I have an OutlineView. Whenever I drag and drop a child item within the
Outline-View my application crashes when I open do an "NSAlert runModal"
like in the code below:
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView acceptDrop:(id <
NSDraggingInfo >)info item:(id)item childIndex:(NS
On 06/30/20 18:46, James Walker via Cocoa-dev wrote:
My code (working in Catalina) is
- (BOOL)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
writeRepresentedObjects:(NSArray *)objects
toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
[pboard clearContents];
return [pboard writeObjects:objects];
>> in my application I have several NSTokenField - objects that are used to
>> drag them into a text field to build up a string by some tokens.
>> However, since Catalina dragging of those NSTokenField - objects does not
>> work anymore.
>> In Xcode I get the following message:
>> ": There wa
in my application I have several NSTokenField - objects that are used to drag
them into a text field to build up a string by some tokens.
However, since Catalina dragging of those NSTokenField - objects does not work
In Xcode I get the following message:
": There was an exceptio