ocuments from previous versions (with
no model changes) or from this version both fail.
David Sinclair, Dejal Systems, LLC - d...@dejal.com
Dejal blog - http://www.dejal.com/blog/
Cocoa code - http://www.dejal.com/developer/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/dejal/
On Aug 29, 2009, at 14:35:23, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Aug 29, 2009, at 1:48 PM, David Sinclair wrote:
In a Core Data-based app that works fine in 10.5.x, I now get an
exception as follows in 10.6 when opening a document. It targets
10.5, and the same exception occurs when rebuilding on
bleImage = [NSImage imageNamed:@"GenericDocument"];
self.text = [NSEntityDescription
But the exception occurs even if I comment out the contents of -
And Tex
style "Loading..." view (or custom text);
DSBezelActivityView, which provides an animated gray bezel, and
DSKeyboardActivityView, which displays over the keyboard.
For information about usage, a demo movie, how to get it and more, see:
NSFileWrapper *wrapper = [output
fileWrapperFromRange:NSMakeRange(0, [output length])
documentAttributes:attributes error:nil];
return (wrapper && [wrapper writeToFile:path atomically:N
My other idea is to use single independent Core Data SQLite stores for
the main app and agents as a kind of cache, and write a custom copy of
the data in the file packages, and keep them in synch. But that seems
less elegant (and more hazardous) to me.
David Sinclair, Dejal Systems, LL
Run the window containing the WebView in a separate
thread with its own run loop? Get rid of WebView altogether and go
straight to WebFrame (this sounds hard)?
Tickle the runloop. See my blog post about this: