On Feb 11, 2010, at 2:45 AM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
> [(XWSDefaultComponentView *)[component view] setString:[valueString string]];
The -setString: method takes a plain NSString. So you stripped out your
formatting when calling it.
To put an NSAttributedString into an NSTextView, you replace the
On 11/02/2010, at 9:45 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:
> [(XWSDefaultComponentView *)[component view] setString:[valueString string]];
> But when I display the NSTextViuew all the string its without any style, no
> bold, no colors no nothing..
> Any ideas what might I being doing wrong?
Im creating an HTMLString form a NSTextView like this:
NSArray * exclude = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"doctype", @"html", @"head",
NSDictionary * htmlAtt = [NSDictionary