Thank you very much for the suggestion. This looks to me to be the
best approach to use so I will forgo the very complex subclassing of
NSTabView I had begun in favor of this.
On Apr 14, 2008, at 1:49 AM, Francisco Tolmasky wrote:
Take a look at drawLabel:inRect and sizeOfLabel: in NSTabVi
You and one other both made this suggestion to me and examining it, it
is certainly the easiest and most logical way to go. Which is probably
why it did not occur to me. Thank you very much for your suggestion, I
think this is the approach I will use.
On Apr 13, 2008, at 9:26 PM, Sean Murph
Take a look at drawLabel:inRect and sizeOfLabel: in NSTabViewItem
If however, you want do something more complex, consider putting the
tabview in borderless mode, making your own UI around it, and just
calling selectTabViewItem: appropriately.
On Apr 13, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Development wrote:
Is it possible to create a tabview who's tabviewitems have a custom
look, For instance, the label is horizontal when the tabs are on the
side, or can have icons? If so could I get a pointer to some info as
I cant seem to find any.
Rather tha
Is it possible to create a tabview who's tabviewitems have a custom
look, For instance, the label is horizontal when the tabs are on the
side, or can have icons? If so could I get a pointer to some info as I
cant seem to find any.
Cocoa-dev ma