Alternatively, you can create an NSMenu and use the class method
+ (void)popUpContextMenu:(NSMenu *)menu withEvent:(NSEvent *)event
forView:(NSView *)view
to pop it up.
Preston Jackson
On Mar 2, 2009, at 11:06 AM, Benjamin Dobson wrote:
On 2 Mar 2009, at
On 2 Mar 2009, at 16:42:00, Ulai Beekam wrote:
How do I create a Safari-style pop-up menu? I'm talking about the
pop-up menu (be sure to correct me if this thing is not even called
a pop-up menu) that appears when you click the ">>" button to show
off-screen tabs.
Just open Safari
How do I create a Safari-style pop-up menu? I'm talking about the pop-up menu
(be sure to correct me if this thing is not even called a pop-up menu) that
appears when you click the ">>" button to show off-screen tabs.
Just open Safari (use version 3) and keep creating new tabs until the "