Hello list,
I have all the songs from iTunes as iTunesFileTracks (via Scripting Bridge). I
want to write new tag information back into the tracks. I can do "song.name =
newSongTitle;" and that works most of the time. Sometimes it fails. Sometimes
it writes "msng" into the name (which is a catat
m 08:22 schrieb Jens Alfke:
> On Aug 24, 2011, at 4:02 AM, David Dengg wrote:
>> NSDictionary * xmldict = [NSDictionary
>> dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:libraryXML];
> Try loading it using NSPropertyListSerialization, which will return an
Hello list,
one of my customers is reporting that my app does not find the "iTunes Music
Library.xml" file. Its there and its filled with data. His iTunes runs fine. He
send me the file and to my eyes it looks fine. The way i load it is with:
NSDictionary * xmldict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWit