Heh, it actually works currently though. That is a straight copy from
my running code.
Oh, I get it now! selectedObjects is obviously an array, so when I
send valueForKey:@"xml" to it, I get an array of the results of that
call on each element - thus requiring lastObject.
So really the la
Am 20.02.2010 um 16:29 schrieb Mikkel Eide Eriksen:
> NSData *xmlData = (NSData *)[[[treeController selectedObjects]
> valueForKey:@"xml"] lastObject]; //HERE'S THE PROBLEM
Well, yes.
You ask your xml for lastObject. That won’t work.
What you want is this:
[[[treeController selectedObjec
Hi Jerry
Thanks for the reply, here are the methods in question. Bear in mind
I'm still new to Core Data so there are probably some grievous things
going on (the project is GC, by the way).
addXML:toBucket:atPath: gets called when self receives new XML. I
choose from the added XML via an
I've put a small NSXMLDocument into a Core Data binary property like this:
NSManagedObject *object = /* ... */
NSXMLDocument *xmlDoc = /* ... */
[object setValue:[xmlDoc XMLData] forKey:@"xml"];
When I go to retrieve it, it's wrapped in an array:
(gdb) print-object