On Sat, 29 Sep 2012 17:52:23 -0400, Eric Gorr said:
>I am trying to wrap my head around the auto-layout functionality.
There are at least three (count them three) WWDC 2012 videos about this, and I
strongly recommend that you touch *nothing* until you have watched all of them.
matt neubu
You probably want to set the content hugging priority of the button to a lower
value (probably UILayoutPriorityDefaultLow). By default, buttons have an
intrinsic constraint that says they don't like to grow vertically (it likes to
"hug" its content strongly in the vertical direction).
I am trying to wrap my head around the auto-layout functionality.
I have a sample project at:
After opening the project, take a look at ELGFirstViewController.xib.
This app will only be used in landscape.
On this XIB, there are three object