> @implementation NSData (NSDataDigestCategory)
> - (NSString *)sha1 {
> uint8_t digest[CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH];
> CC_SHA1([self bytes], [self length], digest);
> // use an uppercase X to get an uppercase hash
> NSString *hash = [NSString
> stringWithFormat:@"%02
Your implementation should work, but I have a few suggestions for you.
* Unless you need HMAC specifically, the function you are using is in
* In general, I think Apple discourages relying on the output of the
"description", although I see that the documentation for NSData states that
It was just I need to add header. But above code
didn't work. But following encoded to SHA-1 correctly..
I would like to know whether it encodes right ? or Not ?
+(NSString *)stringToSha1:(NSString *)hashkey{
// Using UTF8Encoding
const char *s = [hashkey cStringUsingEncoding:NSU
In order to get this I found following code, but I need to import some
frameworks into my code. Could somebody kindly point how can achieve SHA-1
Encrypted string in iPhone. I get few errors compiling since I do not have
necessary framework to use this.. :(
+(NSString *)stringToSha1:(NSString