
you are using for your regular view? Use NSPrintOpertaion and
-setShowPanels: as described in
--Kyle Sluder
On Wed, Jan
I have a situation where I want to print a multi-page PDF. While I
could use the PDFKit utility classes and/or quartz functions to get
the information to manually write drawing/pagination code for a NSView
subclass, I had thought that quicker alternative would be to create an
off-screen PDFView and