What are the min and max values? The defaults in IB are 20 and 100,
so maybe you aren't seeing anything because the initial value of 0.5
is too small.
On Jan 22, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Aaron Wallis wrote:
Yeah, I realised that "%d" should be "%f" shorly after I send the
email - however
Yeah, I realised that "%d" should be "%f" shorly after I send the
email - however, even after I changed it the progress indicator still
didn't update itself, and the value echo'ed was 20.5!?
I tried tinkering with the intdeterminate setting but, although it
stopped the barber shop animation
On Jan 22, 2009, at 3:31 AM, Aaron Wallis wrote:
As an example, i've got a controller which has a NSProgressIndicator
bound to it through IB, and on the awakeFromNib method I've got a
little bit of code:
double tD = 0.5;
[progressBar setDoubleValue:tD];
If I remember correctly, %d requires an integer
On Jan 22, 2009, at 11:31 AM, Aaron Wallis wrote:
double tD = 0.5;
[progressBar setDoubleValue:tD];
NSLog(@"%d", [progressBar doubleValue]);
Hi there,
This is probably a really obvious bug, but I can't seem to get my
NSProgressIndicator to show progress when using incrementBy: or
As an example, i've got a controller which has a NSProgressIndicator
bound to it through IB, and on the awakeFromNib method I've got