Re: NSProxy/NSInvocation question

2010-06-28 Thread Paul Forgey
parameter. In this case, the method took no arguments, so the method signature was saying it returned an instance, took a selector as the instance type and had no selector. On Jun 28, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Paul Forgey wrote: > I am writing an NSProxy subclass to generically marshal and forw

NSProxy/NSInvocation question

2010-06-28 Thread Paul Forgey
I am writing an NSProxy subclass to generically marshal and forward invocations. I have read previous mailing list posts on this topic. For reasons I cannot explain and shouldn't be happening according to my interpretation of the documentation, [NSInvocation selector] is throwing an NSInvalidA


2010-01-21 Thread Paul Forgey
Are there any known conditions under which an NSTabView won't call its delegate methods? I can confirm in awakeFromNib the tab view's delegate is properly set to self (as per the outlet set in Interface Builder). Yet, none of the tab view delegate methods are ever being called in my class. - (

setting a preference pane anchor name

2010-01-13 Thread Paul Forgey
I would like enable my preference pane to reveal a particular tab from Apple Script, such that: tell application "System Preferences" reveal anchor "Foo" of pane id "com.example.preferences.Bar" I cannot find anywhere how my preference pane would declare or specify the "Foo" anchor or associat