Re: Core Data observer exception in 10.6

2009-08-31 Thread David Sinclair
ocuments from previous versions (with no model changes) or from this version both fail. -- David Sinclair, Dejal Systems, LLC - Dejal blog - Cocoa code - Twitter - ___

Re: Core Data observer exception in 10.6

2009-08-29 Thread David Sinclair
On Aug 29, 2009, at 14:35:23, Kyle Sluder wrote: On Aug 29, 2009, at 1:48 PM, David Sinclair wrote: In a Core Data-based app that works fine in 10.5.x, I now get an exception as follows in 10.6 when opening a document. It targets 10.5, and the same exception occurs when rebuilding on

Core Data observer exception in 10.6

2009-08-29 Thread David Sinclair
bleImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"GenericDocument"]; self.text = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Text" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext]; } @end But the exception occurs even if I comment out the contents of - awakeFromInsert. And Tex

[ANN} Introducing DSActivityView for iPhone

2009-08-04 Thread David Sinclair
style "Loading..." view (or custom text); DSBezelActivityView, which provides an animated gray bezel, and DSKeyboardActivityView, which displays over the keyboard. For information about usage, a demo movie, how to get it and more, see: <>

Attributed string to HTML: invalid image URLs

2009-02-19 Thread David Sinclair
dictionaryWithObject:NSHTMLTextDocumentType forKey:NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute]; NSFileWrapper *wrapper = [output fileWrapperFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [output length]) documentAttributes:attributes error:nil]; return (wrapper && [wrapper writeToFile:path atomically:N

Package data store for app with agents

2008-07-06 Thread David Sinclair
My other idea is to use single independent Core Data SQLite stores for the main app and agents as a kind of cache, and write a custom copy of the data in the file packages, and keep them in synch. But that seems less elegant (and more hazardous) to me. -- David Sinclair, Dejal Systems, LL

Re: How do I use a WebView in a modal dialog?

2008-04-25 Thread David Sinclair
Run the window containing the WebView in a separate thread with its own run loop? Get rid of WebView altogether and go straight to WebFrame (this sounds hard)? Tickle the runloop. See my blog post about this: <> -- Dav