Hmm, now I've done a bit more research (my heads puggled with it
all ;) ) I believe none of those options are appropriate.
Taking a more basic look at the issue the solution appears quite
simple. I have an entity that contains data. I have a table that needs
to display that data in a slight
On May 13, 2008, at 5:12 AM, Steven Hamilton wrote:
How would I best handle translating the data from the entity model
to the view model? I see two options;
1) Munge around with Valuetransformers. If toAccount = selected
account then credit = amount, debit = blank, opposite if from
I must admit the bindings for this are really playing with my head. I
struggled quite immensely getting the selection from the
treecontroller and in the end it started working without me fully
understanding why. I have further complications to come as I have the
decide whether the transaction am
I think I haven't explained myself properly. I already have the
bindings worked out much as you have below however I can't achieve the
functionality I'm after using the standard method.
If my transaction entity has;
memo (string)
date (date)
amount (NSNumber)
fromAccount (reverse of debit)
In my app I have a similar setup, although without the detail view.
I have the Table Column of my NSOutlineView bound to a
NSTreeController using the Controller Key "arrangedObjects" and the
Model Key Path set to the name of a method in the custom
NSManagedObject subclass that my N
Hi folks,
Continuing my learning into Cocoa I'm developing a personal finance
application. An admirable project I believe since none available suit
my purposes and it always pays to have a project that one would use to
learn from.
I have a simple core data model consisting of AccountGroup,