Hi List,
A follow up. I’m reasonably sure this was a binding issue. I had connected the
‘dataSource’ outlet and implemented the data source methods and also bound the
NSCollectionView to the ‘arrangedObjects’ binding of the same
NSArrayController. The binding always failed, but using the data s
Thanks Rob. I can confirm that ‘prepareForReuse()’ is *not* called after the
‘reloadData()’ call. I can also confirm the Data Source functions still contain
the expected information. Again, this is an interesting case where the working
Collection View behaves as expected (prepareForReuse() is ca
NSCollectionView, like NSTableView/NSOutlineView, will reuse existing views
instead of recreating them when it can to speed up the UI. This is most
commonly used during scrolling where views that scroll out of view will be
reused with new data and scrolled into view. It will call -prepareForReus
Hello list,
I’ve encountered a bug for the life of me I can’t work out. I’m restricted to
supporting Mojave (10.14) for the time being, so it is possible this has been
fixed / not an issue on later releases. This is a Core Data backed application,
with several Xib loaded views that are swapped