Hi Amy,
It might be helpful if you could post an extract from your mapping method, or
the whole thing if it's short. The last time I had a problem of this kind it
turned out I had made a stupid error which only became obvious after I had left
the problem for a week and then returned to it with
Thanks to everyone who replied. I always like to find a handy tool
that I didn't know about before. I missed the arrival of Instruments
with Leopard, but I'll be using in future...
It turns out that my problem was me being a bit slack with the
starting and stopping of a QTCaptureSe
I have recently expanded the functionality of my app, and in the
process I have caused an error to occur when the app's document window
is closed or the app is quit. The error is triggered when i call
[super dealloc], and the log reports:
*** -[MyDocument respondsToSelector:]: mess
I achieved this recently by learning from the example of "MyRecorder"
on the Apple developer website. If you want a copy of the code that I
used to get it working please e-mail me and I'll send it to you. I
don't want to post it here as it's probably more appropriate to the QT-
API list, and
I have an application that saves several pieces of data, most of which
are simple NSMutableArrays. To keep things tidy and flexible, I encode
all of these into separate file wrappers within a directory file
wrapper. This works fine.
Now, I have a QTMovie that I would also like to s