Re: saving filename suggestion in NSSavePanel

2008-12-23 Thread Douglas A. Welton
Hi Nick, re-read the doc for NSSavePanel and check out the methods: -runModalForDirectory:file: -beginSheetForDirectory:file:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector on 12/23/08 4:17 PM, Nick Rogers at wrote: > Hi, > I looked the docs for NSSavePanel, but it doesn't

Re: problem with IKImageView and filters

2008-07-08 Thread douglas a. welton
Hi Hamish, Am I reading correctly that you have two IKImageViews stacked on top on one another? Is there a reason that you aren't using Core Image and using one of the compositing filters to produce a "difference" that you can then display? do the items you are currently displaying in t

Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread douglas a. welton
Hi Gordon, I'm not sure what you really want to do is -removeAllAnimations. I suspect that you probably want to temporarily disable animation within the scope of a CATransaction. Take a look at the code found here:

Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread douglas a. welton
See my comments embedded below... On Jul 7, 2008, at 3:42 PM, Gordon Apple wrote: I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers. I obviously don't understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated

Re: Save animation to QuickTime movie?

2008-06-21 Thread douglas a. welton
I would suggest that you take a look at the sample code for CocoaMovieCreate and MakeEffectMovie. If an off the shelf product can't help you (Have you tried using AppleScript with QT Player to accomplish your goal?), then these two examples should give you enough of the basics to get you t

Re: cutting an image into multiple images

2008-06-21 Thread douglas a. welton
Depending on what you are going to do with the "sub-images" once you create them, you might want to consider using a CIImage with the CICrop core image filter. On Jun 21, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Dharmendra wrote: Hi, I am trying to get a user-defined image in specific format (m x nm) and want t

Re: Passing CGImageSourceRef to IKImageView

2008-06-16 Thread douglas a. welton
Jonathan, I don't think you missed anything. I do believe that documentation is somewhat misleading for this class. I was in the same situation as you, so I simply decided to get a CGImageRef (with the associated CGImageProperties) from my CGImageSourceRef object and use the -(void)setIm

Re: Where is CIFilterBrowser?

2008-06-09 Thread douglas a. welton
The widget used to be available when you logged in to the ADC site. My quick check didn't find it there, so it may be history. If you want to make your own version of the widget, open the documentation for the Core Image Filter Reference in Safari and fire up the Core Image Fun House app a

Re: Filling screen under menu bar and above dock

2008-06-09 Thread douglas a. welton
Check out NSScreen documentation for the -(NSRect)visibleFrame method. On Jun 9, 2008, at 6:49 AM, Memo Akten wrote: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Received: from [] with

Re: Drawing over a QTCaptureView

2008-06-07 Thread douglas a. welton
HI Gordon, perhaps I'm missing something really basic (and if I am please set me straight)... Have you tried using CICrop to clip the CIImage? To me, that would seem like a straightforward solution to your needs and get rid of any conversion to an NSImage and back. Additionally, CIAffi

Re: Drawing over a QTCaptureView

2008-06-06 Thread douglas a. welton
Gordon, Would you post a snippet of your code. I'm curious as to how you're approaching this. regards, douglas On Jun 5, 2008, at 9:26 PM, Gordon Apple wrote: After receiving this, I tried something similar for clipping. After I cut in the filter, it worked for a few seconds, then s

Re: Drawing over a QTCaptureView

2008-06-05 Thread douglas a. welton
Ben, one more suggestion - subclass the QTCaptureView and add a CALayer. Then, do your drawing on the CALayer, as opposed to the the QTCaptureView's Layer. I haven't tried this myself, so it may not work... but if it does, it provides a way for you to do your drawing without having to

Re: Drawing over a QTCaptureView

2008-06-04 Thread douglas a. welton
Ben, check out the documentation for QTCaptureView delegate: - (CIImage *)view:(QTCaptureView *)view willDisplayImage :(CIImage *)image this will give you access to the display pipeline. later, douglas On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:01 PM, Ben Lachman wrote: I'm wonder what's the easiest way to d

Re: ImageCapture API versions

2008-05-20 Thread douglas a. welton
Rick, Have you seen the IKPictureTaker class? I haven't used it, but here's what the documentation says... The IKPictureTaker class represents a panel that allows users to choose images by browsing the file system. The picture taker panel provides an Open Recent menu, supports image crop

Re: how to update the view of NSPrintOperation ?

2008-05-14 Thread douglas a. welton
On May 14, 2008, at 2:46 AM, debin lei wrote: 1. When i implement printing with cocoa, an NSPrintOperation object is created to control the print operation (see the NSPrintOperation class description for details). NSPrintOperation * printOp = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:viewToP

Re: Snazzy open-source slideshow controls

2008-04-29 Thread douglas a. welton
Ben, Have you taken a look at the IKSlideShow class in ImageKit? You can see it demonstrated in the IKSlideShowDemo sample code. regards, douglas On Apr 28, 2008, at 5:48 PM, Ben Kazez wrote: Hi everyone, An app I'm developing has a full-screen slideshow-like view that would benefit g

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-25 Thread douglas a. welton
conversion code NSBitmapImageRep* bitmap = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCIImage: image]; ... } regards, nikolai Am 25.04.2008 um 16:43 schrieb douglas a. welton: Nikolai, Can you post a snippet of the code you are using for the conversion? regards, douglas On Apr 25, 2008, at 9

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-25 Thread douglas a. welton
Nikolai, Can you post a snippet of the code you are using for the conversion? regards, douglas On Apr 25, 2008, at 9:04 AM, Nikolai Hellwig wrote: Hey, thank you very much. it helped a lot. but i still got one problem. The image I derive from NSBitmapImageRep initWithCIImage is much

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-25 Thread douglas a. welton
ry much to everyone for the suggestions and help! Bob On Apr 24, 2008, at 6:34 PM, douglas a. welton wrote: Bob, Scott took the words right out of my keyboard... ;^} Have you taken a look at the QCTV sample code? It does almost exactly what you want. regards, douglas On Apr 24, 2008,

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-24 Thread douglas a. welton
Bob, Scott took the words right out of my keyboard... ;^} Have you taken a look at the QCTV sample code? It does almost exactly what you want. regards, douglas On Apr 24, 2008, at 9:16 PM, Scott Anguish wrote: On Apr 24, 2008, at 9:05 PM, Bob Smith wrote: In my case all I want to do is

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-23 Thread douglas a. welton
mith wrote: On Apr 23, 2008, at 10:05 AM, douglas a. welton wrote: QTMovieView has a delegate method - (CIImage*) view: (QTMovieView *)Target_View willDisplayImage: (CIImage *)New_Image This method gives you a CIImage to play with before it is displayed in the Target_View. Check the

Re: QTMovie grabing while playback

2008-04-23 Thread douglas a. welton
Nikolai, QTMovieView has a delegate method - (CIImage*) view: (QTMovieView *)Target_View willDisplayImage: (CIImage *)New_Image This method gives you a CIImage to play with before it is displayed in the Target_View. Check the header file for QTMovieView.h (near the bottom). I think th

Re: HUD-style panel controls?

2008-04-14 Thread douglas a. welton
Jacob, You may want to look at applying one or more of the numerous filters available to you when you make your controls layer backed. I did this with most of the controls in my HUD for an image editing application and it works just fine. "Color Monochrome" is your friend! Using filters

Getting the mouse location in a CAlayer's coordinates

2008-04-08 Thread douglas a. welton
Hi All, Would someone provide me a pointer for how to get the mouse location in the coordinate system of a transformed layer that is underneath the mouse. I thought I could do something like this: Mouse_Location = [Target_Layer convertPoint: NSPointToCGPoint( [NSEvent mouseLocation] ) f

Re: Delegate not getting called for CATiledLayer

2008-04-06 Thread douglas a. welton
in this manner, then in the init method make sure you switch needsDisplayOnBoundsChange to YES and then put some drawing code into - (void) drawInContext:(CGContextRef)ctx I'd be keen on knowing how you get on with this - ping me back if it works :-) --- john clayton shiny

Delegate not getting called for CATiledLayer

2008-04-05 Thread douglas a. welton
Hi all, I'm developing an application that uses a CATiledLayer to host several sublayers full of user manipulated image content. The user can set any size for the CATiledLayer and therein lies the rub. If I set a size with both horizontal and vertical dimensions less than 2046, my - draw

Re: QTKit Capture Filtering

2008-04-04 Thread douglas a. welton
Bridger, Check out the documentation on QTCaptureDecopressedvideoOutput. If I read correctly, you should be able to use the CVImageBufferRef sent to the delegate method - captureOutput:didOutputVideoFrame:withSampleBuffer:fromConnection: as the source for your Core Image based processing.

Re: Alternating Button

2008-04-03 Thread douglas a. welton
Gerriet, Check out the function GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers() in the Carbon Event Manager reference: rega

Re: Alternating Button

2008-04-02 Thread douglas a. welton
Gerriet, Check out the documentation on User Interface Validation: This should get you going in the right direction. Alternately, you can listen for the NSWindowDidUpdateNotification and ma

Re: Ignore mouse in QTMovieView

2008-03-12 Thread douglas a. welton
subclass QTMovieView and override the -mouseDown method... On Mar 12, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Herr Thomas Bartelmess wrote: Hello my problem is: i have a QTMovieView. Is there a possibility to make is immune for mouseclicks, so that it can't be controled? Thanks for any help Thomas ___

Re: Animated button

2008-02-27 Thread douglas a. welton
On Feb 26, 2008, at 1:49 PM, I. Savant wrote: I'd suggest core animation as the easiest route but i'm sort of partial. For my own enlightenment, can you outline generally how this would be accomplished with Core Animation? I'm very interested. The Core Animation Programming guide has some

Re: QuickTime Callback

2008-02-25 Thread douglas a. welton
Check the documentation for QTMovie and you'll find the QTMovieDidEndNotification, which is posted upon completion of a movie's playback. On Feb 25, 2008, at 5:21 AM, ali alavi wrote: Hi everyone I have a list of audio segments (specified by a file name and start time and duration). Wha