I'm left wondering "Under what circumstances would +[NSExpression
expressionForFunction:selectorName:arguments:] be useful.
An example would be helpful, but I sure wasn't able to find one.
Meanwhile, I switched to a simple bounds check, which works just fine.
Thanks for your time.
- Ron
On No
On 2009 Nov 27, at 12:23, Ron Aldrich wrote:
> but I'd very much like to understand why this isn't working.
> On Nov 25, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Alexander Spohr wrote:
>> I am not sure if that works at all. I never fetched using methods that are
>> not part of the database as a qualifier.
The documentation for expressionForFunction: makes a point of stating:
> This expression effectively allows your application to invoke any method on
> any object it can navigate to at runtime. You must consider the security
> implications of this type of evaluation.
Which would indicate
I am not sure if that works at all. I never fetched using methods that are not
part of the database as a qualifier. Your code has to be very slow because it
would need to fetch all Photos and then call distanceFromLatitude:longitude: on
Why not qualify directly using a bounding rect
Hello All,
I'm trying to query a Core Data database which contains geoLocation information
for all of the objects of type "Photo" which are within a specified distance of
a target point, using the following code.
- (NSArray*) photosNearLatitude: (NSNumber*) inLatitude